
My first 30 minutes playing The Forest

Softonic: "Fear, loneliness, courage: The Forest made me feel all these things in just a mere 30 minutes. The Forest is a survival horror game available through Steam (via early access), what looks like a cross between Minecraft and an action game. While the game's still in its pre-alpha version, it's already poised to become a smash hit."

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Allsystemgamer3539d ago

I bought it over the summer. It was fun but I haven't played it since then. I may te download it to see what changes were made. It was worth the $15 IMO

Kran3539d ago

Ahhhh. Butting it sounds like fun =]

JamesBondage3539d ago

buy it, its fun for what it is right now. and its only going to get better

uth113539d ago

it sounds like "Don't Starve" set in a photo-realistic 3D world rather than a cartoon one.

LOL_WUT3539d ago (Edited 3539d ago )

I think this game is survival horror going by one of the many teasers and trailers.

Edit: After doing some searching it hasn't been confirmed that the game will release on consoles. ;)

bondsmx3539d ago

I picked it up on the first day of early access. Got 40+ hours into it. Great game. Really fun, and super tense. Every fight could be the end of you. And with each passing patch, they are adding tons of things to it. If I could get over my destiny addiction, I'll definitely go back and play more forest.

mx1043539d ago

I got it on steam when it first released in early access. Its still under development but the devs are always updating and improving this game in many ways. Theres a count down clock between updates so you know when they are coming. Ive spent so many hours wondering around and getting lost, its alot of fun and pretty different from most other games of the similar genre. Highly recommended

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Iron lung.