
Spencer: Diablo III 1080p on Xbox One was a "Good Partnership;" Won't Dictate Frame Rate/Resolution

It’s pretty funny to see how things work in the gaming industry. When people don’t have something, they often demand it. When they get it, they still find room for criticism. Microsoft has been target of a lot of flak for the fact that many Xbox One games didn’t reach a 1080p resolution, and now that Diablo III has touched that “magic number” on Microsoft’s new console, some are criticizing the company for somehow “forcing” Blizzard to do it.

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GarrusVakarian3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

"and now that Diablo III has touched that “magic number” on Microsoft’s new console, some are criticizing the company for somehow “forcing” Blizzard to do it"

I don't think it;s as black and white as that, there's a key peice of info that's been left out there: the fact that they "forced" them to do it *at the expense of framerate*. Resolution should NEVER be prioritized over framerate.

On the one hand Phil is saying he didn't force them, and that it should be up to the devs to determine resolution. And on the other we have Blizzard saying that MS said it was "unacceptable" to run below 1080p. What gives? Blizzard were clearly fine with running the game at 900p @ a solid 60fps, until MS told them it was unacceptable, which completely contradicts what Phil is saying here.

Abriael3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

"Resolution should NEVER be prioritized over framerate."

Sorry but... says who?

That's very subjective. There are plenty games in which higher detail provides a better experience than 60 fps, and a not exactly super-fast paced RPG like Diablo III is IMHO one of those cases.

Absolute statements like "Resolution should NEVER be prioritized over framerate" are pretty ridiculous. Who ever decided that frame rate is the most important element in game design now?

As a PC gamer, there are plenty cases in which I prioritize resolution and detail over frame rate. Playing a game like Star Citizen, I'll definitely ramp the detail all the way up, and take some occasional frame rate drops, because the game is rather slow paced, but the graphics at top detail are simply amazing, and it'd be a pity not to enjoy them.

4logpc3687d ago

Using Star Citizen as an example is a poor choice considering there really isnt much of a "game" there yet.

Resolution does not really affect the way a game plays like a frame rate does. You can have a game run at 4K but if it runs at 6 FPS, then its doesn't matter because its unplayable.

Abriael3687d ago

@4logpc: and that's where you're wrong. Star Citizen has already been partly released in the form of Arena Commander. There's plenty of a game there. I can play dogfights, and it's a lot of fun.

Of course I won't sacrifice framerate down to unplayable levels, but for a game like that, as long as it's over 30, I'll go for visual glitz all the way.

Army_of_Darkness3686d ago

Seeing how Diablo 3 running at 1080p @60fps with minor frame dips here and there is pretty impressive for the xbone in my opinion.
No one is gonna notice 4-6 frame drops now and then while playing, lets be realistic here.

Mr Pumblechook3686d ago

Phil Spencer has gone on record as saying he went to see his friends at Bungie to make sure they could upgrade Destiny on Xbone to 1080p. So Phil Spencer might not be holding a gun up to their head but he has pressured them. This is now proof of TWO times Spencer has visited two studios and asked/pressured/demanded 1080p.

4Sh0w3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

"Resolution should NEVER be prioritized over framerate."

-As if in this case resolution was sacrificed. Oh please watch the vid the game runs a pretty damm solid 60fps with only minor dips, I'd suspect 12,000 frames of scrutinized ps4 would see a minor dip here and there as well. You really seem to be overdramitizing this situation. Last gen even at 30fps games had larger dips and nobody cared unless it affected gameplay. Also given Diablo 3 game type 60 fps isn't even a necessity here, just a luxury.

mikeslemonade3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

People did care last gen^ They just didn't have a choice.

Their were plenty of resolution comparisons last gen. Most famously COD and all those multiplats running better on the 360. Only when it's the flip side this gen, and people don't like being on the losing end.

Frames over Resolution! You need 60 frames before you try to max out on your resolution. I was switching from 60 to 30 playing Last of Us Remaster and it's a substantial difference.

Lastly, Microsoft needs to stop chasing resolution. Problem is they're trying to sell a weaker system at a higher price. X1 should be $349.99. And they're starting to do that with the holiday bundles. I will be getting the white Sunset OD bundle.

