
Far Cry 4 Exclusive PS4 Single player campaign gameplay videos

Connected Digital World writes: Ubisoft recently took me to Paris to look at Far Cry 4 and they allowed me to capture some of my gameplay – here are some single player campaign gameplay videos.

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I_am_Batman3618d ago

Ubisoft should've rather gone with a content parity across all systems than the graphical parity. I hate the idea of platform exclusive content in multiplatform games. It doesn't make any sense to me.

Anyway I'm looking foreward to Far Cry 4.

BX813618d ago

Why are the xb1/ps4 versions running the same? I haven't seen anything in a while on that info. Thanks.

I_am_Batman3618d ago

I wasn't speaking about FC4 specifically but Ubisoft games in general. I don't think they've announced the specifications on FC4. But it's the same publisher that promised parity for AC Unity and the same publisher that locked away graphical options on the PC version of Watch Dogs.

I just think it makes more sense to offer the same content to all platforms and display it to the platforms capabilities instead of the other way around.

BX813617d ago

Yeah I can see how that would bother some. Usually I dont care too much for console exclusive content.

donthate3618d ago

I'm not a huge fan of of content specific to one platform and think that developers should treat us more evenly. At a minimum, they should have made sure the content will eventually be available on all platforms if possible barring hardware issues, etc. I understand marketing deals, but some care has to be taken to think of gamers on all platforms.

I didn't buy Far Cry 3, so this doesn't really affect me, but I wouldn't buy any game that at least doesn't give us content parity eventually.

die_fiend3618d ago

It not making sense to you isn't really relevant here. I know this is news to you but selling games is a business. And you can drum up more business with exclusive content - this really is a very simple concept.

And there is nothing stating graphical parity on any of the games. ACU is 900p but I bet it'll look better on PS4 (as resolution is only one part of the graphical equation).

And to think it makes sense to make the PS4 version run much much better...what about Xbox owners who are then feeling like they've had a raw deal? Less sales.

Anyway that's enough educating the less-able for today...peace out.

angelsx3618d ago

With so many leaks I'm less exited for the game.The leaks kill the games

Plagasx3617d ago


That's like shoving a nice pair of boobs in your face and saying "Don't touch".

NotAFanboyJustReal3618d ago

This doesn't even look much better (graphics wise) than FAR Cry 3. What happened?

moegooner883618d ago

Ubisoft per usual. Hype up games to the max then under deliver.

Blacklash933617d ago

It's hit-and-miss. Some of their games deliver, some don't.

A7XEric3617d ago

Last gen happened. I can't wait for devs to finally go next gen only so we can see some real graphical juice get squeezed out of these new systems.

HighlyDoubtful3618d ago (Edited 3618d ago )

he says the bugs/glitches "will be" fixed for the release, LMFAO. you mean it will HOPEFULLY get fixed. also spent half the first video in the fucking menu. this is hardly gameplay. its borderline unwatchable.

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DefenderOfDoom2191d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot191d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor191d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos191d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius191d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger88191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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nibblo1026d ago

I would put 5 above 6 but agree with the other ratings. Though 6 has more refined gameplay compared to 5 it's lack of a compelling story really does hurt it imo but if you are a gameplay fiend and don't really care about story it makes sense.