
PlayStation Exclusive Yakuza Zero's New Screenshots and Trailer are Sexy, Violent and Playful

Sega just released a new trailer and a new batch of screenshots of the upcoming prequel of the Yakuza series Yakuza Zero, which will be published next year (at least in Japan) on PS4 and PS3.

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bez873537d ago

I didn't mind Yakuza 3 it wasn't bad, it was very repetitive and found myself getting really bored with the basic fighting system and horrid graphics, and looking at this, it looks like where PS3/360 was about mid way through, those visuals are awful, not being funny Sega but Shenmue was by far the better game, I honestly don't know what you was thinking

hkgamer3537d ago

shenmue was a flop despite how amazing the game was. budget was way overblown so blame management for that. also comparing shenmue to yakuza series is like comparing cod to resident evil. they both have guns right?

visuals - sega created an engine that was decent, not great. but it looks good enough. japanese developers tend to be smaller than western.

games released - from early 2008 to late 2013 span of around 6 years, they were able to release 5 games.

i know im just spouting numbers and that doesnt make the game any better, but i enjoy the games and a good budget is what keeps it alive. graphics are important but it isnt the factor that is most important.

gameplay wise, if you dont like it then you dont like it.its a fun beat em up.

naruto_nutty3537d ago

Have you played Ishin and on what console?

Inception3537d ago

"it was very repetitive"

The same could be said for any open world game, including Shenmue, who basicly just go to point X for main mission, but before doing that you can have fun with side mission, mini games, or just roaming around the city.

"found myself getting really bored with the basic fighting system"

I found Yakuza fighting gameplay are faster, have more variation, and satisfying than Shenmue. But both practically used the same basic mechanic from Virtua Fighter, another game from Sega. So, if you bored with Yakuza gameplay than you must bored to death when playing Shenmue who had slower pace and clunky control / animation than Yakuza 3

"horrid graphics"

It still much better than Shenmue

"but Shenmue was by far the better game"

Shenmue is an amazing game, but some factor already showed that Yakuza is better than Shenmue, except story or music because that's very subjective. So, i don't understand why you came with this conclusion. I assume you never play Yakuza 3 or just trolling.

jetlian3537d ago (Edited 3537d ago )

shenmue is faster than that video you showed and to this day it has the most complex 3d fighting system.

Also to note shenmue came out 12-29-1999.Yakuza 1 came out in 2005.


look at 13 min mark

Anyway we need 5 yakuza games and this gonna be number 6. This looks great. the fighting looks better than all the other ones

Inception3537d ago

"to this day it has the most complex 3d fighting system"

Lol you're kidding right?

"Also to note shenmue came out 12-29-1999.Yakuza 1 came out in 2005"

And your point is...?

"look at 13 min mark"

Forward at 13 min mark and i don't see what you want me to see.

jetlian3537d ago (Edited 3537d ago )

more like you dont want to see. the video you showed the fighting was slow.Maybe it was the capture device but it looked like it was in slow motion.

Your comparing graphics from 1999 vs 2005 thats my point. And actually you was talking about yakuza 3 which is 2008

As for the fighting engine no 3d game(bayo,ninja gaiden, etc) is as deep as shenmue. You cant just do ryu izuna drop without dialing in your combos in NG. However in shenmue all moves are singular inputs similar to vf.

Inception3537d ago

"more like you dont want to see. the video you showed the fighting was slow.Maybe it was the capture device but it looked like it was in slow motion"

Lol dude, i don't know if you want me to watch the fighting scene. You don't have any clear message what i must see at 13 minute mark. And after i checked, yes the pace improve and more faster from the video i showed. But personally i still felt that Yakuza is faster than Shenmue.

"Your comparing graphics from 1999 vs 2005 thats my point. And actually you was talking about yakuza 3 which is 2008"

You should say that to bez87 who said Yakuza 3 graphic is horid and Shenmue is better, not me.

"As for the fighting engine no 3d game(bayo,ninja gaiden, etc) is as deep as shenmue. You cant just do ryu izuna drop without dialing in your combos in NG. However in shenmue all moves are singular inputs similar to vf."

You mean '3D ACTION GAME'? Because your 1st post left the action word and that means Shenmue is better than any fighting games such as Dead or Alive, Tekken, and even Virtua Fighter.