4Sh0w3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

NO they should chase both, if they have the ability to improve performance on either side without affecting gameplay I say go for it. Folks cared plenty last gen when there were reasonable meaningful differences which btw were very rare but yes last gen fanboys on both sides always try to make those small differences more significant than they were, clearly this gen is just much worst not because anyone's on the other side, but because the gaming community is growing more self entitled, more prone to attack devs and anyone with a different opinion and overall more venomous in general.

So the REAL QUESTION is why do you care that the X1 version is improve on par with ps4? The ps4 version is great too..aahh but we know why, you're the worst of 'em, you can't just be happy you have, you PRAY for the worst for those who don't share your preference.

DigitalAnalog3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

"Who ever decided that frame rate is the most important element in game design now?"


Frame-rate are the wheels of the car. Doesn't matter if your car has the most pristine engine in the world but if your wheels aren't capable of supporting it, the car won't be able to run properly now would it?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3686d ago
4logpc3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

@ Abriel (hit wrong reply button)

And in the grand scheme of things, what is available for Star Citizen, its only an extremely small fraction of what the developers what Star Citizen to be. So my comment of there being hardly any "game" there still stands.

"Of course I won't sacrifice framerate down to unplayable levels"

You are kind of proving my point there. You will make sure the game is playable, which means cutting things likes resolution and effects to make sure the frame rate is stable...meaning that frame rate is more important.

Abriael3687d ago

Uh no, you're pulling an enormous strawman argument.

First of all, your argument that there's hardly any game in star citizen doesn't stand. Arena Commander is a fully playable dogfighting game, that could easily be sold stand alone (and in fact people are paying for it).

More importantly, we're not talking about framerates that bring the game to unplayable levels here. We're talking about minimal dips.

hence, talking about 6 fps is a by the book case of strawman argument that disproves itself.

I'm not proving your point, simply because you don't have one.

4logpc3687d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

Whatever we can debate on Star Citizen all day.

"hence, talking about 6 fps is a by the book case of strawman argument that disproves itself."

Um what? I never said it would drop only 6FPS. You didn't disprove anything.

If you are not willing to lower your frame rate to a level thats unplayable, doesn't that mean its more important that how good the game looks? Why is it you aren't willing to do that? well I would guess because it's a game, and the most important part is being able to play it right?

Abriael3686d ago

@4logpc: Oh you didn't now?

"You can have a game run at 4K but if it runs at 6 FPS"

Looks like to me that you did.

Again, talking about unplayable frame rates is a strawman argument, as it isn't the argument of discussion here. Diablo III does not run at frame rates even close to unplayable.

Dudebro903686d ago

DOnt bother arguing with Abriael.

He will twist and turn anything you say to try and make you look stupid. Notice he never answered your question about why he wouldn't drop the frame rate to unplayable levels to keep the graphics at ultra.

If only he didn't come off as a complete jerk maybe people would start to like him.

G20WLY3686d ago

^Like or dislike is irrelevant. This is a comment section not a popularity contest; what matters is right or wrong (often based on opinion) as this is what drives discussion/debate and keeps N4G afloat.

I've bubbled you down for a Personal Attack.

OT: I'd usually prefer a smoother running game, but in this instance I'd actually go with a higher resolution, if I had to choose. The camera is set quite far away and it's a pretty, detailed world; I'd like to see all those details on my nice big TV and I'd give up a few FPS to get that for this particular game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3686d ago
hello123687d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

Lukas@ We didn’t force any game to ship at 1080p. We work with devs to make the game they want to make on XB1.

Diablo III was coming through during GPU increases in June, was good partnership to create a great Diablo on XB1.

I just thought we could get to 1080p. If Blizzard thought it wasn’t right for Diablo they had the call on what shipped.
............................. .......................

Microsoft felt they could get the game to output at native 1080p. The devs would have released this game at 900p and then we be hearing from Sony fans, but look the xb1 can't do 1080p

Microsoft had to step in.

Sorry i gladly take a hit in frames for a second or two when 99 per cent of the time it reaches the goal of 60.

I don't know why some people are so annoyed by this. Diablo was up and running at 1080p and 60 frames for PS4 and the game suffered drops into the 40's. Should the PS4 version have just stuck with 900p

ger23963686d ago

Why didn't Microsoft step in and help all the other developers achieve 1080p?

BitbyDeath3686d ago

"Framerate should NEVER be prioritized over resolution."

