
Star Wars Retro games: Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles review

Overload writes: "I remember purchasing this game when it first came out and I fell in love with it. I would play for hours on end and never get tired of it."

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Relientk773610d ago

Omg this game kicked so much @ss

I loved playing this game.

Spinal3610d ago

Lol omg I just remember how hard this game was me and my brother kept getting our asses kicked tho it was still awesome fun

Mr_Writer853610d ago

Its was not the best made game ever, but I loved this game, me and my younger brother smashed this game.

Unlocked everything... Ahhh those were the days.

NukaCola3610d ago

It was a good game. Many SW games suck, but there are a few so-so hidden treasures. I also like Obi Wan on the original Xbox. Not great but it was a ton of fun.

Neonridr3610d ago

calling this the greatest Star Wars game ever made seems to be a stretch...

I would have to give it to Rogue Squadron 2 for Gamecube.

MSBAUSTX3610d ago

To this day, I still pop in Rogue Squadron 2 into my gamecube and play it. I have a really good HDMI up convertor that makes it look really good too. Definitely in the top 3 best Star Wars games, but we have to consider Knights of the old Republic and or Battlefront as well.

If we are going best first person Star Wars game then for me it is Shadows of the Empire on the trusty N64. I remember my Dad bought me an N64 as a gift and knew I loved Star Wars so he picked up that game for me. OMG did I play it for countless hours!

Neonridr3610d ago

Shadows of the Empire was Third Person no?

lsujester3610d ago

No, Shadows was almost entirely 1st person.

Tempest3173610d ago

This article seems to be based on the PS1 version of the game, which was far inferior to the Dreamcast version, primarily due to the glitches hes complaining about and the graphics. Definitely wouldn't classify the ps1 version in any "Best Of" lists.

@msbaustx @Neonridr Rogue Squadron 2 is a phenomenal game, definitely a nice arcade alternative to the hardcore sims that were X-wing/tie fighter games(I love those as well). Jedi Power Battles was tons of fun and very high quality, but I agree it's not the best. My personal #1 would definitely be KotOR. I'm sure I don't really need to explain why lol...as far as best FPS, I'd probably go with Republic Commando.

Perjoss3610d ago

One of the few games that prove movie licenses do not have to suck.

Irishrocket693610d ago

This logged lots of hours on my Dreamcast, along with Racer and SW Demolition.


20 Years of The Phantom Menace Gaming - Part #3 - Cinelinx

From Cinelinx:

Episode 3 in our month long look back at the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace games brings us to the insanely hard beat 'em up, Jedi Power Battles...

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strayanalog1955d ago

I actually enjoy(ed) this game, and beat it on numerous occasions. Co-op was especially fun. And yes, I would still take a sequel.

darklordzor1955d ago

Oh yeah, give me some updated controls and I'd be all over another Star Wars beat 'em up game.

1954d ago

Ranking The Top 30 Star Wars Games

Game Informer

Most members of the Game Informer staff have played more Star Wars games than they can recall, and are avid fans of the films, expanded fiction, and collectibles. We spent a few days bickering over the best Star Wars games to date, and spent a few more arguing over the order they should be arranged in on our Top 30 list. Why 30? That's the cutoff between the playable and fun games and the prequel-like missteps.

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Top 10 Star Wars Video Games

Bit Cultures writes: The upcoming DICE game Star Wars Battlefront has gamers and fans alike excited that this could be one of the best Star Wars games to date. Much remains to be seen pending our first beta impression, however, it undeniably and faithfully replicates the universe to a key. Let’s not also forget that Episode VII: The Force Awakens is a little more than a month away. To celebrate our personal excitement and over-the-top Star Wars fandom, we bring to you our Top 10 favorite Star Wars video games.

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3238d ago
Gwynbleidd3238d ago

IMO KOTOR is the best. But I also enjoyed the Force Unleashed very much, because this game allowed me to do all the force-stuff I always thought about and wondered why the movie characters never used the force like that, lol :)

This trailer shows pretty much what I mean:


Rebel_Scum3238d ago

Not that it bothers me but any list like this usually has a SNES game in it. Nice surprise.

I always liked the Star Wars game on the Master System 2. It wasn't great but for a 8bit game it was ok. The Phantom Menace on PS1 was really good too. Despite the movie...

riffraffy3237d ago (Edited 3237d ago )

I mentioned the Phantom Menace game for the list, but it didn't make the cut. I really had a fun with that one, especially the Mos Eisley level. My friend and I would just turn on invincibility and start attacking everyone in the markets haha

brando0083237d ago

KOTOR is still one of my favourite games of all time. So much happiness came from that game :)