
Do Grand Theft Auto Games Actually Need Strong Protagonists?

UM writes: Story and characters are usually the last thing on everyone’s mind when a new Grand Theft Auto game is announced. Usually, people want to know: A) Where is it being set? B) Is there any new fun stuff I can do? Yet, when the games are released, all reviewers seem to fixate on the playable characters. GTA IV was lauded as having an amazing character arc, chock-full of pathos and emotion. GTA V went so far as to include three playable characters, who all met with mixed reception. Some reviewers bent over backwards to praise their effect on the game, others heavily criticized their personalities and personal choices.

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NukaCola3617d ago

Yes. The story is a major part of it.

scark923617d ago

I agree, Its what I personally enjoy most from GTA.

SonyWarrior3616d ago

the story is why i play gta every thing else is just a extra

badz1493616d ago

protagonist? like Sleeping Dogs?

3-4-53616d ago

GTA 5 Main cast was not likable at all.

Franklin was alright, but Trevor was a whinny & annoying and just yelled all the time.

Trevor's "cool factor" lasted about 2 minutes, and then he became annoying and predictable.

Elwenil3616d ago (Edited 3616d ago )

Agreed, the characters and story are as big a part of the game as the setting. Unfortunately for Rockstar, they set the chanracter and story bar pretty high with Red Dead Redemption. Like it or not, even Niko was an excellent character with conflicting issues that made him feel more like a real person. For me, GTA 5 was a step backwards in both character quality and story depth. Granted all the characters were likable and Trevor was a lot of fun, they felt very shallow and superficial to me. There seemed to be so much more they could have done with 3 characters as well as some things we could have done without.

Take Franklin's sudden and illogical rise from his poor neighborhood to a mansion on the hill. Why was this done? What purpose did it serve in the story other than to give Franklin a 2 car garage and a more central location on the map? Did we really need a "rags to riches" story in there so badly that we just skip most of the steps to get to the end? It just doesn't make any sense.

I would much rather that Rockstar concentrate on a single character and make it count rather than dilute the story for three separate characters. I did enjoy the character swapping mechanic during missions but I hope Rockstar takes a bit of what they have learned and either make the multiple characters more meaningful, have deeper connections and stories more entangled or stick to one story. Perhaps they could make multiple characters all from the same family, as in brothers and sisters. That would make all their stories the same story, but could tell it from the different angles of each character with each of their own issues and conflicts within. They need something more than just a few heists to tie them together and to tear them apart.

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troylazlow3616d ago (Edited 3616d ago )

Yes they do

desertpunk863616d ago

after destiny,watchdogs and the evil within...yes we do.

LOGICWINS3616d ago

Yup. Tommy and CJ were awesome! But Luis Lopez is my favorite GTA protagonist.

The_Blue3616d ago

Gay Tony's little play thing.

Concertoine3616d ago

I have to ask why. I found him really forgettable.

LOGICWINS3616d ago

He was the most relatable of all the GTA protagonists IMO. He wasn't a psycho like Tommy or a gangbanger like CJ. Dude was just a glorified bodyguard that sold drugs on the side. And he could DANCE!

Chard3616d ago

>Thinks back to when I first played GTA1, where characters didn't matter one bit, and it was all about tearing sh*t up and having fun.
>Looks at comments above.
I feel old.

mixelon3616d ago

*laughs at the disagrees*

The people have spoken. Stop feeling old, Alf.

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GTA 6 Still Set for 2025, Significant Cost Cuts Coming but No Current Layoff Plans

"Grand Theft Auto" publisher Take-Two Interactive is working on an "significant" cost reduction plan following mixed earnings results for its October-December 2023 quarter


Mainline Grand Theft Auto trailers ranked from best to worst

As we have all been graced by the release of Grand Theft Auto 6's trailer, we're ranking the best and worst GTA trailers to date.

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purple101296d ago

We be getting these posts All week now lads. Someone noticed a number plate ... Someone noticed a billboard... I can see it now

Just go on YouTube and watch one of the many videos dissecting the whole 1minite 30secs worth.

This site supposed to be for news.

roadkillers296d ago

These updates on N4G are going to ruin whats rest of this site. Unfortunate since I was one of the first members.. The site shows unsecure when i login as well.


Take Two Boss: Grand Theft Auto Games Make So Much Money, Making A GTA Movie Not Worth The Hassle

PC Gamer writes: "Grand Theft Auto 6 is coming, but don't hold your breath waiting for a Grand Theft Auto Hollywood blockbuster."

banger88321d ago ShowReplies(2)
Crazyglues321d ago

Imagine being so rich that another Billion is just not worth the hassle... LoL :) -Sorry just can't relate...

thorstein320d ago

Reminds me of the story of some ultra rich d-bag that had so much wine that he couldn't possibly drink it all so he had to sell like 10 million dollars worth of it. No one has earned that much wealth without exploiting others.

Roarke320d ago

Thats not true.. there are ppl who for example discovered cure are super rich due patent..

Cacabunga319d ago

A GTA movie will end like a fast and furious.. omg one of the worst movie series ever..

Notellin319d ago

@Roarke The scientist that discoveres the cure doesn't become rich. The patent will belong to Lilly, Pfizer, Merck, or Roche.

The money made is then disseminated amongst the executive board members and administration teams who provide zero value to the company. The scientists will continue to be exploited receiving raises and bonuses that do not beat inflation.

Again exploiting others in order to become rich.

gold_drake320d ago (Edited 320d ago )

isnt he also the guy that said that games are way too cheap? haha.

i mean i agree with him saying the gta games make them bank ha.

XiNatsuDragnel320d ago

Well gta is too successful to get a movie can't relate 🙃

northpaws320d ago

Which is fine, I would much rather all gaming companies just focus on making good games.

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