
Will Pathologic reach its Second Stretch Goal in Seven Hours?

After successfully reaching its initial goal and first stretch goal, the developer and supporters do not need to worry about being successfully funded in seven hours. However, a gradual push for the second stretch goal remains possible. With $323,490 acquired, some backers have upgraded their tiers to receive more bonuses with their digital copy, which has increased the funds significantly.

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Serrafina3642d ago

Down to six hours with $324,015.

Serrafina3642d ago

$327,235 with three hours to go.

Serrafina3642d ago

With $332,044 in 44 minutes, it's not going to happen.


The bizarre Pathologic 2 brings survival thrills to Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass

Neil writes: "If you're an Xbox Game Pass subscriber then chances are you'll rarely be bored by your gaming exploits for there are a whole host of games being added to the scheme on a massively regular basis. Today that digital library increases once more as Pathologic 2 arrives on Xbox One, debuting on the Game Pass in the process."

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Second Opinion Spotlight: You Should Play "Pathologic"

On this week's episode of Second Opinion Spotlights (formerly Second Opinion Shorts), the good doctor takes on Pathologic.

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derkasan2602d ago

Disease, cannibalism, and murder - sounds like a winning formula.


5 Reasons You Need To Play Pathologic

HPP: Pathologic is a difficult game to write about. It's a difficult game to play! And like all difficult things, both should be attempted at least once.

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