
Who Made the List of Best PS4 Games So Far?

UM writes: PlayStation 4 has been out for a year now, which has been enough time for the big-selling system to amass a collection of must-have games. Though the best PS4 games aren’t all exclusive to the system, you can argue that for the multiplatform ones, the PS4 is the “best” console to play them on with a great UI and slightly more power than it’s main rival, the Xbox One. But that’s the debate of the decade, it seems.

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George Sears3524d ago

Got to go with Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor as one of my favorite games so far. Really didn't expect this game to be so good. Combat is smooth, easy to master and although the main character becomes pretty overpowered mid through the game, it is still very enjoyable. The story isn't going to win awards but the Nemesis system is the games greatest asset.

As for exclusive, I got to go with First Light DLC for Second Son. Fetch was way more like able than Delsin, her powers more refined and way more fluid. After playing with Fetch and seeing how powerful she is, reverting back to Delsin seemed awkward and slow. Her back story was told very well and made me care about her and her problems more so than Delsin. And for being an extra side story, it was decently long for what it is.

Reibooi3523d ago

I agree about Infamous. I liked and play the hell out of Second Son itself but I honestly had a ton more fun with First Light. The battle arenas were pretty fun as well as you didn't really come up against the level of chaos that could build to in the main story of either game.

Shadow of Mordor is one of those games I am surprised that everyone else is surprised that it's good. The first time they showed a decent amount of footage from it I thought almost right away that the game was gonna be awesome. It seems like most are shocked because it was somewhat under the radar and then out of nowhere people saw it getting tons of praise.

I would also like to throw Resogun into the mix. I know it's a small downloadable game but it is just so damn fun and my god is it pretty when everything goes boom.

turdburgler10803523d ago

So George is their a metal gear arsenal hidden under a sears somewhere?

Spenok3523d ago

Well said on both accounts. Shadow of Mordor is a fantastic game, and one of the best for the year so far. And First Light was defintely better than SS, and I really liked SS.

Physco3524d ago

what is this who made the List of Best PS4 Games So Far? is this a title?

Fro_xoxo3524d ago

You were able to make a list?

Ah I see, there are multi-platform games included.

all decent-good titles nonetheless.

Zizi3523d ago

Here comes my list:

1. The Last of Us: Remastered
2. inFamous: Second Son
3. Watch Dogs
4. inFamous: First Light
5. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

oODEADPOOLOo3523d ago (Edited 3523d ago )

If planetside 2 ever comes out this year, it'll probably be my top game this year. But since they seem to be pushing any news about it until playstation experience event in December I doubt full version is ready, at least there should be playable beta. I just didn't think re-doing a U.I on a finished game would take a year...

oODEADPOOLOo3523d ago

But I think my list would be like this...

1)Sahdow of mordor
2) Farcry 4
3)GTA 5
4)Planetside 2
5) Alien Isolation

captainexplosion3523d ago

They announced yesterday that Planetside 2 will not be out this year. They said the beta will take place in a few months. Very annoying it has been delayed so much.

combatcash3523d ago

Nba 2k14, shadow of mordor, bf4 was pretty decent

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Europe software sales | May 2024 | EA FC 24 #1, Ghost of Tsushima #4, Hellblade 2 missed 'Top 100'

"This is GSD figures, which tracks all digital game sales from most major publishers (Nintendo data is absent), and physical game sales in all major European markets."

"The No.1 selling game in May this year was EA Sports FC 24, followed by Grand Theft Auto 5. F1 2024 races in at No.3. The PC release of Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut sends the PlayStation game up to No.4."

"11.6 million PC and console games were sold across European markets in May. Compared with the same five week period in 2023, that's a drop of nearly 17%."

"Hellblade 2, System Shock Remake, and the Rogue Prince of Persia all missing out on the Top 100."

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Einhander19729h ago

I need an xbox fan to explain to me how Hellblade didn't even enter the top 100 since Game Pass doesn't effect sales and you guys are all just using the service as a trial to buy the games later.... /s (for sigh)

Also tell me again how 3.5 M sales first month for FF was bad...

If Microsoft didn't buy the developer this could have been a multiplatform game and if they wanted they still could have got it day 1 on Game Pass.

If I worked at Ninja Theory I'd be sprucing up my resume right about now.

MNRC235h ago

Why are you more concerned about Microsoft’s financials than Microsoft?

Cacabunga45m ago

Here we go.. too much barking about EA CEO getting a big bonus when the same ones are buying his games. So pathetic


Willy’s Wonderland: The Game Review – Gamerhub UK

A missing Nicolas Cage is the least of this game's problems.

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Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Closing the Loop on George R.R. Martin's Contribution to Elden Ring

Elden Ring director Hidetaka Miyazaki says Shadow of the Erdtree's lore was made by George R.R. Martin; DLC closes the writer's contribution.

coolbeans4h ago

No more fun videogame distractions until Winds of Winter is published, George.

Snookies123h ago

Good lord, that's STILL not published??

coolbeans3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Not yet. I know you've heard this song and dance before, but some recent rumors suggest Martin has a near-completed manuscript primed for editing.