
Microsoft Is Right: 900p on PS4 and Xbox One Is Unacceptable

Craveonline: Up to this point we haven’t weighed in on the 1080p vs. 720p debate that’s been raging for the past year, and there was really only one reason not too: I’ve been waiting. The eighth console generation has only just begun, after all, and it seems fair to give developers a chance to work out the kinks. “Surely devs just need more time to get their bearings on new hardware,” I thought. “Just wait until the real AAA stuff starts pouring in, then 1080p will become the norm.” I want to believe this is true, and long term, I’d wager that it still is. But steps in that direction don’t seem to be moving along very quickly.

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dbjj120883594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Someone has to be right and it sure as hell isn't 900p resolution.

gfk3423594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Funny to think that most likely MS said the same thing to Metro Redux's developer: "900p?! This is unacceptable! You have to do better!"
And they did, they increased the resolution by 12p...

The game runs now at 912p after using the 10% GPU that was reserved for Kinect.

novacav3594d ago

lol, dat 12p changes everything man

ainTgoTTime2bleed3594d ago

''And they did, they increased the resolution by 12p''...lol
12 frames here, 5 frames over there and in 5 years all xbox fans will have not a few but all of their games in glorious 1078p....;)

gfk3423594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

I wonder how much time they have spent to boost the resolution. Was it worth it? Gee! MS really fell in the resolution trap.

This shows how desperate they are. They should have kept their cool and left the resolution gate aside.

Instead they should have focused on games and exclusives (not timed exclusives).

Why haven't MS learned anything from Sony's attitude during last generation.

Illusive_Man3594d ago

No proof the reserve was ever used. Eurogamer speculated it may have been used by 4A has confirmed no such thing. The Only confirmed developers to have used it are Insomniac, Bungie, and Blizzard. Blizzard only used it after Microsoft provided the new SDK which leads me to believe that not a lot of developers have access to it currently.

GameNameFame3594d ago

And you know what else is not acceptable? Forced parity.

We know that hardware has a 40 to 50 percent power gap. Forced parity is biggest bs. Either done by lazy devs or ms pressuring devs.


Lol, there were some lighting and AA improvements as well as the 12p with the 10% GPU free-up :)

Ddavis5133594d ago

Bro wait til they unleash the cloudz all over the place. Then it will increase to 913P TEH POWAH!!!!!!

3594d ago
3594d ago
gfk3423594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

I'm afraid that you made a confusion with Insomniac's statement. They said that the freed 10% GPU will not be used for resolution in Sunset Overdrive, but it will be invested in AI, physics and graph features (to many with just 10% in my opinion).

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3594d ago
3594d ago Replies(7)
Future_20153594d ago

NBA 07 back on ps3 launch day in 2006 was 1080P native at 60fps

3594d ago
3594d ago Replies(4)
Lennoxb633594d ago

Somebody tried to tell me that Graphics and Resolution are the same thing lol. Now I see where the disconnect comes from. Some people just don't know what the hell they're talking about. They just see a bigger number and think, "It must be better." While that is true to a certain extent, some act as if you get a totally different experience from having 108/180 extra lines in your screen. Last time I checked, resolution has nothing to do with making your graphics better. Res is simply the clarity of your screen. That's it. That's all. I rather take the most gorgeous games seen to man. Over 1080p games who's graphics are: Meh.

SilentNegotiator3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )


~50% of Xbone games are sub-1080p and a little over a third of the non-cross-gen ones are sub-1080p. So they're not really in much of a position to call 900p unacceptable (but their Blizzard paraphrased comments were just about D3, so this article making it out to be a blanket statement is silly).

UnHoly_One3593d ago

As this gen progresses we are going to see fewer and fewer games at 1080p on BOTH consoles.

As devs try to push more and more fancy graphical effects they will drop the res to make it work.

I would bet anything on this.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3591d ago
HanzoHattori3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

I'd rather have games with more depth that last longer than 15 hours than a higher resolution.

(This is a statement that can be disagreed with to those with ESL issues.)

novacav3594d ago

True, but they may not depend on each other necesarily

porkChop3594d ago

Resolution and a games depth/length have nothing to do with each other.

EinRobot3594d ago

Two separate issues dude. Seriously not dependant on one another. That's where the dissagrees come from.

TheWow3594d ago

Resolution and depth/length aren't mutually exclusive.