Although, it still debatable if Shenmue had the most complex fighting system for 3D action game. Yakuza also borrowed the same basic mechanic from Virtua Fighter and it has faster pace than Shenmue. So, i leave that to our personal judgement.

hkgamer3537d ago

to be honest, i want the shenmue vs yakuza debate to finish. totally different games.

shenmue was a adventure/rpg with a fighting system based on virtua firghter.

yakuza was a 3d brawler with rpg elements.

shenmue pushed dc to the max, yakuza didnt realy push it but still looked great.

storywise one felt like an epic adventure that sadly got cut, whilst yakuza was very movie like.


most complex 3d fighting system? shenmue suffered a lot from targeting which is a fail. i loved the move progression system though.

fyi i am a shenmue fan, enjoy it more than yakuza. but yakuza games are fun, they acrually come out and they all self contained so it doesnt matter if they cut the series.

ryo is just growing old in the caves. :'(

jetlian3536d ago

HKGAMER I love yakuza too I have all the western releases. Wish sega would release kenzan and ishin as a 2 pack same with 2 psps games. Also want 5 and 0.

the targeting system is the same as yakuzas, now 0 looks to have a newer/better one.

inception why would I be talking about 3d fighters? we're comparing similar games. Oh hell just throw in mario 64 then lol.

Yakuza clearly didnt borrow from VF otherwise your could use directional inputs on all moves. LOVE HOW YOU ADMITTED YOU LOOKED AT SLOW VIDEO AND "You should say that to bez87 who said Yakuza 3 graphic is horid and Shenmue is better, not me" YOU STILL MADE THE SAME COMPARASION

Let it go son

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3536d ago
d3nworth13537d ago

2:59 Something tells me that the box of tissue isn't for blowing his nose.

hkgamer3537d ago

so lucky that there is a rumoured enlgish version being released in asia. ive lost faith in sega releasing this worldwide.

Snookies123537d ago (Edited 3537d ago )

Yes, you absolutely should lose faith in Sega releasing it elsewhere. Even if they were to say it's coming, don't hold your breath. They said they'd localize PSO2 so long ago, and we still have no word on it. Sega is a joke when it comes to localizing things

hkgamer3537d ago

but thats just a vita thing :P im used to getting dissapointed with my vita.

Snookies123537d ago (Edited 3537d ago )

No, it's more of a PC thing. The Vita version was just an added bonus. Hey though, different people have different tastes. Me personally, I still have way too many games I need to play on Vita. So, no disappointment here.

caseh3537d ago

Last game I imported from Asia was Initial D and the only thing that was in English was the title screen and the manual so seriously, don't hold your breath. :)

knifefight3536d ago (Edited 3536d ago )

The China/Asia version of Sword Art Online had English text in it, too. (Released in May)

Deadpool6163537d ago

1988 was a wild time for Japan. This game looks like my kind of party. DISCO! *points upward*

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5 Games with Addictive Combat Mechanics

Yagmur Sevinc from NoobFeed writes - Combat is incredibly important in a game where the majority of the time is spent kicking and screaming. When the type of combat mechanics a game employs speaks to us, it instantly elevates the mood and makes the game an unforgettable experience. Let us look at some of the games where combat is so addictive that it leaves you with a smile on your face every time you look back at it.

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z2g640d ago

the combat in Control is deeply satisfying imo. you really feel powerful and its slick too.

myfathersbastard640d ago

Such an underrated game. One of my favs last gen.

ClayRules2012640d ago (Edited 640d ago )

Oh…how God of War left me in awe of its combat mechanics🤯 And throwing that 🪓 again and again, NEVER gets old😊 Never have I felt more like a complete an utter badass lol. Pardon my language. Well, come to think of it, maybe when I played as Joel in Last of Us, but idk, that’s up for debate haha!

Nod to Control, that has fun combat mechanics.

FreeckyCake640d ago (Edited 640d ago )

Could have gone a bit further and checked older games. God Hand had an incredibly addictive combat style imo.

Let's not forget Devil May Cry 5 too!

gamerz640d ago

I keep watching DMC5 combat videos but always feel like I'm just button mashing.

FreeckyCake640d ago

It takes a while for you to learn to execute stylish combos. With Devil May Cry 3/4, it took me years of practice

MIDGETonSTILTS17640d ago

I would add:

-Doom Eternal
-Spider-Man (I think they managed to differentiate from the Arkham formula, since they don’t have a “counter” button. And the zip-punch is perfect to keep momentum going)

LordoftheCritics640d ago

My personal fav combat:

1. Destiny 2
2. Skyforge
3. Control
4. DMC 3
5. BF3
6. Titanfall 2
7. Arkham Series
8. Tekken
9. HL2 series
10. Homeworld series

All for different reasons

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Are the Yakuza games good and where do I start?

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franwex2138d ago (Edited 2138d ago )

I'm about to start this series. In order of release. Even though the recommendation is to start w/ 0


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