
Five PS3 Games to Watch For at E3 2008

PS3 Informer lists the five PS3 games they are most excited about at E3, as well as the questions they would like to ask developers. No, Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 are not on the list.

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Jamie Foxx5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

no doubt fallout will be great,assassins needs alt of work but those are mu;ti-plat titles wouldnt it have been better to make the list exclusive titles?who writes these sh!te articles

clinker5875d ago

At least the list doesn't have the predictable Sony exclusive titles on there. I am so sick of hearing about Killzone 2 it's not even funny.

NO_PUDding5875d ago

I wouldn't be sick of Killzone2 if they actually showed something new.

My list for top 5 titles I'd like to see or hear about at E3 in order of importance.

2.L.A Noire
3.Rockstar PS3 exclusive
4.Heavy Rain
5.Driver 5

juuken5875d ago

Exactly! I'm pumped for God of War III.

ATLRoAcH5875d ago

Yeah, I'm curious about that Rockstar exclusive. I just don't know what it could be. I wonder if there is a Red Dead Revolver sequel in the works. I don't think that is the exclusive I'm just wondering if it will ever happen.

fishd5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

It was a totally meh list!

And one more thing,HEAVY RAIN will shut alot of mouths,Ahhhhh I love to see idiots stop babbling about PS3's hardware.E3 IS CLOSE:)

sunnygrg5875d ago

True, we've been getting lots of Killzone 2 in Game Events such as this, but it is a strategic decision on Sony's part to build up the hype, and yes, since the footage kicks a$$, who the hell is complaining? I am just sad that my FFXIII is getting no attention at all, lost in the shadows. Square Enix needs to speak up, please.

kingOVsticks5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

FF13? new ico game? sony secret game? GOW 3? hello anyone? Either these guys are very forgetful, or straight up posers...assassin creed is not even on my radar until recently and if there naming multi plat's RESIDENT EVIL 5!!?

fenderputty5875d ago

I don't think I would ever really be sick of KZ2 info. I would still like to see some info regarding the multi-player aspects of the game though.

Doppy5875d ago

I don't think we need to see anything new from Killzone 2 unless it's something new or innovative for the FPS genre.

damrightfresh5875d ago

White Knight
Resistance 2
Heavy Rain
Team ICO
Twisted Metal
Killzone 2
Finaly Fantasy VIII and Versus
War Devil
God of War 3

thePatriot5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

1 god of war
2 next ICO game
3 socom 4 or confrontations
4 final fantasy
5 twisted metal
6 heavy rain
7 little big planet
8 white knight story
there. fixed

edit. wrote my coment before reading some of the others. I got beat quick but glad to see good taste. unlike whoever made this list.

kazuma5874d ago (Edited 5874d ago )

bring the rain!

also sony has a LOT more stuff they could show at e3 that list is just silly

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5874d ago
clinker5875d ago

Lol nobody cares about Socom except for Socom fans

Condoleezza Rice5875d ago

6 Million Plus copies of Socom Games are little,know what I mean.

hack64645875d ago

I've never played any previous socom games, and I care. Nice trolling btw.

The Wood5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

me too and agreed

his mind reading skills match that of Patchers prediction skills

Nitrowolf25875d ago

@ 3.2
i to never played any of them. but looking at that new socom game im might just get it

clinker5875d ago

Alright, I stand corrected! I will go and look up Socom now just to see what all the fuss is about.

NO_PUDding5875d ago

Oh, don't do it on our account.

Confrontation isn't worth my time, but the next Socom (Socom 4) will most definately be a certain buy.

OMGLOLZ5875d ago

However, this new one has me pretty excited...

I don't think you are correct in your assumptions...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5875d ago
monks5875d ago

i am personally looking for something on White Knight Chronicles would be nice they have been very quite

Condoleezza Rice5875d ago

I can't wait for Level-5s beautiful RPG to steal the show,be it E3 or TGS!

fenderputty5875d ago

There's a lot of material I want to see at this E3.

Anyone heard anything more of War Devil? That would be a cool showing as well.

Silogon5875d ago

Sony's line up looks weak this year. I've told you this all a slew of times.

Motor yank 2
Resistance 2 < big deal
Little big planet > What the hell is this really going to offer anyone past a week of play?
Bio shock < we've played this on the xbox 360 for over a year almost. Awesome game, probably the best game out last year but that's the operative word "LAST YEAR" Ps3 and their sloppy seconds.

c'mon, that's all they got?

hack64645875d ago

Why you continue to troll in the gamerzone is beyond me. How you went from five bubbles to one bubble and then back to four bubbles is also beyond me. You blow my mind.

fishd5875d ago

And how about adding socom,africa,siren,teken6 to your list?

butterfinger5875d ago

Nobody likes him, he just hates on everything posted on N4G. He is a sad little hater that might not even own any of the big three consoles. Somebody please ban him, it's getting ridiculous how annoying he is.

@ Breakfast - THANK YOU. LMAO.

Whoooop5875d ago

"I've told you this all a slew of times. "
Then stop telling us.

lol... ^ ^ ^ That should smack him in the face.... then again...

Silogon5875d ago

Fishd, you're right. I actually have overlooked Tekken 6 and Siren but we don't know if they're set for American release this year or not. I am a huge fan of Tekken and Siren aswell. So I grant you that.

As for the rest of you alls snide remarks about me being banned and what have you, all I ask is why? What have I done here besides, obviously not having the same opinion as you all? I'm not doing it to troll, I am simply giving my opinions out.

If you don't like them don't read them. Mark me, ignore me and move on. They do have a button for both.


Real Gambler5875d ago

"I've told you this all a slew of times. "
Then stop telling us. ---- Best reply ever!!!

He is a sad little hater that might not even own any of the big three consoles. ---- He spend so much time trolling here, I'm also starting to think so. Otherwise, he would be playing more and trolling less : )

kazuma5874d ago (Edited 5874d ago )

lineup this year? sony published stuff
* Afrika (Japan)
* buzz! quiz tv
* LittleBigPlanet
* MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
* Resistance 2
* Siren: Blood Curse
* SOCOM: Confrontation
psn games
* Elefunk
* pixeljunk eden
* Flower
* Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer
* Wipeout HD

white knight story? possibly heavy rain? possible final fantasy 13?
not that weak i'd say

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5874d ago
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Profchaos19d ago

Hopefully McNamara is as far away from this as possible he set up shop in Australia then did nothing but complain about Australian labour laws while trying to make his workers live at the office working 24/7 on la noire punishing them for leaving at 3 am and being 10 minutes late to work at 9am the next day.

It's astonishing that none of the workers went to the fair work ombudsman as the studio would have been fined astronomical numbers

porkChop19d ago

Brendan McNamara is a brilliant writer and director but he should never, ever be in charge of a studio. What he did to those devs was far beyond "crunch", and it went on for, what, 7 years? That's insane.

But I'm glad to see some of that team have come together again to create something new. A psychological thriller sounds right up my alley.

anast19d ago

I would have liked to see a new noir game.

Demetrius18d ago

I been enjoying LA noire my first time playing it the vibe is🔥


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This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom257d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..