Fixed it for you.
30fps locked should be the minimum requirements, resolution should then take priority.

Better resolution = better graphics and therefore better gameplay.

mhunterjr3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

I agree that framerate should be prioritized over resolution, but here we have a case where 1080p was reached, and 60fps is maintained 99.9% of the time. When you are talking about a rare frame drop in exchange for 44% more pixels, are you really making an meaningful sacrifice?

I too was pretty upset at the move, but when I got more details and looked at the big picture, It's hard to say that the overall quality of the game in its current state is less than it would have be at 900p locked at 60fps.

So while it's easy to say such a compromise SHOULD NEVER be made, we really need take a look at this case individually, and ask, objectively, if the game has been made worse by this decision. I can't say so with any certainly, and I think the overwhelming majority will be satisfied with the game they delivered.

3686d ago
700p3686d ago Show
LAWSON723686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

"Resolution should NEVER be prioritized over framerate."

It really depends, as a PC gamer and I am sure this goes for most of them, I would much prefer 1080p over locked 60fps if the drops are only into low 50s (maybe even mid 40s if not often). I won't lie though I really do not know what kind of jump 900p to 1080p is and I really never notice any stutter between say 60 to 50 FPS. I just think uping the res and sacrificing a few FPS every now and again is a much better trade off.

When a game is 30 fps absolutely it should be prioritized, because then you are at the borderline of broken and unplayable.

Also IMO 60 FPS should never be prioritized for anything other than competitive games, it limits what consoles can do and I don't want that. I want processes being used on new creative additions for these new machines not wasted on unnecessary FPS jumps especially requiring a lock.

fr0sty3686d ago

I don't see what the big deal is... Diablo 3 is a 2.5D isometric game that never even pushed high end PCs to their limits when it launched long ago, and definitely doesn't even push the consoles of today all that hard. We're not talking visuals on the level of P.T., Driveclub, Withcer 3, etc...

MRMagoo1233686d ago

Diablo on highest setting doesn't even push my gt 450 to its limits, if the xbone can't hold 60 fps on a game my crap pc can hold 100 on there is a problem.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3686d ago
nicksetzer13687d ago

900p @60fps locked or 1080p @53fps avg I would say 1080p was the right call, at least for this game. Both ps4 and xb1 versions have drops when there is lots on screen, IMO 53fps avg is not what I consider sacrificing fps for res.

slasaru013687d ago

Come on people, both killzone and tomb raider on ps4 never give stable 60fps, always floating even to 30s, but no one gives a heck about it. And here we have a game dropping to 53 and we've got a big fuss only because it's Xbox one game, lol

nicksetzer13686d ago

Essentially, plus the 53fps avg that DF came up with is based on one 2 minute portion of the game that is especially intense. (So probably has a much higher avg fps in reality) I have yet to have any significant drops and I am a few hours in.

Axios23687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

A MS engineer probably noticed there was still enough overhead to achieve better, kudus for working with the developer to achieve 1080p and 60fps 99.99% of the time, with rare dips to the mid/low 50s.

Other consoles have exclusives first person shooters that run 30fps singleplayer and 45fps multiplayer dispite a 60fps multiplayer target.

christocolus3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

Exactly. Blizzards comment might have been taken out of context. MS wouldn't force blizzard to hit 1080p&Blizzard definitly knows what's best for their game. I'm sure MS&BLIZ realised they could hit that mark with the sdk update and with the help of MS engineers they decided to give it a go.

I like the fact Phil isn't pressuring devs into it especially 1st party devs. Just allow them make great games and choose the res&fps that's best for their games.

MCTJim3687d ago

I am so sure his comment was taken out of context on purpose to start a flamewar article...it just reeked of it.

3686d ago
iamnsuperman3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

Though it is unusual for a platform holder to turn to a developer and say that the resolution is unacceptable and say they need to find a way to make it better(not my words but theres).

You helped out, which is fantastic news, but you can see why people think Microsoft forced them with the language used by the developer

4logpc3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

I am puzzled to why people keep saying Diablo 3 runs in 53 FPS. It dipped to 53 FPS, VERY rarely. The game runs in 60 FPS 99% of the time. So this group of people trying to claim 1080p somehow killed the frame rate need to stop.

