
Did Capcom Choose the Right Path With Resident Evil 4?

Hardcore Gamer: Resident Evil 4 might have been one of the greatest games of its generation, but was it the path that the series should’ve tread?

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-Foxtrot3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

No, they chose the wrong path for Resident Evil 5 not Resident Evil 4

The Plagas should of been a one off things to take a break from the Zombie enemies we've come face to face with.

Seemed like they went back to the Zombies in the RE4.5 concept art along with Jill, Barry, Tyrants etc but then they added co-op and it seemed everything fell apart.


Once Leon left the Island in RE4, he should of witnessed the Government bomb the Village and Castle...to destroy any trace of the Plagas.

nucky643578d ago

I thought RE4 was a good game....but it should have been a spin-off game and NOT RE4. RE4 should have been done in the style of survival horror.
hey, what I absolutely loved about RE4?.....mercenaries mode!

Baka-akaB3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Re4 still nailed an horror feel . Just a different one and more lovecratian , a bit like the village based cult of Dagon , from all the The Shadow over Innsmouth inspired media , novels and games .

So yeah the game wasnt the issue , it was the downhill slide started with re5 . I dunno how they expect anyone to take seriously the game with the "zombies" bike riders scene from RE5 among many other things gone wrong

Concertoine3578d ago

They made the right choice. The RE formula was becoming stale to a lot of gamers, what they missed was their opportunity to return to that style with more innovation when RE4 style went stale.

ShaunCameron3578d ago

RE4 was made the way it was made because it was no longer restricted by the technology of the day alongside even Shinji Mikami's own desire to modernize the IP hence the doing away with the gameplay mechanics that defined the previous RE games which were really products of yesteryear's hardware limitations and some of the more forgettable aspects of old-school gaming that the Survival-Horror genre was founded on.

_-EDMIX-_3578d ago

I love RE4, but by a RE standard, its very much not a RE game.

In terms of survival, those element are gone.

They very much could have had it both ways. For idiots who keep making it seem as if making it a bro dude shooter...

The game series sold better overall prior to this move. Just saying. Add up the sales and the last RE's over all sold better consistently then the later RE's post 4.

Again...they could have had both.

NukaCola3578d ago

Only thing I hated was the heavy feet while shooting. It was an archaic format that got a pass with 4 but in RE5 really stood out as such a hindrance.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3578d ago
Hold_It3578d ago

You forgot Resident Evil 6 being trash as well. The original concept for 4 looked a lot better than what it turned out to be. The problem was they kept trying to reproduce 4 with a different setting and Shinji Mikami got tired of it and went to Bethesda because they would let him make the RE game he wanted to unlike Ca$hcom.

3-4-53578d ago

Capcom hasn't chosen wisely in like 5 years.

breakpad3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

No absolutely Not ...RE4 ruined the whole series and Capcom also following the same formula for two consecutive games completely lost the essence of the series (and their money we all see their economic problems cause of bad games)...Resi 4 was a good game BUT NOT a Resident Evil game, the art and the stiory of the game also were completely ridiculous(ganados and spanish cults involving presidents daughter etcetc)...i dont understand why capcom didnt named REsi 4 with different name while on pS2 made 2 gems that time for the series REsi Evil Outbreak 1,2 that had some very unique surval horror elements which could revitalize the series(loading yr gun bullet by bullet, crawling after injury ,unique melee attack, desperate last shot..etcetc) Capcom with Resi 4 and all the media hypocrisy (Outbreak rated very low that time) which folowed completely lost REsi

MuhammadJA3578d ago

Both 4 & 5 are terrible games. Seriously, you make an action game with dated controls? At least 6 got it right.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3578d ago
DarkOcelet3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

If they nail the atmosphere and the scares for the campaign , Resident evil 7 might be the next Resident evil comeback they need , leave the badass action for the mercenaries . If the HD remake sells well then maybe they will start to see what the fans really want .

Thatguy-3103578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

Don't hold your breath we been saying that every time a new resident evil is announced and they don't listen.

DarkOcelet3578d ago

Revelations had a great atmosphere , it just needed better enemies , good story and no one accompanying you , this would be great and you will feel scared ,i mean that part when the captain was locked and he kept talking before you go to him , that was scary , if only the enemy design was better ...

Baka-akaB3578d ago (Edited 3578d ago )

I'm not one those hoping for anything , not when they send mixed imo msg like re-releasing the GC remake .

Makes me feel that Capcom is saying "you want old school RE ?(not even the request some of us got anyway) . I hear ya , here the remake and Revelations 2 , so you dont go ballistic over our RE/COD 7 ."

