
First Hour: Vib Ribbon

Sony has answered the call of tens of people! Colin checks out the First Hour of Vib Ribbon on the Playstation 3!

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mixelon3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

So happy to see Vib-Ribbon again. :D I have the PS1 version. Never thought I'd see it running on modern(ish) hardware.

We need more weird stuff like this.

GamingSinceThe80s3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

I'm still hoping for Jumping Flash 3.I never played Vib- Ribbon but plan on downloading it soon.Don't know how I missed it when it was new seeing I owned a PS1 at launch and worked at GameStop when they where still selling PS1 games.Yet I never even heard of it before E3 2014.Was it even released in the U.S before now?And is it any good,or just weird? Oh just watched the start of the video and he said it was never released in the States,that's why I have never seen of heard of it before.lol

mixelon3634d ago

I don't think it came out in the US at all. :)

I'm in the UK.. I really like it.. On the PS1 you'd put in your own music CDs and it'd make levels out of them.. On really fast metal it's intense (and surreal) Obviously that won't work on the Vita version but hopefully still works on the PS3..

It came with a poster telling you what all the button combinations did. It's fun, a bit throwaway though really, very limited by design - even moreso than Parappa - still awesome though.

Completely nonsensical too. If the rabbit goes wrong.. turns into a frog.. if the frog messes up.. becomes a worm with a camera on it's head.. or something. And completely insane J-pop soundtrack. Has a lot of character. :D

NBT913634d ago

I've always wanted to play this.
So does it now support songs stored on HDD? Because the original used CDs if I'm not mistaken.
Looks fun though, didn't know it was coming to PS3, I'll give it a go soon.

GamingSinceThe80s3634d ago

It's under $5 with PS Plus at the moment.But that most likely ends sunday.

mixelon3634d ago

I have no idea.. I hope it plays some sort of custom soundtracks, the CD audio option was one of the most fun things originally. Fingers crossed!

CernaML3634d ago

Apparently only the PS3 version supports custom soundtracks via CDs.
Its a straight port of the PS1 version.


Vib-Ribbon Soundtrack Coming to Vinyl

Hardcore Gamer: Vib-Ribbon might be long gone, but it’s not forgotten. This is thanks to the unforgettable vector visuals, soundtrack and unique mechanic. Players could pop in their music CDs to generate tracks. The official soundtrack was nothing to scoff at. It featured tracks from Masaya Matsuura – the same composer behind Parappa the Rapper!

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