
September 2014 NPD: PS4 outsells Xbox One despite Microsoft giving away a free game

Gamesbeat :

"Sony’s co-marketing deal for Destiny helped the PlayStation 4, but Microsoft had some good luck with its own free-game promotion as well.

Consumers spent $1.1 billion on new physical games and consoles at U.S. retailers during the five-week period from Aug. 31 to Oct. 4. That is up 2 percent from $1.08 billion over a similar period in 2013. The year-long trend of new-console sales making up for lackluster software continued once again."

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SardoNumspa3571d ago ShowReplies(38)
rarity3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

that's alot of consoles sold in a single month in all honesty I except the rest of the year to be no different.

lol didn't patcher say the xbone beat the ps4 this month? It's sad SOME people actually believed him.

BiggerBoss3571d ago

I don't really see how he can call himself an analyst. Maybe he's just trolling us all? Hmm...

HighResHero3571d ago

Quite possible. I've considered some rather ambitious trolling conquests myself.

SardoNumspa3571d ago

Pachter is right now sending off an angry email to vchartz for making him look like a complete fool in the eyes of the console world.

HighResHero3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

I don't think ol' Patchy even cares about anything. He'll probably just get all high and sort of wander off.

ThatOneGuyThere3571d ago

SOME people actually PAY him...

dmd91x3570d ago

It's sad people actually care.

UnwanteDreamz3570d ago

Yeah not like you care huh? Clicked the article commented twice. Yeah you dont care.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3570d ago
DVS-Zev3571d ago

Destiny sold more on X1 but madden sold more on PS4.

Advertising is a fickle mistress

BitbyDeath3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

That was just the standalone, it was already announced in another article that PS4 sold the most overall. (bundles and digital)


DVS-Zev3571d ago

That states worldwide sales no? NPD is just U.S sales

BitbyDeath3571d ago

Wrong article, here is the Americas version.


darthv723571d ago

Madden (physical) sold better on the 360 but in comparison to PS4 and XB1 then yes the PS4 had more copies of Madden sold.

i dont get it either but the way they list them...it sold better on the 360.

Kribwalker3571d ago

Gotta watch that pr speak

"According to Activision internal estimates, the PS4 system is the #1 platform worldwide for Destiny based on units sold through as of October 4, 2014."

Even though it's a article on Sony America its a worldwide statement, not USA only

FarEastOrient3571d ago

Remember NPD doesn't count software packed in bundles or digital sales. At the same time 30% of storefront retail isn't tracked by NPD.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3571d ago
bleedsoe9mm3571d ago

even with the sony and ms bundles its still just weird

joshw20113571d ago

Xbox One "sold" more because Destiny PS4 bundles only counted as a PS4 sale, not as both a PS4 and Destiny sale. Free game sales when buying an Xbox One counted, and it seems likely that many people chose Destiny. If PS4 bundle sales counted towards Destiny as well, PS4 would have sold more.

This makes no sense considering the Destiny bundle is $50 more than just buying a PS4... Obviously people were paying the $50 extra just because they really wanted a PS4? Completely illogical. If the bundle sold for the same as just the console it would be reasonable, but not when it costs more.

bleedsoe9mm3571d ago

with the sony larger install base i would have thought they would still have sold more copies of destiny , xb1 numbers must have been decent to make that dent .

Thatguy-3103571d ago

Just goes to show how powerful the hype and marketing tactics can be.

DanielGearSolid3571d ago

none of the Destiny PS4 Bundle counted towards that, not sure if the X1 free destiny counted

badz1493571d ago

the X1 free copies are counted as sales per the article.

imt5583571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

That is standalone Destiny. NPD doesn't count bundles. Anyway, Xbone gave Destiny for free. Combine Destiny PS4 standalone and bundles, you get much higher numbers. Sony gave a statement : http://www.hardcoregamer.co...

Edit :

Poor sales for Forza Horizon 2 in US. Even below Hyrule Warriors. Well, Shadow Of Mordor ended in top 5 ( release date same as FH2 - Sep. 30 ). NPD coverage August 31-October 4

GiggMan3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

I don't think that includes bundles and digital.

Madden could have sold more on Xbox overall due to the Xbox bundle also. There is no way of knowing until NPD starts tracking digital.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3571d ago
Kayant3571d ago

Destiny XB1 > PS4
A bit surprising and funny given that's the only game XB1 outsold it by.

SoulWarrior3571d ago

America =/= the world

PS4 Destiny has outsold the X1 version almost 2 to 1.

