
The Tomorrow Children on PS4 Gets Lots of Info; Uncharted 4 to Use its Revolutionary Lighting Tech

Yesterday The Tomorrow Children Director and Q-Games President Dylan Cuthbert finally shared a lot of info on gameplay and technology.

In addition to that he shown about 30 minutes of gameplay, starting at the 30 minutes mark in the video below.

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rarity3622d ago

The lighting in this game is gorgeous.

Abriael3622d ago

It is indeed. It's extremely realistic. I can't wait to see how it'll look on games with more realistic art style.

Abash3622d ago

The Tomorrow Children is looking exceptional in every area, this could really do for Q-Games what LittleBigPlanet did for Media Molecule. It just looks that great

Griever3622d ago

This is game is gorgeous! O_O The lightning, the textures, character models, the art style: everything is beautiful. Truly Pixar movie quality!

Army_of_Darkness3622d ago

This game looks totally next gen quality! and the frame rate looks rock solid too! I think this is what LBP3 on the ps4 should of looked like...

jhoward5853622d ago

Yeah, the lighting in this game are incredible. The textures are incredible as well.

3622d ago
Ka7be3621d ago

Wow The Tomorrow Children is a fantastic game! this game on my most wanted list.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3621d ago
Team_Litt3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

These days you can tell a DS/Abriael article by simply reading the headline. When is this site going to get the HHGamer treatment already?
It all just seems like fluff/propaganda/PR nonsense now. More journalistic integrity and less pandering please.

On topic, this game is intriguing, I hope the vision Q Games have for it is fully realised come launch time. We need more out of the box games like this to be brought to the forefront.

MysticStrummer3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

Comparing HHG to DS is pretty ridiculous, but if you've read/watched both and know why HHG got cut here, you know that.

Software_Lover3622d ago

I dont have a problem with the site, I find the wording of their/his titles hilarious though.

I'm just amazed that no matter what the article is about theirs/his jumps to top news no matter what. I still don't understand how the system works, but I can see something fishy from a mile away.

DoctorJones3622d ago

I'd rather watch HHG than click on a DS link, and that's saying something.

Ron_Danger3622d ago

"The hiphopgamer treatment"

You mean getting banned for getting excited about upcoming games because he was one of the few online "journalists" who is also a gamer?

He was one of the few people who would hype games because he loved playing games. He never had an agenda. He just reported what he saw and what he played. Yeah he might have reported more on Sony products, but let's be honest here, which console had more exclusive towards the end of the cycle last gen to be excited about?

WeAreLegion3622d ago

I loved HHG. His titles definitely drew attention, but many were based on speculation and we knew that going in.

Ron_Danger3622d ago

It's true that a lot of his articles were speculation (or piggy backing off of other websites) but that's because he wasn't a huge site like IGN of polygon. He did the best he could with the resources he had and a very vocal minority (no pun intended lol) attacked him for it.

He was a gold fish in a shark tank.

scark923622d ago

Well said! He is one of the most friendliest journos out there and he is completely down to earth, I watch him on Youtube still and he does interviews like no other! It is nice to see Devs get comfortable so quick by his HHG's attitude!.
He has a more believable Gamer status to alot of journos imo

ShinMaster3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

HHG headlines made extraordinary claims and then when you watch the video you found that it was just speculation and wishful thinking on his part, like "wouldn't it be cool if..."

Silly gameAr3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

I had no problem with HHG either. That guy had a real passion for gaming, and got super hyped up about stuff, and in turn that would get you hyped up, or at least make you smile at how excited that guy could get.

I really don't see how he got banned and there's still many questionable sites that are still allowed to submit stuff here.

I also don't see why DS gets so much hate. They are one of the good sites on here. I hardly see any flame baiting or unnecessary bashing of any of the consoles or companies from this site.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3622d ago
DigitalRaptor3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

Litt, you are so bitter.

Comparing DualShockers to HHG is insanely disingenuous considering the site has a good mix of different aspects of the gaming sphere, including Nintendo, PC, iOS, Sony and Xbox - and reporting the factual aspects of existing and upcoming games.

Calling out Abriael for being like HHG is even worse considering he doesn't post lies or hearsay, but reports facts about upcoming games he is anticipating or keeping an eye on. I dare you to prove otherwise. He does more digging and research than most modern gaming journalists.

Bad news mate... It's not just Abriael, it's the mainstream gaming sites too. Get used to these kinds of games getting due attention.

Ezz20133622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )


*looking at your comment history*

What are you doing in Playstation article ?!
But i do wish i could just see your face the day we see Uncharted 4 in it full glory

GarrusVakarian3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

Hating on headlines of articles that in no way affect you? Lmao, stay bitter, Litt. There isn't even anything wrong with the headline. It mentions the fact that there's more info about the game, and the fact that Uncharted 4 will be using the same lighting tech, which is stated by the dev inside the article. Does the use of 'Uncharted 4' and 'revolutionary' together in a sentence really upset you so much? How sad.

On topic: We need more of these type of games. I'm glad they're thriving on PS4. Less AAA, production-line garbage, and more creative, unique, and inspired games from passionate developers.

OB1Biker3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

DualShockers give great interesting articles and news. Or did you mean the kind of earlier post from Gamespot about the amazing 'news' of 'Phil' saying Xbone got new games in the work and that he 'want to continue to invest in 'things' that push the boundaries'.

user56695103621d ago

its funny how on HHG is the only site banned, and no one else even though every one is using the so called tactics that he used. i wonder why?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3621d ago
Ethan-Hunt153622d ago

I didnt have had a real reason to buy a next gen console until now.
I really want to play Uncharted..:)
Does the Ouya count as Next Gen? JK Jk

Does anybody know something about a new GoW? really interested in that also

scark923622d ago

I would say it would come, GOW on PS4 would be mindblowing!

starchild3622d ago

I think there is a very good chance God of War will make an appearance on the PS4 sometime this generation. I do think Sony Santa Monica is currently working on a new IP. I'm not sure where I heard that, though, it has been too long, but that's the impression I got.

Software_Lover3622d ago

I like these types of games. Max The Curse of Brotherhood is still one of my favorite games this gen thus far. Will be picking this up.

starchild3622d ago

It looks fun and charming, doesn't it?

XtraTrstrL3622d ago

That's the craziest lil rendering engine. It looks so damn good.

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RaidenBlack209d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai209d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

208d ago
lellkay208d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z208d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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