
IGN's Take on PS3 Trophies Rumor

Did the Sony scoop of the year just pop up on the web?

Last night, the Internet lit up. Apparently, leaked PlayStation 3 screens show the platform's new trophy system and gamercard layouts. More after the jump...

chaosatom5841d ago (Edited 5841d ago )

I don't need to listen to everyones' opinion.

They first say that it's bogus and then said that it could be real.

Everytime a rumor surfaces, everyone takes it as true and then slaps sony if it doesn't.

Almost every story is ps3 related or xbox and ps3 related.

chaosatom5841d ago

but then the details are being 2nd guessed.

Jack Meahoffer5841d ago (Edited 5841d ago )

Everyone has been wondering what Sony would do to counter the gamerscore concept. You can have trophies but it helps if they add up to something simple and easy to show. I think this tiered thing is actually a pretty cool idea. Instead of saying I have 100k gamerscore you could say I have 100 platinum 200 gold etc. Maybe platinum trophies are for stuff like getting 100% and gold for beating the story.. Interesting.

I'm not sure about the screens though... But it'd be cool if the tiered thing was real.

The Wood5841d ago

i also agree that id prefer to have concrete details instead of all this speculation tbh

morganfell5841d ago

It's real? Please. Am I the only one that realizes where the character on the card with the afro is really from? It isn't a Sony invention. Wake up. Why hasn't anyone recognized that. And shame on IGN for lending credence to this fake.

whoelse5841d ago

That character is a PSN avatar.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5841d ago
Silogon5841d ago

They didn't say it was true, in fact they said the opposite. They actually said it was taken from their podcast and then turned into an exact replica of what they said. They then said it looked like **** which I find funny, cause they were the ones who came up with it.

Their podcast is pretty good by the way.

C_SoL5841d ago

IGN:"One thing is for sure; if these screens are real, get your act together, Sony. That stuff looks lame."

They haven't even seen the final product and they are already talking smack.........man............

Codeman4205841d ago

ok wat a surprise that they didnt like it. This is coming from a website that has bashed the PS3 since its release why would they change now.

spandexxking5841d ago

i feel ign are the only site that bashes all systems not just ps3.

Relcom5841d ago

What the hell are you talking about. IGN is one of the few good guys

Whoooop5841d ago

I guess you didn't like the way they bashed MGS4 with a 10....


Silogon5841d ago

Not true, man. The bash Sony, they bash xbox 360 and they bash the wii. They also praise them when applicable. Same as me, kind of.

Anyways, if you listen to their last pod cast they say without a doubt the PS3 has the best games coming out for any system this year and that next year looks even better.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5841d ago
Stinkinmushroom5841d ago

i also hope it's fake.. it's not very elaborate.. and grey makes it sad.. and those little trophies pictures are not very well done.. hoping it's fake

Silogon5841d ago

Anyone who really looks at it can kind of tell it is a work in progress or it's balls out fake. Those trophies look very bland and blurry even. not a lot whent into them which leads me to think Sony has nothing to do with it, cause if you look at reason it'll tell you the quality is about on par with what I'm about to reveal to you all.

Sony allows us to make our own themes and icons for the PSN. Right? Our xmb's are what we make of them. They gave us the editor to do this even.

These, I think, have been made on the same xmb editor program we all have. Notice the scale of them never exced 14 pixles? Also, as I pointed out in another post I can draw lines using a picture taken from the PSN xmb and extend them and piece them togher and make a box using a wacom pen and photoshop.

I am not saying this are 100% fake, but I think something is a bit hit and miss about it. Quality just isn't there and I think they were made on the XMB editor. Sorry.

Ri0tSquad5841d ago (Edited 5841d ago )

And it does look like a work in progress like Silgon mentioned. It worries me Sony didn't say if it was fake. Usually they debunk fake pictures themselves. So why not this one?


"So it's little surprise that Sony have confirmed this with us, saying yes, they are fake (as opposed to "no comment"), and no, nothing like it is planned for the next firmware update."

Yet they won't comment on these pictures.

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Fear Effect coming to PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC in 2025

Limited Run Games, in cooperation with Square Enix, will release action adventure game Fear Effect for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, the company announced.

CrimsonWing6920h ago(Edited 20h ago)

What!? That is freaking great!!!! I really loved this game back in the day and was so pissed the Remake got changed and then eventually canceled. This is such great news that it’s the original. Will definitely get the plat for it.

Mr Pumblechook19h ago

The article mentions:

* PC
* Nintendo Switch
* PlayStation 4
* PlayStation 5

But why isn’t there a mention of the Xbox Series version?

CrimsonWing6918h ago

Yea that’s a Limited Run Games thing like what @Scissorman showed in the article. They’ve tried selling the physical versions of Xsex games, but they just don’t sell. But I’m fairly sure this should be digital for Xbox, if not, then it’s time to drop Xbox and come to greener pastures.

wesnytsfs16h ago

@CrimsonWing69, greener pastures.. Yep moved to mainly PC now myself get all the good games from both companies now if only Nintendo would release games on PC too.

RiseNShine15h ago

so a ps1 game launched in modern platformos, mmmkay. I can play it already in emulators with high res, retroachievements support and more, doesn't make much sense.


Why Far Cry 3 Was The Best Of The Franchise?

Far Cry 3, an open-world masterpiece that redefined the series. Gameplay and storyline makes it a timeless classic that still inspires today.

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Deeeeznuuuts1d 10h ago

It's gotta be Far Cry 2 for me, the feeling of that game I'm still yet to find again, just everything about it, I'd kill for a remaster, I'd even be happy with just a bump in resolution and frame rate, occasionally go back to it, think I'm gunna have to do just that now 😂

porkChop1d 10h ago

A remaster of Far Cry 2 would be amazing, especially with the mods that fixed the broken stealth system and the dumb checkpoint respawns. Include those fixes and it would be a huge upgrade over the original.

JEECE1d 10h ago

Enemies respawn in Far Cry 2? Terrible! It's a broken system! Make me a one-man army who can inexplicably hold an entire region!

Enemies respawn in Dark Souls and Zelda? Brilliant! So much more hardcore! Glad the devs took risks!

porkChop1d 6h ago

The problem isn't them respawning. It's that they respawned after just 5 minutes. Like you'd still be in the area looking for diamonds, loot, exploring, etc, and the enemies would just respawn with you there.


Goat Simulator 3: Multiverse of Nonsense Preview - GamesHorizon

Goat Simulator 3's first DLC pack is here, and it's the greatest reflection of its team's bonkers approach to game design since the core game released.

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