Kayant3571d ago

Yes? I was talking about NPD after all not the world.

badz1493571d ago


and you missed the part where the article said the X1 free game promotion counts but the PS4 bundle isn't?

Automatic793571d ago

The threads keep using the excuse of free destiny give away but in reality that was for one week what about the rest of September. I think this had to do with gamers on Xbox like myself who loved bungie since Halo and going out and supporting them even if they had exclusive content for the competition.

GiggMan3571d ago

Why would say 200k people (just guessing) go out and buy Destiny when it came with the system they purchased?

It could also explain why Madden and FIFA sold better on PS4. Digitals and bundles should count if they are going to give numbers every month.

Spotie3571d ago

Yeah, probably not. Especially since it's already been said by Activision/Bungie that Destiny did better on PS4.

I feel sorry for you guys who seem to be trapped in these delusions.

chrismichaels043570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

The article specifically states NPD isn't including sales of the PS4/Destiny bundle. That's where the majority of PS4 Destiny sales are at. It's why PS4 had another monster sales month over Xbox One. Plus it's hysterical how you want to ignore the fact Microsoft offered any game (including Destiny) for *FREE* in an attempt to increase Xbox one sales in the same week Destiny dropped. I know youre a loyal xbox supporter and that can cloud your common sense, but come on now. Be a little more realistic.

GiggMan3571d ago (Edited 3571d ago )

I know a couple people that went with the XboxOne version that play it daily. It shouldn't be shocking. I personally went digital with the PS4 version.

iTechHeads3571d ago

Destiny has given away free to new XBO owners.
PS4 had record PSN Sales.
PS4 Bundle sales don't count.

Yeah, XB1 sold more stand-alone copies but only when you ignore a huge amount of data.

OrangePowerz3571d ago

The bundled game isn't included and from my own personal experience I know a lot of people who started with this gen by getting the PS4 Destiny bundle. Not sure if it really outsold it.

NeoGamer2323570d ago

It is hilarious given the fact that Destiny was pretty much exclusively advertised as a PS4 game.

In fact, I think MS should be happy with the September results...

Sure they did the free game thing, but they were up against the number one selling game of the year exclusively advertised and pushed on the PS4 which has outsold X1 by a wide margin in the US every month.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3570d ago
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Ex Destiny and Halo Producer Says Live Service Is 'Better for Developers and Players'

A former Halo and Destiny executive producer has said the live service model is "so much better for developers and players" than the one-off $60 purchase model.

Christopher30d ago

Typically the best games of each year say otherwise.

Christopher30d ago

Alan Wake 2, BG3, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok, Hades, Returnal, Fallout 4, Dishonored, It Takes Two, Untitled Goose Game, Breath of the Wild, both of The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Psychonauts 2, Control, Celeste, Super Mario Odyssey, Bloodborne, The Outer Wilds, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cocoon, The Dredge, and more and more and more.

Up against Overwatch and Destiny as far as critical acclaim and recognition as 'better' for players.

And, let me be honest, even 'for developers' is a lie. Want to know why? Because it's only good for people who can pump out graphics constantly and not overall quest designers, coders, engine devs, etc.

What this guy means is "we can give a lot of cosmetic content to players, who we think players like more because people spend money on it, and it's best for us because we don't have to pay for a full team to create a new game and just the people to pump out new graphics from one season to another." In no way is his comment a true reflection of what is 'better for players' let alone 'better for the industry stability over longer periods of time.'

This is more investor mindset focusing on maximizing profits by getting consumers to buy less for more while they spend less making it. That's it.

You know what's best for players? Newer, better, and more content that is good and not just cosmetic. Live service isn't that unless you pay $60 a year to them to add more for it (like Destiny and CoD do). Then you might get some improvements and new content. Even then? Not usually.

just_looken29d ago

In terms of player feedback/awards yes but the list you made are all nothing in terms of profit.

Call of duty mobile alone laughs at that list that game is a billion dollar money making machine.

Toss in your apex/mmo/rivals/fortnight/robl ox/minecraft monoploy go or back to console with elder scrolls fallout 76.

Basically there is alot more live service style games that hit or go above the billion dollar mark than your list and that is what the people at top want cold hard cash. Heck alot fo them make a billion + a year

Gta 5 single player profit vs gtao profit as a example now that ps5/series has gtao as a free standalone with gta + there printing cash like its going out of style over there.

Christopher29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Being more profitable isn't better for the consumer or developers. That's better for executives in suits.

just_looken29d ago


Umm exactly who do you think pay's the bill's and hands out the games budgets?

They have 0 care about a games award's/feedback its all profit driven some use to care like sony back in the day now its profit first.