Saryk3594d ago

Then making the next gen systems was for nothing!

beerzombie3593d ago

They have to sell consoles to a mass market at a price. Sony never built the Ps4 for you. Sony built the Ps4 for the causal gamers.
The price controls everything about how we game on consoles how they were built designed and mostly to sell cheaply.
This is not nock on them but the hard core gamer will not support the system there is just not enough of us for them to make the billions they want.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
MegaDan3594d ago

Maybe Microsoft should've made a better hardware instead of complaining to devs, and BTW wasn't Phil Spencer the same guy that claimed framerate is more important than resolution?

ShowGun9013594d ago

Like all other company men, Phil Spencer is the guy who says whatever makes his company look the best, at that particular moment...

and yes, once you decide on hardware, theres only so much you can expect devs to accomplish... I expect the x1 to peak graphically @ least a year before the PS4. once the REALLY heavy hitters (graphically) come out, I don't see how the underpowered X1 will be able to keep up if it cant even do it now. 900 is unacceptable for a cross-gen game, thats not even demanding... imagine it trying to run a game like Uncharted 5... (i realise im skipping 4, just saying, 4 years into its life cycle, it wont be able to compete.)

as always... IMO

PsylentKiller3593d ago

As graphics increase, the XBO will most likely drop resolution to stay relevant. However, when graphics reach that point for the Xbox, they will also reach that point for the PS4. When the XBO drops from 900 to 792, the PS4 will drop from 1080 to 900.
Of course, the XBO will probably have to make some other adjustments as well, such as framerate, AA, dynamic weather, etc. But for those who only bought the XBO, there is nothing to be ashamed of. It's a great system with a lot of great features. For those who have multiple systems, it becomes a bit more complicated. Do I forgo the better graphics because I prefer the feel of the Xbox controller? Which system are my friends buying this mp game for? Do I care about the exclusive dlc?

I bought MGS:GZ for PS4 because I wanted the higher resolution but more importantly I wanted the dynamic weather. I love the xbox controller for military type games (the triggers feel more like an actual gun trigger, to me) but the PS4 version had more features that outweighed the pros of the XBO version.

incendy353594d ago

Would you rather have awesome lighting and crazy effects, smarter Ai, and smooth gameplay or would you rather have more detailed textures of concrete? Mathematically there is a very good reason to have a smaller resolution when you are making a game.

TheWow3594d ago

Higher resolution affects all of that, and isn't just "more detailed concrete". It's a shame that the consoles are underpowered to the point where you have to choose between them anyhow.

Ch1d0r13594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

I tought consoles were getting both this gen.

FITgamer3594d ago

While i agree, They didn't seem to be complaining about Titanfall or DR3.

novacav3594d ago

Think it's kind of like... that was the grace period. Now it's, ok guys jokes over let's make full HD games.

Razputin3594d ago

I find it funny that Microsoft is in the same position that Sony was nearly a decade ago with the PS3.

Now MS has the more expensive hardware, but now its underpowered, in comparison that the PS3 was just harder to code with and get the performance they wanted to.

I give it to Sony this time around, a smaller, and more powerful console. They sure as hell didn't make the same mistake.

MorePowerOfGreen3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Kind of a ignorant thing to say after the fact. MSFT making the changes to offer more choices for resolution to devs and articles like this and comments like yours come out? MSFT wasn't even talking about the industry as a whole, they were talking about this specific blockbuster game and it's development. Having a new SDK and an fully open GPU and not using these offerings was "Unacceptable" That's the context. The console isn't even under the same leadership when those games you mentioned were developed.

Why do PS4 fans pretend to be stupid when they have a opportunity to bash?

Fanboys and pro Sony media spinning once again

GW2123594d ago

Heh heh heh, fantastic, I thought we had lost one of the more hilarious people on this site.

I understand why you don't show up much anymore, I wouldn't either after basically everything you've prognosticated has failed to come to fruition.

That said, please don't go. I really enjoy your comments. I guess it's why shows like Teen Mom and Intervention are so popular. Everyone likes to watch a good train wreck.

hello123594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Well the devs have got better development tools now from Microsoft, and don't forget devs, could only access 90 per cent of the xb1 GPU at launch because of Kinect. Microsofts thinking was bizarre under Don Mattrick, the decision to lock away 10% of the GPU power, was nuts.

