
Transverse is Piranha Games’ new crowdfunded space title

Piranha Games’ trailed sci-fi project has turned out to be Transverse, which looks as if it’s intended to be an online, open-universe space exploration and combat type title. Think Elite: Dangerous or Star Citizen. In fact, Piranha would definitely like you to be thinking about how much money was donated to that latter title, because they want millions of dollars to make Transverse happen.

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Transverse - Kickstarter Campaign At Only 1% After An Entire Week, 22 Days To Reach Its New Goal

DSOGaming writes: "Man, things are definitely not looking good for Piranha Games. Last week, we informed you about the non-existent support from Piranha Games' community about this new space combat game. Like many, we thought that things could get better for them after a week. However that's not the case as the game's campaign is still at 0% of its initial goal ($1 million) and at 1% of its new goal ($500K)."

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Azurite3512d ago (Edited 3512d ago )

1: Mechwarrior Online
2: "Kickstarter" on their homepage instead of using the real deal
3: Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous

JamesBondage3512d ago

Cool title, but the game looks like shit. Great that someone is thinking of making a space game with an actual plot.. but can it at least be a good one?


Piranha rethink Transverse goals, Reddit lock-down and apologies

It’s another day in the world of Transverse and Piranha Games could be finally waking up to the problems.

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Transverse - One Day Later & Its Funding Campaign Is At 0%, Developers Disable Comments On YouTube

Man, things are definitely not looking good for Piranha Games. Yesterday, the company revealed its latest title; a sci-fi flight-based MMORPG that looks way too similar to Star Citizen. And as it was to be expected, the fanbase backlash was huge. In fact, it was so huge that the launch of Transverse's crowd-funding campaign is now considered a complete failure.

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xKugo3519d ago

That's really unfortunate for Piranha Games. Considering how similar games in the RPG and FPS genre are, kinda sad to see a potentially good game go down in flames simply because something akin already has a strong foot-holding. What a shame...

3519d ago Replies(3)
R00bot3519d ago

Man, the internet is cruel. I bet the guys over at Piranha are losing sleep over this. The game looks similar to Star Citizen, okay, we get it. But it's no reason to crucify it. Other games have been similar before. I think the game looks really interesting..
Who knows if it'll be as good as Star Citizen, but it looks interesting.

user56695103519d ago

I think it have to do with, let's not start trends of hopping on bandwagon of things that should have been funded a long time ago. It's already a ton of space Sims in the works. Try something different we are tired of something gets some buzz or become popular then the market is saturated with it. Look at the most successful kickstarters old school games that was refuse to get a remake or upgrade and original good idea. They should of took a risk and try something completely different instead of jumping on the bandwagon. They should know pc gamers don't like that leave sh!t like that on consoles.

It's a response games are getting stale and are starting to look alike. If you're doing a kickstarters It gotta be different or your asking to fail. Pc gamers contribute to kickstarters most so don't think we gonna support something that we are not sure if you're just doing it for a quick buck

aliengmr3519d ago

It seems that Piranha is in some hot water for other things as well and are being "hyper-scrutinized" at the moment. So pretty much anything they are doing is under a microscope, including this game.

Call it bad timing in an already ugly situation.

DeusEx-Machina3518d ago

I'm pretty sure the issue here is more connected to PGI's past (*cough* MWO) than it is to Star Citizen.

3518d ago