
PSX Extreme: Riding Star Review

PSX Extreme writes: "Normally, we applaud developers when they attempt subject matter that is unique to the video game industry. Even if their selection is questionable – as it most certainly is in this particular case – we still think it takes guts to present the now-mainstream gaming public with a title that will probably only appeal to fans of the subject. Sports are typically great for games, primarily because they're loaded with plenty of intriguing action inherent to that sport. However, Equestrian doesn't lend itself well to the world of interactive entertainment, and there are obvious reasons for this. There just isn't an underlying theme of excitement; it's a cultured, civilized sport featuring magnificent animals and expert riders. It's not home to screaming crowds and high-impact action, and therefore, the quiet luster of the equestrian events may not find a large gaming audience. Even so, had they done this correctly, it could've at least been enjoyable for fans of such events. Sadly, they fall far short and this budget title is a waste of time."

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IGN: Riding Star Review

Just because a game is aimed at little girls doesn't mean it has to be mindlessly boring. Riding Star lets you train and manage horses, sure, but actually doing so is filled with tedium and repetition. Again, IGN realize they are not the target demo here, but they find it tough to imagine that anyone old enough to actually comprehend the tutorial would enjoy it beyond those introductory segments.

Presentation - 3.5
Graphics - 2.0
Sound - 3.5
Gameplay - 3.0
Lasting Appeal - 2.0
Overall -

Threydor5948d ago (Edited 5948d ago )

GOTY confirmed. MGS has no chance to win against cute horses.