SaffronCurse3687d ago

It's been consistent at 60 frames even during intense battles. I F#cking love this game.

4logpc3687d ago

If you want someone to co op with (i dont use headset much fair wanring) add me on Xbox.

Darth Nikana

rmw2hot873687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

@4logpc these group of people u are talking about are called ps4 fanboys

cyril sneer3686d ago

Yeah they are the fanboys who forget that the last of us a last gen game drops as many frames as diablo 3 in some areas lol.

Tedakin3686d ago

That's what people do. A game can run solid 60 for 15 straight minutes, then dip to 53 for a 10th of a second and everyone goes LOL 53!!!

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Report: Microsoft Cutting 650 More Jobs From Gaming Division Per Phil Spencer's Letter to Employees

Phil Spencer has sent a letter out to employees informing them that 650 jobs would be cut from Microsoft's gaming division.

VenomUK11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

‘Good guy Phil’?

The truth likely is that the decision was not his to make and is possibly a direct consequence of cutting costs following the ABK deal.

XiNatsuDragnel11d ago

Lol good guy Phil lmfao crazy

DodoDojo11d ago

Would be nice if he'd mail one of those letters to himself.

RhinoGamer8811d ago

Cut costs -> no bonus, stock options, raises for Phil and his leadership team.

Lightning7710d ago

"Good guy Phil" is comical. You have to bleed green to see that. I'm only a matter of time until MS, that's right MS even in ages themselves from the industry.

Sad, people and even sadder and pathetic company.

fr0sty10d ago

If they keep this up, they won't even be able to go third party anymore after they stop making Xbox hardware.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 10d ago
bionicstar11d ago

game devs aren't being let go.

“As part of aligning our post-acquisition team structure and managing our business, we have made the decision to eliminate approximately 650 roles across Microsoft Gaming—mostly corporate and supporting functions—to organize our business for long term success.”

darthv7211d ago

getting rid of some suits... now this news isnt so bad. Too many suits makes all the wrong decisions, esp the top dogs.

Michiel198911d ago

@darth they arent suits, they are people that work in administration, customer support and that kinda stuff

ZacultronTheFirst10d ago

Probably people from much needed Marketing department.

Nacho_Z10d ago

It doesn't make it any better if they aren't devs being fired.

10d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 10d ago
Petebloodyonion11d ago

The original story is from IGN as they are the ones who got the memo.

Still sucks!

badboyz0911d ago

The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching.

11d ago Replies(2)
Obscure_Observer10d ago

"The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching."

Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.

1Victor10d ago

@obscured: “ Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.”
Welcome back we missed you said no one 🤣

I don’t remember Sony cutting over 1900 employees then Less than 7 months later get a leak for another 600 to be on the chopping board but hey let’s equate that to a few people not been happy about a mid gen system refresh price 🤦🏿.

10d ago
1Victor10d ago

@obscured: “
They also casually forget that Sony have been laying off thousands of people too”
Yeeesh I got a better help discount code for you

BehindTheRows10d ago

Uh, thr Pro "backlash" is hardly something that's going to tank their business. Unless you've been living under a rock, there's no question that Xbox is in the gutter.

Quit pivoting to Sony because you don't like the subject matter. Their game division isn't in the toilet.

DodoDojo10d ago

Well Sony isn't selling more copies of their games on a rival system yet so they must be doing alright.

10d ago
Mr_cheese10d ago


Saves some straws for the rest of us will you

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 10d ago
343_Guilty_Spark10d ago

Vastly approaching is a weird phrase… vastly is typically used to convey the degree of some size or length or time.

Vastly approaching makes no sense.

You mean rapidly approaching.

MrDead11d ago

A combined $80 billion spent on consolidating a massive part of the industry, thousands fired all to line the pockets of the already wealthy and turn the gaming industry into a rental service.


crazyCoconuts11d ago

MS is a publicly traded company. If you have a 401K you yourself might own MS stocks.
I'm definitely not a MS fan, but CEOs need to keep returns high to keep their jobs if nothing else. They don't get to transfer the salaries to their accounts.
I blame MS for failed strategies, poor execution, lack of vision, etc.
These layoffs are just the result of those things.

MrDead10d ago

That's the weakest excuse for a giant monopoly I've ever seen... also companies like MS are more likely to damage people's 401k through monopolistic practices.

