
The Outerhaven reviews EA's NBA Live 15. Nothing but air

With the release of EA's often delayed but finally here 2014-2015 NBA title, NBA 15, being released is it worth your time? We dive right into the titled and see if this is a title contender or if it's just going to be ridding the bench.

Here's a hint, don't sub this game in folks.

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DEEBO3523d ago

Wow my kid had high hopes for this year i guess EA need to buy the NBA rights too,lol for the love god i hope this never happens.

Kingthrash3603522d ago

Find the single most largest piece of wood and knock on it!

Remy_Chaos3522d ago

Why anyone would expect anything good to come out of EA is beyond me. Sure they have some promising titles, but they go out of their way to find some way to ruin them.

Blaze9293522d ago

"Why anyone would expect anything good to come out of EA is beyond me."

that makes absolutely no sense. NONE

Blaze9293522d ago (Edited 3522d ago )

Y'all are wilding. The past 2-3 LIVE games were bad but been I playing LIVE 15 on Xbox One (through EA Access) since Friday and I can definitely say this game is WAY better.

I can even say I enjoy playing it more than 2K15 currently. 4.4/10? Let's be real. All this from a 6 hour trial? 3/10 for replay value? that's all you do with sports games - REPLAY!

And watch a bunch of bandwagon fans look at this and instantly believe it as so without even trying it. I'm all for EA Sports not giving us crappy games but they worked hard on LIVE 15 and it's evident. Give credit

Remy_Chaos3522d ago

Thanks for your opinion (wonderful are they?) just like my previous comment was about EA in general, not Live 15. Also how does my previous comment not make sense? Maybe you're just reading it wrong, maybe its the word "beyond," clouding your thought process. I meant no offense by the way, just curious since I'm sure others will get it. Either way I'm out of bubs.

3522d ago
medman3522d ago

If EA ends up acquiring the rights to the association...I will blame you deebo. Some things are just too horrific to be spoken of, and you went and mentioned the ultimate nightmare scenario. For wherever EA treads, suck is sure to follow. Where am I wrong?

Ashby_JC3521d ago

I think (And hope) EA never does what they did to video game football. THey basically killed of that part of gaming for me.

I like to have options.

The reason I dont see EA trying to get exclusive for the NBA is that LIVE is struggling compared to the competition.

Whereas Madden was #1 football video game and 2k was trying there best. NFL2K5 was way ahead of its time (or was madden just WAY WAY behind...hmm)

So I dont see them shelling out big bucks for a game (live) that is not a huge money maker.

Pray that im right!!

jdubrady3521d ago

Every time I play EA's NFL Madden I always wonder what if they didnt have the exclusive licensing. EA got lazy on their NFL games, but why try when they are the only choice we have for football games. EA needs to just make FIFA and NHL..those are fun.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3521d ago

EA is a perfect example of a company which tires so hard to be a jack of all trades. Only rather than completing any given task to a satisfactory degree, they fail hard on a lot.

Madden is Good at best. Its always been a very solid but tired game. On top of it all, ill never stop wondering what it would have been like had they not robbed 2k of the right to make a superior game.

Their basketball game (pun intended) is a joke. live series has never even been decent and probably never will be.

Do they even bother with baseball anymore?

How the hell they supposedly jacked up NHL 15 so bad, ill never know.

bloodybutcher3522d ago

I'm like ea, hard-on fail a lot

redknight803522d ago

Yeah, totally agree...I am bored to hell with Madden, skipped NHL this time but will likely rent the next version and definitely passing on Live. I am a huge soccer/football fan so do I enjoy Fifa, but even that...just tiny changes to a few things (usually just visual) and that's it.

I, too, really wish 2k had the rights to make a football game; the competition would be great for the gamers. I also hope that PES can pick up their game and maybe get some more licenses for teams and stadiums, as that is the main thing holding me back (I enjoy playing as an authentic Division II team and build my way up).

3522d ago
3522d ago
tracyllrkn3522d ago

It blows my mind that people need reviews to tell them if a game is good or not. It's best to see the reviews on released day. Which you shouldn't have to when there's a demo coming out.

optimus3522d ago

EA just needs to find another developer that will do a good job, otherwise they may get their license revoked once it's up.

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Which of this weeks Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 9th June 2015

Neil writes "This week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale is now live and brings a few helpful bargains to both Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners. But which of the discounts in place should you be snapping up, and which should you be leaving to one side?"

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oKidUKo3296d ago

I agree totally regarding the EA games on sale, just grab EA Access. Great value.

roguedragon13296d ago

Sale So disappointing again thought they would step up leading to E3. hopefully better deals on playstation.

neil3633296d ago

Saving it all for next week perhaps?

RiPPn3295d ago

Since the Xbox One launch Microsoft sales have been garbage.. I have $30 expiring in 2 weeks that I'm probably going to have to spend on full price content because of how lame these sales are. Hoping for an Ori sale next week during E3.

Dirtnapstor3295d ago

Your $$$ do not expire regardless of your Live status. Just pay by the month, first month is a free trial before payments begin. Usually available through your PC, not the dashboard.


Nba Live 15 is in The Vault Right now for all EA Access Members

EA's NBA Live is currently available to access members. The announcement was made via EA Access twitter feed.

nicksetzer13400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

Best 2.50/month I have ever spent on gaming related items. Love the continuously expanding, playing games early, (as well as being able to try before I buy) and a 10% doscount on all ea content. No brainer.

4Sh0w3400d ago

Yeah I got it....I dont buy many sports games anymore but its nice to check out some of these EA games I wouldn't have played otherwise. The discounts on other EA games I like really makes this service pay for itself.

3-4-53399d ago

EA Access is worth it specifically for Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare.

Everything else is the Bonus.

getrektedmate3400d ago

And who said it wasn't "good value".... Cough * sony *cough

Fro_xoxo3400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

That's nice :)

Make fifa 15 available in the vault, then you got me.

I ain't paying €70 just to play one game mode versus my buddies.

thrust3400d ago (Edited 3400d ago )

There are loads of game you get for the £20, I do not think you have an xbox one.

jon3sy93400d ago

yeh best £20 iv spent, well worth it :)

StrayaKNT3400d ago

I was going back and forth on whether or not i should buy this game. EA access is truly the best subscription service.

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NBA Live 15 Coming to EA Access

Last year's entry in the NBA Live series, NBA Live 15, is being added to the EA Access subscription service on Xbox One, according to an image on the Xbox website.

getrektedmate3411d ago

I love EA Access! Sucks that PS4 and PC gamers can't get this service. Anyways I'm glad I own the Xbox One!

Foehammer3411d ago

What a great value EA Access is

hello123411d ago (Edited 3411d ago )

Really that fairly new game to be honest Ea Access is one of the best features on x box 1. 30 Euros a year can't go wrong it worth owning a x box 1 for this alone.