Before Sony fans jump on me. No Metro dev has confirmed they used the new SDK. If anyone has evidence that differs i will not dismiss it. DF (Digital foundry) had the opinion the metro went from 900p to 912p because of the new sdk. Well show me the evidence a dev confirming this?

Microsoft had to step in and provide the Diablo the code to access to kinect reserve. Its very unlikely Metro devs had it and we still have not heard about it from a dev!

900p is acceptable to me if the graphics are top notch. Both next consoles aren't overly powerful compared to a High end PC rig.

Even the graphic cards are low to mid range. The PS4 GPU is slightly better than the xb1 GPU. But real performance isn't as simple as looking at specs. I upgraded a 550 ti to 650ti a couple of years back and i noticed hardly any performance gains to rave about. Maybe 1 or 2 extra frames and slightly better looking textures, but nothing to go mad about. Is the same thing for the PS4 and xb1 Gpu

Its not like the xb1 GPU is a 550ti and the PS4 GPU is GTX760

gfk3423594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Why would they have bothered to increase the resolution with 12p, unless MS specifically requested? The game was done at 900p and the 12p boost was made in the last minute.

As you said DF believes the same thing.

Kingdomcome2473594d ago

I own an Xbox One as well, and of course I'd love to see parity between the two consoles. At some point though you have to realize that it's the less powerful of the two consoles at 90%, or 100% gpu availabilIty. No offense, but every comment I see from you is banging the same drum. There are a lot of reasons to enjoy our Xbox Ones, just acknowledge that top flight graphical fidelity isn't one them. Your constantly fighting an uphill battle man, that's never to be won.

rainslacker3594d ago

Freeing up 10% more of the GPU doesn't mean that devs had access to only 90% before. What you're saying is that the X1 is now running at 100% capacity. That is just ridiculous, as some of that power has to be reserved for the media/OS feature functions of the AI. It's not like when you snap something there's a separate processor and memory handing everything else.

To put it simply. I'll pick an arbitrary number of 75%.

10% of 75% means an increase to 82.5%.

Certainly an improvement, but you're misinterpreting the actual change. And quite honestly, you should be happy about that because it means that the X1 can only get better as more resources are freed up through optimization later on.

The PS4 GPU is a bit more than slightly better. It can process approximately 50% more per cycle than the X1, disregarding API's and actual API implementation. Facts prove that, and there is no way to dispute that based on how GPU's actually work.

AndrewLB3593d ago

PS4 is nowhere near as fast as a GTX 760. That card runs 2.3-2.5 tflops depending on manufacturer's clock speed.

Even the $120 750ti beats PS4 in games like battlefield 4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3593d ago
700p3594d ago

Then again, the only people complaining were of course the sony fans. People that are outside xbox.

DigitalRaptor3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

LMAO. You don't complain, you don't get solutions. Just like Nintendo fans that don't demand third-party exclusivity for their console, Ubisoft sees no demand and they jump out: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

If there were no complaints, you'd be mindlessly praising the crap out of an intrusive DRM-box right about now.

Ra30303594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

As I recall Respawn said they would patch TitanFall after release to reach 1080p. As I don't own a Xbox One did that happen?
I think Microsoft thought they could put out a new console that could do "just a little more" than the 360 and do for it as little cost as possible and the masses would buy the system no questions ask. The things they do at Microsoft are just comical. They force "tell it like it is " Don Mattrick out because "they" need to put the blame on someone other than Microsoft and they they install Don Mattrick's right hand man the "used car salesman" Phil Spencer in his place because he's likable guy as the face of XBOX but really nothing has changed. Oh some will point out the kinect less SKU but that had nothing to do with Phil Spencer nor does the "all about games" front. It's a gaming machine! Why would it be about anything else? Does anyone think the Dallas Cowboys should be about Baseball? Or maybe Roger Federer should be all golf! All the changes have had had to do with sales and price point or if you want the truth it had everything to do with the PS4. Microsoft has many problems with their Xbox brand and to date IMO are doing nothing to fix these problems. One more problem Microsoft is creating for themselves now is making a stink with game Dev's and games not hitting 1080p on their hardware. This will be a big issue and problem down the road for Microsoft.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
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Microsoft's Xbox gaming handheld will fail unless someone else makes it

Despite Microsoft's experience in hardware manufacturing, I don't trust it not to fumble its first gaming handheld device which may eventually lead to a successor not getting released.

