
CoD AW Director "I certainly wouldn't characterise the community as toxic or misogynistic"

Michael Condrey, the director of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, has challenged the idea that the gaming community is characterised by offensiveness and abuse, saying that he's experienced little to none of that attitude in his time in the industry.

"I certainly wouldn't characterise the community of fans I know and had the pleasure to engage with as toxic or misogynistic," he told the BBC.

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annoyedgamer3467d ago

Thank you. All gamers should send letters to Mr. Condrey thanking him. Then boycott EA and make them pay for siding with politics.


Ex CoD/Dead Space Boss: Inclusivity Is Absolutely a Priority, Telling Other Stories Is Important

Ex Call of Duty and Dead Space boss Michael Condrey said that representation and inclusivity are a priority for his new studio at 2K Games. Telling stories of people from other backgrounds and point of views is important.

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ccgr1772d ago

Curious how this will turn out

KaiPow1772d ago

Inclusivity is absolutely a damn good idea when it comes to making games.

Eonjay1771d ago

It just makes it more interesting to get different prospectives and it increases the amount and variety of narratives you can have.


How former Call of Duty studio head Michael Condrey views modern warfare and games

Michael Condrey has made violent games in the past, from Dead Space to Call of Duty: WWII, but he said he is torn about the latest Modern Warfare.

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Jin_Sakai1772d ago (Edited 1772d ago )

Coming from the person who got fired from his own studio not long before releasing their game due to it being a broken mess.

I’d take anything he says with a grain of salt.

AK911772d ago

Said much better than I could have.

Rynxie1772d ago (Edited 1772d ago )

Call of duty was/is a broken mess even before this guy. Haven't played cod since blops 1, got 4, and it's still the same crap. Imbalanced weapons, player lag, no consequences for playing poorly. You can litterally just spray nonstop until your ammo runs out, no recoil, no jamming, no overheating. You can jump, cartwheel, summersault and still hit opponents because of the crazy amount of autoaim and aim assist. The fact that cod is an esport game, is laughable.

And before you say, "maybe you just suck."

I have a 1.86 k/d and 18,000 more kills than deaths. The only reason my k/d is not as high as my k/d in other fps games, is due to the constant bullcrap deaths I experience. Like shooting someone seconds before they see me, and they kill me. Hitting someone directly in them 10+ hits, and they kill me with less hits. Or my favorite, shooting someone a million times, and they just run away, pop out, and kill me. A lot of the weapons don't even have to hit you directly, as long as you are within their radius, you'll die, one hit. I also love emptying my entire magazine multiple times on an opponent, just for him to run away each time, and finally kill me, when I'm out of ammo, or caught me while reloading.

Cod = garbage. Finally got tired of the bs today, and deleted it off my ps4 pro.

drpepperdude1772d ago

I regret reading the article, he sounds like the typical virtue signalling fruitcake bringing up mass shootings like they are even comparable to this game and obsessed with pushing his racist ideologies and goals against his own race.


Activision Fires SledgeHammer - A Blessing in Disguise

"Activision owned studio SledgeHammer Games was in free-fall after two of their co-founders, Michael Condrey and Glen Schofield, left in early 2018."

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JustinJustDied1809d ago

So what happened was a complete lack of leadership?

Juancho511807d ago

Ive seen restaurants fall apart after a good GM or Manager leave, so its no surprise the leadership was lacking after their resignation. Sad, there was a lot of potential there.

Kabaneri1808d ago

Wow that sucks, now all we have is Treyarch and IW which are a shell of their former selves. Call of Duty is truly dying.

DaDrunkenJester1807d ago

It's about time though. CoD went on much longer than I think anyone thought it would haha

BenRC011807d ago

Dying lol. Still the top selling shooter every year.

Kabaneri1807d ago

With its sales and popularity in decline for years now. I didnt say it was dead, I said it was dying.

blvdnights14141807d ago

"With its sales and popularity in decline for years now. I didnt say it was dead, I said it was dying."

With that logic all planes that descend in altitude are "Crashing" People like you have been saying this for over a decade and it's still a billion dollar IP.

Sunny_D1807d ago (Edited 1807d ago )


Damn didn’t know there was actual people who still defend this terrible franchise.

badz1491807d ago


I don't think that counts as "defending", just straight out facts. for example, BO4 reached new heights for Activision last year despite being online only. only GTAV and RDR2 have sold more units a year than any CoD game in the past 10 to 12 years. the franchise is not going to the ground (sales-wise) just because they fired Sledgehammer. IW and Treyatch are still the main devs for the series and I can't see CoD giving up the sales crown anytime soon.

I'm not a fan per say. last CoD I bought was CoD4 in 2007

KwietStorm_BLM1807d ago


You didn't understand the logic yourself, or you just made a bad analogy. A plane in descent certainly is in danger of crashing *if the descent was not initiated by the pilots.* As with Call of Duty, Activision has no control over how many units it actually sells. If a plane is descending because it's preparing for a landing, then it's not "crashing".

remixx1161807d ago (Edited 1807d ago )


That analogy was ass

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CurbStompin1807d ago (Edited 1807d ago )

IW hired back most of those who left for Respawn in the last 2 years. So other than Zampella and West, IW is basically back.

ShinRon1807d ago

Infinity Ward made CoD what it is, rest of the devs were just modders

meep3161807d ago (Edited 1807d ago )

They have a long way to go down, they still haven’t been skipping a year ever. There comes a point where many customers will skip a year. There’s also fortnite now, huge game changer for shooters like it or not.

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bondsmx1807d ago

He keeps saying early 2020. But cod games always come out in oct/nov. and with the rumored MW4 coming this October, a early 2020 releases makes zero sense. I’m assuming he means October 2020. Which isn’t early 2020.

Seraphim1807d ago

I think he's implying that by releasing in 2020 it's early as their release year would be 2021 because CoD developers release every 3 years with Treyarch, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer all developing games. That kind of threw me off too though. Definitely should have been worded better if that was his meaning.

Hatsu121807d ago

I don't think the Kotaku report mentioned anything about Activision firing them, just replacing them next year since they couldn't get their shit together in time

dotwithshoes1807d ago

This article also doesn't mention Raven Software at all.

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