
Miyamoto Describes Smartphone Gaming as “Pathetic”

To say smartphone and tablet gaming has blown up in recent years would be the understatement of the century; Apple has made a fortune off of the iTunes store, games like Angry Birds are known the Continent over, and Candy Crush probably leaves more people broke and crying than Las Vegas at this point. All praise aside, however, it did not fulfill the doomsday scenario that market analysts everywhere predicted; the end of handheld consoles. Nintendo, against all odds, managed to sell staggering numbers (over 40 million) of 3DS units. While this isn’t anywhere close to the ridiculous potential on Facebook games and app stores, one would be hard pressed to call handheld gaming “dead”.

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DanielGearSolid3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Cmon... that's not wat he said...

He said the passive attitude towards gaming that the casual market shows is pathetic...

With everything going on with gamergate right now... clickbait titles are like suicide.

qwerty6763611d ago

ya but you need those clicks man.

Magnus7013611d ago

Micro transactions are destroying us all!

Chrischi19883610d ago

Dont expect any logic on this board.

eworthington03611d ago

This is kind of old news.
Taken out of context "news"
I agree though.
Smartphone gamers are pathetic.
I played angry birds and blitz brigade fer a bit... but the only games I play are emulators.
To me its the only game purpose a smartphone has.

diepdiep3611d ago

"It’s kind of a passive attitude they’re taking, and to me it’s kind of a pathetic thing."

Article title: Miyamoto Describes Smartphone Gaming as “Pathetic”

Journalism at it's finest.

wonderfulmonkeyman3610d ago

Y'know what I'd like to see?
A popular gaming news website that is willing to call out the people that make these kinds of BS click-bait articles.

Put enough of these idiots up on the virtual "wall of shame" and eventually there's going to be an ebb of click-bait articles around these parts.
Sometimes being an a** is the only way to counter a click-bait-producing bunch of a**es.XD

mogwaii3610d ago

Well its true which ever way you slice it.

Chrischi19883610d ago

It is true, but not really what Miyamoto said.

recto853610d ago

the ultimate truth about mobile gaming - it sucks

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Shigeru Miyamoto would like to hand over Nintendo to someone 'younger'

Nintendo's Miyamoto is looking to hand over the reigns to a younger developer who can take his stead.

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Inverno29d ago

Will that matter much when the other old heads will most likely say no to anything a younger dev would say?

RaiderNation29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

They're not going to put someone in that position with radically different ideals. The "culture" of Nintendo is as a company and a brand is as iron-clad as any you will find. I guarantee you, no matter who fills Miyamoto's position, they will hold the same philosophies as he does when it comes to game development.

VenomUK29d ago

Shigeru Miyamoto should hand over Nintendo to Xbox's Phil Spencer. Can you imagine what he would do to the brand with Microsoft's financial backing?

Cacabunga29d ago

A bit late for this impossible transition.. its at least a good thing he handed over Zelda to Aonuma. But Miyamoto’s creative mind is unmatched

Jin_Sakai29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

“Shigeru Miyamoto should hand over Nintendo to Xbox's Phil Spencer. Can you imagine what he would do to the brand with Microsoft's financial backing?“

As if money fixes everything. Have you seen the state of Xbox?

Nintendo Switch will go down as one of the best selling consoles in history and they’ve released countless great games. Nintendo actually have passion for gaming and make stellar games. The complete opposite of Xbox.

Redgrave29d ago

VenomUK is obviously baiting. Come on guys.

Inverno29d ago

Then not much point in giving the reigns to someone younger if they're not going to push ninty in a somewhat newer direction.

RaiderNation28d ago (Edited 28d ago )


Myiamoto won't live forever and at some point he will retire. He's going to have to hand it over to somebody eventually. He probably already has an understudy that he's grooming to take his place.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 28d ago
Terry_B29d ago

Should have done that 15-20 years ago already.

solideagle29d ago

I hope to someone who cares for games and industry rather profits...

KwietStorm_BLM29d ago

Out of all the companies in the biz, Sony is who you call out for that of all things? lol how

Christopher29d ago

Yeah... a business is definitely not going to prioritize profits. What we want is profits plus a care for games. You're not getting one who doesn't care about profits.

Rainbowcookie29d ago

Its a matter of time but it would me a great loss.

cthulhucultist29d ago

By younger he probably means someone 60+ years old :-)

If any one has seen Jiro Dreams of Sushi movie ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... will probably know what I mean by this

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Interview: Shigeru Miyamoto Opens Up About Super Nintendo World and Nintendo's Future

In a new interview with IGN, Shigeru Miyamoto talks about designing Super Nintendo World, his opinion on video game stories, and why Nintendo is more than just a game company now.

mkis007520d ago

At least the onecin hollywood is kond of a let down...too small, 1 ride, and 1 restaurant...lots of cool moving things, but once you see it thats it...kids could have fun if the lines dont ruin it.

520d ago

Waluigi Almost Had His Own Princess Peach But Mario Creator Rejected The Idea

Waluigi almost had his own Peach counterpart like Mario before creator Shigeru Miyamoto rejected the idea.

Snookies12555d ago

I hope her concept art had a nose just like his, lol...

deleted553d ago

and a mustache..... but just a slight one.... call her Princess Peachfuzz.

-Foxtrot553d ago

What about Bowsers peppy and upbeat opposite, Wowser


Dirty_Lemons553d ago

Waluigi needed his own World game. Every other brother and cousin got multiple, what did he do that was so bad he got shafted the way he has over the years?!

553d ago
TheColbertinator553d ago

Waluigi is a great character and deserves respect