
Review: Endless Legend (DarkZero)

Dominic Sheard: "Sid Meier's Civilization V and its multiple of expansions are no doubt some of the best 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate, a term first used way back in the early 90s to distinguish a specific type of turn-based strategy) games on the market. Civilization V continues to be popular to this day, with the game continuing to have 50,000+ players daily on Valve’s Steam platform. That’s pretty fantastic for a game that came out in September of 2010. Since that time there have been a few other companies creating entries in the genre, but none have really managed to hold up their own against the giant known as Civilization. Enter Amplitude Studios, a fairly new studio who has the balls to release their own 4X game just weeks before the release of Civilization: Beyond Earth. But unlike the other people who tried, and ultimately didn't make as big of an impact, Endless Legend takes the good of Civilization and mixes it with its own fictional universe to craft a compelling fantasy alternative to the reality based Civilization titles."

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bluerocker3529d ago

This is really one of those games where you get sucked in by the graphics. Just beautiful!

Domstercool3529d ago

Totally agree. The world is a lovely rendered place.


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Zeldafan641137d ago

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 have the best soundtracks ever


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william_cade1597d ago

Which one is better: Stellaris or Endless Space2?

DeeJayQc1597d ago

I played more with Stellaris. A great game!

tcharger1596d ago

I wish this genre translated well to consoles

So many wasted hours of my youth!