0 likes shows how many are still on copium thinking the big publishers care about them

aaronaton30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Well the Poll on the website is suggesting he is massively wrong and out of touch.
A big majority of the vote going to "I prefer one off purchases with paid expansions"

Couldn't agree more.

Inverno30d ago

I'll always think the concept is awesome. Back during the PS3 era I pictured a Spider-Man game that would be the traditional open world swinging playground that they typically are but every comic issue would be turned into dlc. It'd be the entirety of the Amazing line, 2 to 3 issues at a time, turnt to dlc until the entire Amazing line is told in form of a game. That concept eventually made it to the industry and they have consistently fk'd it up with every game that has been made as a "service".

jznrpg30d ago

There is nothing like sitting down , popping in a great single player game and blocking out the world.

OtterX30d ago

Sometimes I like to log into Fortnite and Call of Duty and just sit and listen to 12 years call me a n*****, f**, m***** f***** just so I can remember why I like to play single player games.

GhostScholar30d ago

Not for players over the age of 12

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10 Open-World Games That Feel Empty After Just A Few Hours

Unfortunately, the open worlds in games like Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, Halo Infinite, and the original Assassin's Creed do more harm than good.

MadLad389d ago

I legitimately loved Halo's switch to open world. They made traversal of the map entertaining, and everything involved just tied into the (what I consider) awesome gunplay.
The entire time I really felt the slow takeover of the map, and all the little steps forward felt satisfying.

I don't know what more people really want there, considering the setting and story. A handful of soldiers hunkered down on enemy territory; slowly trying to win the battle.

giovonni388d ago

I agree I liked the switch to the open world, it was large with beautiful land scapes. However, it did feel a bit empty, and wasn’t as action packed as I would have liked. A lot of the bases felt like fillers instead of something of wonder. Let’s see what 343 under new management does from here cause Halo needs some updating

archibold388d ago (Edited 388d ago )

I'm surprised they scrapped the Slipspace engine. I thought the graphics looked great, the sandbox physics were as good as ever, and the AI worked well. Clearly a lot of work went into it and it appears to have been optimized for the new generation of GPUs. The only issue I had with it was the lack of environments, would have been cool to have different biomes on the ring to explore. A bit more variety in missions would have been nice, maybe some timed events where you have to manuever a banshee through forerunner architecture or some mongoose speedruns would have spiced things up.

CrimsonWing69388d ago

I think R* are the only ones who have made compelling open worlds. I can’t stomach most open world games and how boring they are with busy world. It’s like a flex to make this massive environment, but it’s extremely boring to traverse and play in. GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 blew me away with how incredible their worlds were. Elden Ring was the only other game to give me that sense of awe.

giovonni388d ago

GTA V and unfortunately, Saints Row the original have had some of the most aggressive open world features where the world doesn’t feel so bland. To me what makes GTA V so special is the way the characters react to the world around them vs how the world reacts to them. For example, in GTA when you switch to Franklin and he walked past an attractive female he responded “ damn you fine” or in Saints row you can run up in the pawn shop flash a gun and watch them respond by raising their hands in the air, or they press the silent alarm making you have to run away from the cops. Halo infinite doesn’t have those kind of moments that make you feel apart of the world it just feels like it’s there.

bloop387d ago

Trevor talking to random vegan npc: "You suck c*ck, but you don't eat meat.... It don't make sense to me "

Classic. Such a shame we won't get that humour again now that R* have gone all in on virtue.

Abear21388d ago

AC Odyssey with the next gen patch is pretty incredible, especially if you like a sea shantie. Lol.

Abear21388d ago

I’m back on an open world kick after Horizon. I don’t know what clicked in me but exploring the map and seeing the detail work has me loving open worlds again. Playing AC Odyssey on hard and really enjoying it and the map. Reinstalling RDR2 tonight because damn, that map is just incredible for sightseeing.

Sonic1881388d ago

Halo Infinite felt off. It's like the developers didn't know what they really wanted to do

Demetrius388d ago

Depends on which open world titles u play, most of em are shitty AF, but I honestly admire open world genre, sometimes to just take a break from fighting and missions you explore n see details you haven't noticed before cause you were too busy body at first, then boom finding some dope equipment or things to sale

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter424d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell423d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

Christopher30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Designed around it? It's cosmetics only and the core game is designed as a looter shooter with complex raids and tiered PvP for the best gear that you can't achieve with real money.

I'm very surprised people agreed with your comment.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 30d ago
buffig424d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast424d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g424d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka424d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

424d ago Replies(1)
424d ago
Father__Merrin424d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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