
Ripten PC Review: The Political Machine 2008

Andrew Podolsky reports:

''It's been 17 months since Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton started to duke it out for the Democratic nomination, less than a month since the winner of that contest was settled, and four score and seven years since John McCain graduated from flight school, after learning how to ride a pterodactyl. It's easy to get fatigued watching all this crap on cable news, but for a fun bit of counter-programming, we have this clever little strategy game, The Political Machine 2008.

At first glance this downloadable game looks a bit like Civilization, but on a scale of 41 weeks instead of 4,100 years. Also, instead of a whole world to explore, you are limited to the 50 United States (suck it, Guam!), and there is no "fog of war" obscuring your view of the nation. While there is no rolling blackness from your perspective, the nation's voters are wallowing in ignorance, and it's up to you to educate them with speeches, ads, and political trickery.''


WorthPlaying: The Political Machine 2008 Review

WorthPlaying writes: "The mass media has summed up the 2008 presidential race in a variety of fairly negative terms. While words like "acerbic" and "dirty" were certainly batted around, developer Stardock has attempted to add a few more favorable adjectives with its charming entry, The Political Machine 2008. Set during the frenetic 41-week run up to Nov. 4, the game allows you to step into the shoes of an aspiring presidential hopeful, take a firm stance on the issues, and throw your hat into the ring for the most important office in the land."

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SBG: The Political Machine 2008 review


Beyond the standard mode, you also have the additional modes of playing in an 1860 American election where you may need to do some research to see who actually cares about tariffs and equality movements. Or you could play on a twisted European theatre version of the game or the equally ludicrous and hilarious alien Drengin Empire elections. All have their different skews, but ultimately are the same core set to different themes. Graphics and sound are appropriate for its 20 dollar price tag, but it is a vast improvement over the 2D representations of the first game.

The Political Machine 2008 unfortunately will be forgotten by the end of the year, which is a shame because it is a solid turn-based strategy game that has big potential to educate younger generations into how the political process actually works."

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Thunderbolt: The Political Machine 2008 Review

Thunderbolt: "It's an interesting concept given the competition, although The Political Machine 2008 isn't billed as a simulator, and will certainly entertain those tempted by the lower price point. You've a solid game that, whilst incredibly similar to its forerunner, brings the series up to date, especially in such a historic US election. Just don't expect too much deviation as every play-through is anything but a winding road."

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