Obscure_Observer10d ago

"FU MS."

I love how you act all enraged and bully when it´s MS firing people.

"It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?

We been seeing some of Sony recent bs moves and you know what´s coming, right?

I´m expecting you to disappear the same way you do every time Sony layoff hundreds of people or get a whole studio shut down.

You´ll do anything to avoid and hold them accountable. But that's OK. You´are not biased, right?

1Victor10d ago

@obscured: “ "It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?”

Well Sony didn’t overreached and spend over 80 BILLION$ to acquire mayor 3rd party game developers and one MAYOR publisher the owner of the BIGGEST FPS just hoping to keeping it exclusive to their system and now having to fire thousands of employees to valance their books one more quarter.
Now Microsoft is beginning and going to kiss Sony dark ring and publish their “first party games “ on PlayStation. Regardless of who it is it’s wrong to do an acquisition and then fire people.
I applaud Microsoft for at least giving them a severance package and assistance getting a new job 👍👍.

MrDead10d ago

Chill out kid... also why bring up Sony, have they just spent 80 billion to consolidate a massive part of the industry to the detriment of thousands of workers?

MS lines their pockets whilst firing thousands, such a shame you support this.

Chevalier10d ago

Gee someone here said Xbox would NEVER release 1st party games on Playstation or competing platforms again?! Never tired to see you eat crow again.

10d ago
OlderGamer1710d ago

But but Sony bad...thats the normal damagecontroll from O_O. Dude its time to sing another song, this one is sounding like a broken record......

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 10d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil11d ago

Not sure about the rest of the world, but here in Brazil we have a say that goes like this:

'May the last one to leave please turn off the lights'

What the heck is MS even doing right now?

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Xbox Passed On Destiny & Guitar Hero According To Phil Spencer

Phil Spencer talks candidly about missing out on both Destiny and Guitar Hero

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anast20d ago

He paid billions for Starfield. This should be the real story.

20d ago Replies(1)
Sciurus_vulgaris20d ago

Microsoft bought all of Zenimax Media for 7 billion, while Sony paid 4 billion for Bungie. I think Microsoft got the better deal due to acquiring Fallout, ElderScrolls and Doom.

20d ago
anast20d ago

This can't be true. They only bought Starfield...

InUrFoxHole20d ago

Should've thought that one out buddy, lol.

anast20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Yeah, I thought it out. I'm not sure you did. But since we are buddy's now, you're welcome.

20d ago
anast20d ago

"Clearly your parents didn't teach you"

You know you lost, when you have to resort to this tactic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20d ago
Profchaos20d ago

So you're saying that Microsoft has missed out on so many huge gaming franchise in the last 25 years from GTA exclusivity to guitar hero and destiny it's just laughable they had so many misses

Reaper22_20d ago

Yea, but they're still 100 times more wealthy than Sony. I would say it worked out well.

Gamingsince198120d ago

Xbox is dead all that money doesn't help.

Hypertension14020d ago

What has work out well? It sure as hell had nothing to do with Xbox.

andy8520d ago

That isn't because of Xbox though. This is a gaming page, not an I get supplemented by father Windows page

Bathyj20d ago

Microsoft's money has nothing to do with Xbox.
Xbox is a money pit to them they would love to ditch but are after some ROI first.

Let's face it, Xbox is like a red headed stepchild that steals from you to buy drugs.

Hofstaderman20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

MIicrosoft is NOT XBOX. The current situation illustrates this. And Microsoft wants its ROI.

@Bathyj and daddy Satya has just force admitted Phil to rehab.

gold_drake20d ago

you know why MS has so much money, and it aint cause of the gaming xbox branch.

so lets not kid ourselves.

PhillyDonJawn20d ago

Xbox was shown to be more profitable than ps

jznrpg20d ago

@PhillyDownJawn not more profitable. More revenue with ABK acquisition but them going multiplat shows they are not making much profit

ocelot0720d ago

That's great for Xbox gamers ain't it that Microsoft are more wealthy than Sony. Is that really a argument use are using now lol?

Imagine me in my job. Arguing with a fellow security guard at another company. Hahah well the company I work for is worth £800m the one you work for is only work £600m!