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LG_Fox_Brazil3d ago

Unless it has some fature that really makes it standout I don't think someone who wants a handheld will pick it when the Switch 2 is just around the corner and the Steam Deck offers a huge library with much better prices worldwide

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Especially since the existing PC handhelds (Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc) can already run Gamepass. I don't have a Steam Deck yet, but I did see Forza Horizon 5 already running pretty well on it natively, so I'd imagine most XBox exclusives on Steam would run pretty well too. The most Microsoft could do is try to brute force a more expensive, higher power handheld. I doubt it would do well if that were the case.

ABizzel12d ago

This has been my point. It’s too little too late, and there are too many options out now that can already do the same thing with similar or better tech, in a similar price-range. A best case scenario for them is slightly above Steam-Deck performance at $100 less, but that’s not a huge selling point for anyone who has already jumped into the handheld PC market, and people still on the fence. Or go the other route of as cheap as possible but making it a streaming only device around $199.

It would do well and reach over 1m sold just because of the Xbox branding, but their consoles are already selling less and less (by the looks of it), so I don’t see a handheld being this great savior for them.

They simply need to rebrand one of the Surface tablets into the device with dedicated controls and more gaming focused, and call it a day instead of heavily investing in a handheld

VariantAEC2d ago

I'm guessing Xbox Wireless will be a streaming system like PS Portal. And yes I fully expect their portable Xbox to be given a really stupid name like "Wireless." Maybe even a dumber name like the Xbox Series W.

Jingsing2d ago

Doesn't make much sense to have a handheld that is locked down to the Xbox ecosystem when the PC handheld can run everything. I'm sure the same people that bought the Xbox fridge will give Microsoft their free money though.

XBManiac2d ago

Microsoft handheld Qualcomm based... you will see it next year... and you will see it sink.

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The Xbox showcase brought the E3 magic

After having to prove itself for years, Xbox doubled down and pulled it off..

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GaboonViper13d ago

Yep Xbox absolutely knocked it out of the park with that stunning show, it was everything a gaming showcase should be, games games and games, well done team Xbox.

CrimsonWing6912d ago

It really did. Like I came out of that with the hype for new games I haven’t felt since… well the better years of E3.

monkey60212d ago

It was without a doubt one of the better showcases in years. There was plenty there that excited me. Something has been lacking in years on all platforms

EasilyTheBest12d ago

It was an amazing showcase I loved everything about it. Can't wait to play some of those games.
What's going on. 4 comments & no negatives yet. Wow, what's going on with N4G.

ThinkThink12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Show was so good, it made me forget about that blue dragon rumor until the next day. Too many games to process.

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Is Xbox Going Multi-Platform The Right Decision For The Console Market?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "The new Xbox strategy to go multi-platform could eventually change console gaming as we know it, and I am concerned."

Bathyj13d ago

Can we stop pretending that Xbox has any great influence over the console market?

All they can do is try and steer their own Destiny. They have very little to do with what the other players in the console market are doing.

And yes, going 3rd party is pretty much their only option and is good for them.

RaidenBlack13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Still whatever little direct competition they're offering against Sony ... that'd be gone, which is never good for consumers.
I know Sony will continue to apease the gamers but without any proper competition in same space, they might not work at the fullest efficiency.
(Taking into account, thats generally been agreed here, that Nintendo has long been not the direct competitor to either MS or Sony)

xHeavYx13d ago

The " without any proper competition in same space, they (Sony) might not work at the fullest efficiency" narrative has been proven false for years. Let's stop pretending that, in terms of games, Xbox has been any competition to Playstation.

fsfsxii13d ago

Sony had 0 competition for most of its playstation business, and they still succeeded, the only thing xbox introduced was paid online and dlc

maniacmayhem13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Sony had little to no competition during the PS2 era and they have an iconic catalog.

I don't think Sony needs competition in the console space to still release great games. It would be the games that would be competing against each other.

Einhander197213d ago

Xbox does not need to exist for PlayStation to have competition.

They compete with Nintendo, PC, streaming and countless other devices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 13d ago
neutralgamer199213d ago

Yes release games on other platforms

Your own gamers still get the games day one on GP. So GP will grow and stay stabilize

By releasing the games on PC,PlayStation and next switch they can get $70 for their games.

