
Last chance to get Freedom Wars preorder bonuses; other Vita games and memory cards also discounted

Gamers have a last chance to get the preorder bonuses of Freedom Wars. Other Vita games are also on sale. A few highlights: Gravity Rush at $15.20, Persona 4: Golden at $19.99 and a few $9.99 titles. The memory cards got discounted as well, currently selling between 20% to 49% off.

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phantomngs3562d ago

Already got my copy preordered.
Can't wait for Tuesday.

Still kinda sucks Sony won't market the Vita...

Remy_S3562d ago (Edited 3562d ago )

It so unbelievable stupid what SCEA has done in regards to Vita marketing.

"A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time". Henry Ford

Blastoise3562d ago

Got my copy paid for already also, been looking forward to it since it was announced. Love sinking hours into these hunting games, PVP is a first too

GuruStarr783562d ago

Me too, paid in full.. can't wait to try PVP... my handle is JQM78 if you want to get up..

SoapShoes3562d ago

I will get this for my PSTV.

HentaiMasterRace3562d ago

Hopefully it reviews and sells well.

slinky1234563562d ago

They need to let you pre-order digital on the Vita. I would love for preload too, but that's probably not likely with the hacking on it. At least allow us to get extras for the digital.

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SEGA / Atlus Switch eShop sale: lowest prices for Catherine, Persona 4 Golden, Valkyria Chronicles 4

A new SEGA / Atlus May 2024 eShop sale is now live for Nintendo Switch featuring Persona 4 Golden and much more.

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PlayStation Boasts Record 123 Million Monthly Active Users, Shows Glimpse of Gravity Rush Movie

Sony is hosting its traditional conference just before the 2024 International CES in Las Vegas. Of course, PlayStation played a part in the celebrations.

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199d ago Replies(4)
Barlos199d ago

Forget Gravity Rush movie, give us another GR game!

porkChop199d ago

I didn't even know a movie was coming. If they can get the visuals and everything right I'll watch it.

Barlos199d ago

I didn't either, until this article. I'm also surprised, since GR was a commercial flop. Seems weird that they'd want to invest money into making it into a film.

I think the games are great though, especially on Vita. I think the move to PS4 killed the experience a little, but I'd still like to see a new one.

1Victor199d ago

I didn’t know it was in development ether but it makes sense after they saw the first doctor strange movie and the far from home fight, if it’s like that’s it’s going to be one of those Oscar nominees

Cacabunga199d ago

GR movie and shutting Japan Studio.. so stupid

porkChop199d ago


Oh yeah... Well there goes any hope for a new game. Shuttering Japan Studio was a really bad decision.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 199d ago
purple101199d ago

Surely you’d think if the movie is coming so is another game

And I couldn’t be happier.

Only played the demo of gr2 but let me say it’s one of the most artistic and inventive new games. Ps5 will power gr3 to new heights
Fingers crossed

Made my day hearing this.

Finally, something innovative

Redemption-64199d ago

GR2 flopped, which would they make a new game? A movie has more appeal and a successful hit at the bix office, could lead to a new game for the franchise

ChasterMies199d ago

Ok, I’ll stop sitting on Gravity Rush 2. It’s been in my library for only 8 years.

Chocoburger199d ago

Play Gravity Rush Remastered first if you haven't already, the stories are linked together. GR 2 is a fantastic game, it has a lot of stuff to see and do. In fact I have purposefully not completed the game 100% because I simply didn't want the game to end. I still have some trophies to collect, and a whole free story DLC chapter to play through.

Gravity Rush 3 would be amazing! But the team that made parts 1 and 2 were shut down, so I don't expect it to happen. This was Jim Ryan's biggest sin of all, shutting down PlayStation Japan Studios. What a shame.

FinalFantasyFanatic199d ago

Why not both? I really like the games and was disappointed we didn't get a third game to finish off the story, but I wouldn't mind a movie either if it's well done. Maybe it'll drum up enough interest to get us that third game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 199d ago
gold_drake199d ago

damn that is aaalot of ppl

id rather have another Gravity Rush game than a movie tbh

DarXyde199d ago

Same. This series really resonates with my gaming spirit. I love these games so much that I got four platinums out of two games. I was always dreading that we would never get another game after Japan Studio's closure, but I'm feeling hopeful in them not giving up on the franchise with this move. My guess is that they're going to use this as a funding point

MrNinosan199d ago

That is the same amount as daily loading screens... never mind

199d ago Replies(2)
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Persona Series Getting Its Own Whiskey in Japan

Atlus has announced a collaboration with a well-known Japanese distillery to launch the Persona series' very own whiskey, releasing tomorrow.

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DarXyde379d ago

I'll have to make this a mission the next time I blow through Tokyo.

Hopefully soon, given the limited availability.

Seraphim379d ago

send me one while you're at it. I mean what's better than Whiskey and Persona? A cigar with the two, and that would be perfection personified.