ZoboomafooFan19d ago

Microsoft has succeeded in spite of the Xbox brand, not because of it

Knightofelemia19d ago

Microsoft may have more money but Sony has the talented studios and the games to back up those studios.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
Chevalier19d ago

Plus turning down Marvel too. Spiderman is only exclusive to Playstation because of that

Hedstrom20d ago

Best deal deal in gaming must be when Sony bought Insomniac for 229 million dollars. They made over 800 millions on Spiderman for the ps4 alone. Thats just crazy!

XBManiac20d ago

More in the 1.000 million now.

gold_drake20d ago

another Interview?

how is he the only one who loves the spotlight as much as he does lol

Futureshark20d ago

Let's not forget he also famously passed on Spider-man, Genshin Impact and GTA3.

However it's almost kind of cute how he can keep that sh1t-eating grin and say he's a 'no regrets' kind of guy, especially when you think how much just these 5 titles could have swung the world in Xbox's favour instead of Sonys.

How he's kept his job I don't know, he must sure be keeping Papa Nadella's shaft warm somehow.

"But, but Gamepass, he introduced that!!!"

Yes he did, and now look at Xbox, all it's exclusives are coming to Playstation now rendering the platform obsolete.

DarXyde20d ago

Honestly, with that kind of track record, you can't convince me Spencer hasn't eaten it from the back in the name of self preservation. Probably unwashed...and at least twice.

That aside, my interpretation of everything here is Xbox has been mismanaged a bit too much and Nadella came down from his throne. The way it is now, I don't believe for a minute the multiplatform move was Spencer's idea. I don't even think the acquisitions was Spencer's work. At this point, I reckon he's got as much power in his role as Hunter Biden at a Ukrainian energy company.

DivineHand12520d ago

You can never tell how things will turn out if he had said yes to those games. Xbox already has access to some great IPs, however, they hardly do anything with them or fail to deliver. It's also possible their presentation wasn't good at the time, and they made sure the next presentation was better.

I believe that part of being successful is releasing things in the right place at the right time.

Many major corporations have a story similar to passing on successful business ideas. Let us look at Sony Pictures for example. Back when Marvel went bankrupt, they had the opportunity to buy the entire Marvel for only $25 Million but turned them down. An unnamed big shot at Sony reportedly claimed that “nobody gives a shit about any of the other Marvel characters,”. They ended up taking Spiderman for $10 Million instead.


Fast forward to today, we can see what the Marvel brand has done for Disney. Is it possible the same success would have been possible had Sony acquired those IPs. We can't say that for sure and it is possible most of those IPs that are successful today may not have been used.

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More Xbox exclusives are coming to PS5 after Microsoft pressure, says Phil Spencer

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has confirmed that more Xbox exclusives will come to PS5 due to Microsoft pressures.

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Scissorman32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

What did he honestly expect? He spent over 100 billion dollars on studios and publishers without really growing the Xbox Ecosystem, not to mention the millions of dollars spent on Game Pass deals, which also has not grown as rapidly as the higher ups would like.

VenomUK32d ago

Of all the Xbox exclusives that will make their way to PlayStation, the one that will have the greatest significance will be Halo:MCC and it will sadly be the death knell for the Xbox console in the eyes of some its staunchest fans. This is because the Master Chief for over two decades has been uniquely associated with the Xbox, and once it and it's historically biggest and best loved games go to PlayStation and Switch 2. Halo will be multi-platform and experienced by many more people and that's a great thing for the reach of the brand. But it will mean that wonderful chapter in Xbox history is permanently over.

SonyStyled32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

The Master Chief would be in great company with Sonic, Crash, Spyro…

darthv7232d ago (Edited 32d ago )

I'm hoping for a Rare Replay: Complete Edition. Something the XBO version is not and that is have all the content on a single PS5 UHD bluray. Hell, they can even do a version for the Switch. Although that one will have to have some stuff downloadable as it will not all fit on a cart.

HyperMoused32d ago

Already given up on Xbox...they have literally made it so there is no reason to have an xbox and then forced everyone onto gamepass which isnt fo rme...and then the highest tier if you want it to be useful...xbox is steadily bleeding out and will be dead in a few years..shame

-Foxtrot32d ago


I want them to come to an agreement with Nintendo and release one with Goldeneye on with multiplayer

If it’s coming to other consoles as well as their own, I don’t see why Nintendo would be against it at that point.