3578d ago Replies(3)
XtraTrstrL3578d ago

RE4 was fun, but it was the beginning of them going down the wrong path. From the stupid spanish villagers that weren't quite zombies but had alien brain leeches, to the clones of the potato sack headed chainsaw wielders. Why would there be dozens of those characters? Laziness is the only answer. The survival-horror scariness was starting to slip away in the series from this point on.

ShaunCameron3578d ago

Yes. With the new and improved 3D technology, why should RE4 and any future RE games be handcuffed?

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Resident Evil 4 Remake Sales Now at Over 7M, SF6 at 3.3M, Dragon's Dogma 2 Climbs to 2.6M

Capcom has announced that Resident Evil 4 remake sales are now at over 7 million units, Street Fighter 6 is at 3.3 million and more.


The 10 PSVR 2 Games You Should Own

If you're looking for 'must have' PSVR 2 games then look no further. These are the 10 titles every PSVR 2 owner should have in their library.

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kevco3390d ago

If you're wanting more PSVR 2 support, you should probably buy all of these games.

Speak with your wallet!

Profchaos90d ago

Bit rich to have to buy games you don't want because you want Sony to support the expensive headset they sold us which cost as much as the console it runs on beyond paying third partys to support it.
Seriously in terms of first party we have horizon on day 1 and a gt 7 vr mode.

They seemingly have made little effort to support it beyond paying Capcom to make re games in VR or a second party studio to make firewall which was mismanaged.

I'm a day 1 psvr2 user and the only thing I'm excited for right now is PC support.

I commented recently this bespoke VR game development model we have right now clearly doesn't work

crazyCoconuts90d ago

On the one hand I feel like there's been plenty of smaller non-AAA games to play and occupy me as a supplement to my flat screen gaming.
But I agree that Sony has done nothing to elevate this beyond the niche it's in and into the mainstream where it would be economical to create AAA games for it.

Babadook790d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Most of these games are worth owning for most people; I own all but 2 of them in fact. So I agree with kevco33. I think you're crazy if you downplay this list quite frankly. Sony can't keep funding software if people don't buy any of it, the ball is squarely in OUR court.

Sony has spent a lot on 3rd party stuff this gen like RE.

phoenixwing90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Saving up for the headset is my first hurdle. Let alone buying games I don't want lol

mudakoshaka90d ago

People downvoting you for not having enough finances...what a world we live in, haha

phoenixwing90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

They feel affronted at the very thought that I don't plunk down 500 immediately lol I have a little over 900 games in my backlog I've been buying games instead of hardware ever since I got my PC and ps5. I just don't know if vr is really for me honestly. Every time I have a couple hundred allocated to video games it makes more sense to buy a bunch of flat games instead of vr ones

mudakoshaka90d ago

I have 9 out of these 10 games. I try to buy all the VR games I like to support the advancement of VR!

TheEroica89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

I spoke with my wallet after watching the first headset get weak support. Easy pass until Sony earns my money. Feel bad for those who parted with 500 bucks, falling for the hype that Sony was actually gonna support this thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 89d ago
Neonridr90d ago

I own 7 of these titles off the list, lol.

NotoriousWhiz90d ago

I'm trying to decide if it's worth holding onto my psvr 2. I enjoy what it has currently, but it seems unlikely to get anything else. Might be better off just waiting for something with more support if that ever comes.

Profchaos90d ago

As a fellow psvr2 owner the question seemingly comes down to do you own a PC.

I think I'm all in I have a habit to hold onto my systems anyhow I still have my psvr1 to hell I still have my NES.

But while it's still worth something yeah you could sell it and if Sony turns the ship around you should be able to buy another one for less than you soldmit for I feel like we won't see any fix for the headset for the next 2 years rumours show that Sony has no current first party VR games in active development after they closed London studios

The whole psvr2 situation has left me feeling a little burnt on PlayStation as a whole to be honest. The first psvr felt experimental but it was supported far more than this superior headset


GT7 surprised me, because I hate racing games, but i poured 100 hours into it way too quickly.

I’m looking forward to the Metro VR game this year, and I hope that WW2 dogfighter game releases eventually.

talocaca90d ago

I have most of them 😅

Waiting for a sale on Synapse and Arizona Sunshine 2.....also Metro coming this year looks great.

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Resident Evil 4 Sales Top 7 Million Units Nearly One Year After Release

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) today announced that the multiplatform title Resident Evil 4 has sold over 7 million units worldwide approximately one year after its release.

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Cacabunga95d ago

Still didnt play it.. but I'm glad these SP games are big successes

TheColbertinator95d ago

Deserved. Great remake of a great game