
Game titles are worse than the title of this article

Summer is dead and gone, while an ominous wave of video games left my wallet trembling. It’s unclear if these games will be any good, but one thing’s certain; the titles’ names are going to suck. With all the sequels and clones in the industry, it’s natural how naming them is no easy task, but would it kill developers to use a thesaurus? Because the video game medium won’t be taken seriously until this is fixed.

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Dudebro903558d ago

There are definitely bad titled games out there, most of these listed are not bad at all...

caseh3558d ago

The content is usually worse than title these days. Honestly, Destiny made me chuckle:

- The Traveller
- The Fallen
- The Hive
etc etc

It's like, what should we call the bad guys or locations? Oh I know, just chuck THE in front of EVERYTHING, job done.

kneon3557d ago (Edited 3557d ago )

I really did lol when we they said the real enemy was "The Darkness". It doesn't get much cheesier than that.

Baka-akaB3558d ago (Edited 3558d ago )

"Because the video game medium won’t be taken seriously " "reflects poorly on the whole medium."
"If gaming’s going to be respected as an art"

Tired with those expectations and that silly pressure already . It's ill conceived to expect each game to ponder and prance about those questions when putting forth their content .

You can't 100% manufacture art like that , and expect each subsequient game of the industry to even pursue recognition and a "good" status .

You wanna be involved in a recognized medium amidst art critics and the mainstream opinion ? It is more something that reflects back on you , because , underneath , you are maybe a tiny bit ashamed of your passion , than some inherent issue with the medium .

It is already art and is already taken seriously as a big industry and provider of entertainement and wonders . It not being recognized as such by clowns that dont like gaming is irrelevant . Those things happens organically , and you are not going to change dishonest and negative opinions about the medium by conforming to their aspirations .

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PureArts & Ubisoft Announce Assassin’s Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama

This should make fans and collectors very happy. PureArts & Ubisoft Announce Assassin’s Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama Assassin's Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama available for pre-order on January 25.


Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition reemerges with first details and screenshots

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition first details and screenshots revealed following the original leak.

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-Foxtrot206d ago

Awesome. I love this game

Now people can give it a try if they haven't, hopefully finish it and see how much Ubisoft is butchering the sequel with whatever "thing" they've produced that clearly isn't a true sequel.

Obscure_Observer206d ago

I love Jade!

Ubisoft should had stick with her and Pey'j for the sequel.

SpacedDuck205d ago

No worries. That Sequel will never see the light of day. The second they brought "almost Robin" out and talked about that lame joke collab they were doing I knew it was dead.

XiNatsuDragnel206d ago

I love this game And wanting beyond good and evil 2 so badly

isarai206d ago

Dear God, 20yrs and still can't figure out a sequel. Awesome game tho 👍

SpacedDuck205d ago

Personally I'm excited for the 40th Anniversary Edition which will have an Extras Menu with an "all new" trailer for BGE2 coming soon!

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Can We Finally Admit Assassin's Creed 3 Deserves an Apology?

AC3 was released during a turbulent transition period for Ubisoft and the Assassin's Creed series. It ventured into uncharted territory, narratively and mechanically, which caused it to receive mixed reviews. At its core, though, it's a damn good stealth game.

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isarai254d ago

Nope, I hated 3, connar was bland, literally the most flat character in the entire game. Not to mention to myriad of bugs, camera issues, and that annoying thing where he automatically ditches his weapon you payed for for the sake of a cool finishing move forcing you to trek back to your base after almost every encounter just to re-equip your own weapon. It just didn't work as fluidly as the others like 2 and 4

Samonuske254d ago

The series peaked at AC3 for me. It’s been my favourite in the series. Connor will always be one of my favourite video game protagonists.

Becuzisaid254d ago

No. Game was BORING. Connor was really dull. Environments, while impressive, because of the geographic location and time period were not really exciting to be in. I would love some kind of game set in there colonial American time period, but a game like AC that back then centered around parkour and vertical traversal really didn't fit those environments.

-Foxtrot254d ago


There was a lot of issues but mine is how they handled the war

They told us Connor was not going to get involved, that the war was more of a background setting for the real story and it wasn’t going to be one sided

They lied, even the cinematic E3 trailer showed Connor emerge from the Colonist side and slaughter the red coats to get to his target, inspiring the Colonists to fight back

I just thought it would have made more sense lore wise that the red coats were mostly compiled of Assassins fighting the Colonist templars who wanted to take the new world for themselves.

Since the Red coats lost the war, it would then explain how the Templars started to gain the upper hand and how on the future the assassins were mostly killed off and the Templar’s had pretty much taken over everything.

Instead it just felt like they didn’t want to p*** off the American audience

Even Haytham was cool, he should have been an Assassin through and through and should have been the main lead.

toxic-inferno254d ago

The game even seems to lack the humour of the other games. It almost seems as though the idea of even slightly making fun of American history wouldn't be acceptable.

-Foxtrot253d ago


It just felt super safe

“Better not make the colonists look super bad incase people boycott our game”

jeromeface253d ago

someone missed the whole point

-Foxtrot253d ago

There was literally no point

What I've just said above would at least make sense lore wise and why the Assassins start to loose their war, die off and how the Templars are in control in the future of almost everything....what they did was just, pointless

CrimsonWing69254d ago

I’m one one of those weird people that liked Ass Creed 3, but to be fair I never got around to finishing it.

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