
PlayStation Network returns online after worldwide connection issues

UPDATE 2/10/14 13.05pm: PlayStation Network has returned online after its latest round of downtime.

Speaking to Eurogamer, a Sony spokesperson told us that the company was "aware of some Network connectivity issues this morning".

There's still no explanation for the outage, although Sony engineers are understood to be investigating.

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Gazondaily3585d ago

Well that didn't last long.

It's alright people. Normality can resume now.

jrshankill3585d ago

The pitchforks and torches have been rested.

UltimateMaster3585d ago

I have my doubts it wad even down to begin with, I was sleeping during that time.
What were you guys doing this late on PSN anyway?
PS+ is an option, sleeping on the other hand isn't.

GarrusVakarian3585d ago


Gaming > sleep. Everyone knows this. :P

kneon3585d ago


I was on early this morning playing while the network was supposedly down, apparently not everyone was affected as I had no problems at all.

GarrusVakarian3585d ago

I didn't even know it wad down. I've just been playing some TLoU MP.

Oh well.

MasterCornholio3585d ago

It went down for barely any time at all and the amount of trolling it caused was incredible.

I'm glad that its back.

ramiuk13585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

i love my ps4 but thee are a few things that really annoy the hell out of me and they have been an issue for too long.

*its alot slower than xb live(im on 152mb bb yet sony ps4 max out at 40mb) while xblive gave alot more.

*loading the ps store up can take upto 3 minutes from dash

*when in any game and trying to get into store from ingame it can take a while
example is fifa and trying to buy a gold pack everyday it takes 3 atttempts to get into store and then i can buy gold packs.

*messaging is slow on console and trying to saend the person you just played can take over 3 minutes at times,its even worse using the app.

so like i say i love my ps4 and wouldnt swap it for anything,its just they really need to heavily invest in faster more stable network.
i have had these issues with 3 different routers and different houses using wired and wifi so its nothing on my end.

medman3585d ago

The concept of time zones is bypassing you, is it?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3585d ago
zerog3585d ago

It wasn't down this morning people. Read the summery, it says "updated 2/10/14" this artical is 8 months old. How did this crap even get approved? Does anybody actually read past the headline?

Oschino19073585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

Many parts of the world (Hint:Eurogamer) list the day before the month. So instead of October the second 2014 10/2/14 it would be the second of October 2014 2/10/14.


zerog3585d ago

Ok. Still wasn't down for anyone I know. Wasn't down the last few times these stories popped up for me. Its my guess theres problems in the routing from some places but not others.

Flyingdog6703585d ago

Ummm, was the only one not affected? CX for real, I was online till 11 (central time) and when I got up this morning it was still workingcx

HeavenlySnipes3585d ago

I've been on since around 9:30 am est and just came off about 20 minutes ago

RedstonerMC3585d ago

So much buzz on the article about it being down but once it goes back up no one's like "hey that's good" Buncha negative nancies.

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Sony Music Entertainment Japan, Aniplex, and Pocketpair jointly establish Palworld Entertainment

Sony Music Entertainment Japan, subsidiary Aniplex, and Palworld developer Pocketpair have announced the establishment of Palworld Entertainment, a joint venture that will be responsible for developing the reach of the intellectual property and for expanding commercial business endeavors, including the global licensing and merchandising activities associated with Palworld, outside of the game.

16d ago Replies(1)
Eonjay16d ago

Does this mean that Palworld is getting an anime?

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Crazy that they’ve formed a partnership of sorts, but the game itself still haven’t been released on PlayStation

badz14916d ago

It's still in Early Access. If it ever goes gold, there will definitely be a PS5 version, might even be a PS4 version too

Abnor_Mal16d ago

I still have no clue what this game is all about, to be honest.

badz14916d ago


If games like ARK is not to your liking, then Palworld wouldn't be your cup of tea either...I think.

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10 Best PSP RPGs Of All Time

The PS1 and PS2 both had strong RPG libraries, so it’s not a huge surprise that the PSP saw numerous excellent RPG releases, covering original releases, ports, and spinoffs/sequels to major franchises.

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jznrpg27d ago

Great list but needs to be 12 you don’t have Star Ocean First Departure and Second Story!


New Sony Controller May Let You Draw Your Own Buttons Using Conductive Ink

Sony has published a new patent about a controller that can be completely personalized by a user, including its shape and layout.

TFJWM31d ago

It is just a patent if it is new tech you file it

S2Killinit30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Dont get me wrong, I love that Sony does these research into new tech and all, after all it led to something as fun as the Dualsense, but im just asking why this particular tech would be useful in any way.

Profchaos30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Interesting idea likely something that will never actually be produced but Sony's simply securing the paten

Profchaos30d ago

Common practice really so many companies pattern troll because they either intend to make a product or just want to hold onto the rights of the idea there's some insane ones out there especially at the dawn of the internet.

You can have no intent to use it but this is just saying you thought of it first

kylegeorge8830d ago

yeah no, the controllers need the hall effect before investing more time and money into quirks.

BlackDoomAx30d ago

But how will they sell as many controllers if they do that?

fsfsxii30d ago

Maybe consider your personal hygiene before blaming someone else for your controller defecting

DustMan30d ago

I doubt @FSFSXII even knows what hall effect is. What a turd.

y2mate30d ago

great idea, but will it fully distributed to other continent ?