MS didn't invest 100 billion for nothing. This way Xbox generates way more revenue

GhostScholar13d ago

And Sony is doing the same thing whether you want to admit it or not.

anast13d ago

The show was like a sub-show for Sony. All these games are coming to PS5.

13d ago
outsider162413d ago

You gotta admit though..xbox showcase was actually really great.

RpgSama13d ago

I mean, yes, it was an Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda presentation, they just so happened to buy all of those publishers, nothing we would not have seen on any other award show if they had not bought developers that were and STILL are developing multiplatform games.

If you remove them you are left with Microsoft game studios, another Fable, Another Gears, Perfect Dark which for me didn't look all that great, Avowed, Age of mythology and south of midnight (might be missing something I guess)

anast13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

No better than any other show. There weren't any major new announcements, which is what everyone has been complaining about. The bar shouldn't get lowered for a trillion dollar company.

crazyCoconuts13d ago

"another Fable, another Gears, Perfect Dark"?
That's a lot of pretty great "anothers".
I could use a few of those "anothers" from Sony right now.

helicoptergirl13d ago

Yes it was a really great showcase that Xbox had. Multiplats and all. Overall it was really cool

Terry_B13d ago

for pc and playstation..yes it was. Not a single reason was given to buy an xbox.

MrBaskerville11d ago

Perfect Dark looked amazing! Wouldn't mind seeing something like that from Sony tbh.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
thesoftware73013d ago


"All these games are coming to PS5."

Very disingenuous statement... Some, but not all.

Oh, so that is the new narrative, "sub-show for Sony." lol, wow.

The sad part is that you are clearly and fully aware that it is very unlikely for any 1hr and 30min gaming presentation show to showcase ALL Exclusives, it just doesn't happen.

And don't you think it sad that MS had a better Sony showing than Sony? If I were you, I wouldn't consider that a flex, lol.?

anast13d ago

They are coming to PS5, the ones that matter of course.

There is nothing sad here. You might need to start your argument without an emotive.

I don't think they had a better showing. Unless we lower the bar for only Xbox.

crazyCoconuts13d ago

None of us really know how much they're going third party. They're still ACTING like they want to protect the platform - no mention of PS5 in their show, still marketing the console, still using the Xbox logo.
Yeah Phil acknowledged more is coming to PS5. But is that Indiana Jones? Perfect Dark? Gears?
If they keep those key properties in their stable it's not accurate to label them as simply 3rd party.
They may very well still be in the game after all...

anast13d ago


Sony did the same in their last. They showed games that were already announced.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
Giga_Gaia13d ago

We need to stop pretending like Xbox matters and has any influence in the industry.

By entering the industry, Microsoft made it worst, everything bad in the industry can be tied to them (like paid online and DLCs). The industry would be better off if they had never been in it.

Before you say Sony would have no competition, they would still have PC and Nintendo. As they are right now, Microsoft are not competition, they don't actually matter.

crazyCoconuts13d ago

I think you're mostly right. They've been failing on console and will most likely drop out.
But the concern a lot of us had was that they would use their $ to win monopolistically. They've already bought a huge number of big studios. Going multi-platform would alleviate that concern.
But they could still turn the screws, this game isn't over quite yet... They're sending mixed signals.

CrimsonWing6913d ago

I think in Xbox’s direness it is, but let’s not pretend like they don’t understand the value of exclusiveness to their platform. Not every damn Xbox game is coming to PS5 and the stuff that has hit have either been GaaS games or games that didn’t exactly sell gamgbusters and are extremely niche.

When Halo, Gears, Forza, Perfect Dark, Fable, etc. start coming to PS5 then that’s pretty massive and also diminishes any reason to own an Xbox.

LucasRuinedChildhood13d ago

Doom isn't niche. It was heavily implied that all Bethesda games, outside of games with contractual agreements and the existing multiplayer games, would all be exclusive to Xbox.

CrimsonWing6913d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Ok, sorry, Doom is the exception.

My point is Xbox is still keeping exclusives for their bigger games. What’s been released are GaaS: Sea of Thieves, Grounded aka Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and then niche stuff like Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush. Then you got Doom coming out, which is an outlier, I suppose.

crazyCoconuts13d ago

It's not niche but it's not everything.
MS has got a HUGE cache of IP and studios now

Scissorman13d ago

It's the only decision. Hardware sales are on a sharp decline and Game Pass growth has stagnated.

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