
Animal Crossing themes incoming for 3DS/2DS

Nintendo has announced that six new Animal Crossing themes will be launching for 3DS and 2Ds this Friday.

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Media Create Sales: 10/29/18 – 11/4/18

Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)
Switch – 43,747 (37,855)
PlayStation 4 Pro – 8,847 (10,975)
PlayStation 4 – 8,693 (9,664)
New 2DS LL – 4,226 (3,733)
PlayStation Vita – 1,945 (2,115)
New 3DS LL – 1,775 (1,669)
2DS – 273 (247)
Xbox One X – 129 (127)
Xbox One – 61 (71)

Neonridr2146d ago

Black Ops still holding off Red Dead, interesting. Crazy to think that Mario Party almost sold as much as Red Dead did.

Nintendo hardware up.. Playstation hardware down..

Software numbers definitely seem low this week overall.

michellelynn09762146d ago

The Switch hardware will continue to go up.

Lime1232146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

Two PS4 games in Top 2.

Call of Duty soon 500k.
Spider-Man next week 300k.

Sony is publisher for Call of Duty in Japan.

Call of Duty and RDR2 combined sold better than every Switch title combined.

michellelynn09762146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

Yet, who had the most in there. Oops you always make it a petty competition don't you?
And, that's ok. Pomemon and Smash are coming. And, even with the top 2 selling games, the ps4 can't beat the Switch. How sad is that?
And you want to play this game? Tell me how well GOW did? Compare Spidey to Splatoon 2.

Neonridr2146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

3rd party games.. lol. Something to be proud of I guess Lime. Spiderman has sold 300k.. wow. Mario Party has already broken that and will end up with more sales. Christ, Spiderman was outsold by 3 Switch games that came out in 2017.

Funny how you have to say top 2 are PS4 games, because the next 5 titles are Switch games and had 6 out of the top 10 and 11 of the top 20 titles. You know that's your only leverage.

You are a strange little person, indeed. You pull out the weirdest facts to sell some narrative that doesn't exist. Switch has sold more software and hardware in Japan than the PS4 this year, and will soon pass the PS4 in limetime sales in Japan. Then what will you have to hold on to?

2146d ago Replies(3)
michellelynn09762146d ago

Red Dead didn't do that great in Japan and the Switch went up in sales. Probably from people getting excited over Pokemon Let's Go. Dragon Ball Fighterz is still hanging in there. Good for it.

Lime1232146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

"Red Dead didn't do that great in Japan"

What about Call of Duty and Spidey?

"Dragon Ball Fighterz is still hanging in there. Good for it."

Switch version LTD are lower than first week sales of PS4 version.

michellelynn09762146d ago (Edited 2146d ago )

Yet it is still selling. How insecure can you be? Spidey and COD did well I am not being childish about it. A lot of PS4 games have done well as of late. I can be grown up about it and not be so insecure, and tough, DBFZ is hanging in. Sorry to disappoint you, but others besides Sony do well.
You can't be happy just for your company, you always gotta drag others down. How sad is that?

King_Noctis2146d ago

The PS4 is starting to hit the ceiling in sale. Alot of people have already owned one.


Media Create: 8/13/18 – 8/19/18

Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)
Switch – 54,647 (50,143)
PlayStation 4 – 20,911 (16,982)
New 2DS LL – 7,872 (7,628)
PlayStation 4 Pro – 4,932 (5,044)
New 3DS LL – 3,316 (2,784)
PlayStation Vita – 3,083 (3,507)
2DS – 708 (498)
Xbox One – 51 1(31)
Xbox One X – 45 (43)

Moonman2223d ago

Nintendo is killing it worldwide. Congrats!

Geobros2223d ago

Great numbers for Nintendo!!

2223d ago Replies(2)
King_Noctis2222d ago (Edited 2222d ago )

Damn. The Switch is killing it in Japan. Good to see the 3DS still doing nicely.


Media Create: 8/6/18 – 8/12/18

Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)
Switch – 50,143 (50,799)
PlayStation 4 – 16,982 (13,113)
New 2DS LL – 7,628 (9,015)
PlayStation 4 Pro – 5,044 (5,889)
PlayStation Vita – 3,507 (3,339)
New 3DS LL – 2,784 (3,010)
2DS – 498 (561)
Xbox One X – 43 (53)
Xbox One – 31 (21)

Neonridr2230d ago

13/20 are Switch titles, 16/20 are on Nintendo hardware. Japan really loves the Switch right now.

Razzer2230d ago (Edited 2230d ago )

Japan has always loved Nintendo handhelds. Hybrids too, it would seem.

2230d ago Replies(2)
michellelynn09762230d ago

But, but Switch sales are slowing. Yeah, not really.

Razzer2230d ago

I doubt anyone has claimed Switch sales have slowed in Japan. But please.....show me.

michellelynn09762230d ago

The guy who bet against Nintendo?

Gemmol2229d ago

many articles if you look at npd result in april, may and june, thats 3 articles alone......then you have the random switch bashing articles that come every month and you will see a few posters there.......

as you can see from monster hunter release on ps4 the comment section for mediacreate got less and less with splatoon keep winning each week.......they fully disappear in april when monster hunter stop charting for the ps4.......they realize japan is lost to nintendo no matter what game comes out on ps4.......they not showing up is them showing the white flag.......they hold onto npd and uk charts now since sony lost japan

Kribwalker2230d ago

Nintendo domination over the rising sun nation, consistently this year.

ZeekQuattro2229d ago

The fact that Splatoon 2 has clawed its way back up to the 2nd spot is crazy. Its Japan's GTA. It stays in the top 10. At this point I wouldn't be shocked if it doesn't stayed there for at least another year. Maybe even until 3 comes out.