Also maybe Mickey’s Speedway USA and some of the Gameboy Banjo games.

Profchaos32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

From all the leaks going around it seems likely that instead of a MCC port we will see a halo ce remake for ps5 and xsx and maybe switch 2

It makes sense as you would want to put your best foot forward when showcasing the flagship franchise.

Still the day that master chief lands on a rival console with a mainline halo is the end of Xbox in my view.

Really without halo ce it's likely the Xbox would have never made it past year 1

GhostScholar32d ago

lol halo coming to PlayStation won’t be a death knell. Halo isn’t even relevant anymore. As long as gamepass exists xbox is fine. It’s still the best value in all of gaming even with the price hikes. People can push whatever narrative they want but Xbox isn’t even close to being dead.

tehpees332d ago (Edited 32d ago )


A former Microsoft employee who had access to the hardware sales and growth confessed day 1 PC releases killed their momentum.

They are driving third parties away because aren’t supporting their engines or releases anymore (see MT Framework and HAAK) plus making third parties gimp their games on Series S and by failing to support third parties and forcing them to develop for an unnecessary additional SKU third parties are retaliating by bailing completely.

The death knell has already happened. It just hasn’t had the full impact yet. It isn’t just games going multiplat, it’s that Xbox is missing multiplats it shouldn’t be that even Nintendo themselves are getting

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 32d ago
46player32d ago

Guarantee they killed those studios with DEI.

They bought some great studios, and they’ve produced next to nothing.

TheCaptainKuchiki31d ago

Yep every cent spent will have to bring back money one day. Or it's just wasted money and a company like MS didn't become rich by wasting money like that.
The only way to get money is to bring their games where they actually sell.
It's a win-win for Sony cause it solidies PS as the only console to own and allows them to get that 30% commission on Xbox exclusives they didn't have access to in the past.

Cacabunga32d ago

then release Gamepass on PS when you are at it.. this guy tries to justify everything by playing the victim every single time..

Obscure_Observer32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

"then release Gamepass on PS when you are at it.. this guy tries to justify everything by playing the victim every single time.."

Sony would never allow that.

You gonna have to pay for every single Xbox game released on Playstation.

Cacabunga32d ago

oh there he is, the Indiana Jones beta tester on xbox for Playstation optimized version.
xbox is ready for anything, even to wipe the floor with Spencer as long as they earn those dollar bills.

Oh and good you make it sound Sony is in position of power to say NO. We are getting there.

Obscure_Observer32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

"Oh and good you make it sound Sony is in position of power to say NO. We are getting there."

Apparently, you lack comprehension skill so I´m gonna break it down for you:

Sony will say no to Gamepass simply because they won´t allow MS to steal PS+ subscribers.

Was it clear enough for you?

Christopher32d ago

Sony would absolutely allow it if it didn't include third-party games. If it was Microsoft's own IPs, then Sony would absolutely allow it.

andy8532d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Wouldn't they? Couple of years ago I said it wouldn't surprise me if gamepass ends up on PS. Now imo this acquisition makes it even more of a possibility. Where's the drawbacks for Sony...Microsoft pay them for putting it on...and people are less likely to choose XB over PS as well. It'll likely never happen. But I wouldn't be overly surprised if it ever does especially with Xbox likely exiting the console market soon enough

boing132d ago (Edited 32d ago )

It's business. Money talks, and gamers talk too. Look what happened with multi platform crossplay. Do you remember Sony didn't want it? We made them do it. There is a absolutely a way to bring it to PS.

Chevalier32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

There won't be a need for Gamepass because they will just release directly on Plus as 3rd party games anyways. Definitely will start seeing Xbox 1st party trickle onto Playstations service because Xbox is pretty much moving towards 3rd party.

S2Killinit32d ago

Correct, I doubt Sony would allow gamepass on PlayStation because they have their own service, it just wouldn’t work. But, Sony is open to MS games on a case by case basis of course.

Rockstar32d ago

..imagine having to pay for your games.
/roll eyes

32d ago
fr0sty32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

"You gonna have to pay for every single Xbox game released on Playstation."

This isn't true, as there are already Call of Duty games available on PS+. If MS sees a a way to make money on it, they're going to take it.

GhostScholar32d ago

Lol what are you talking about ?!?!?? That doesn’t even make sense.

MetroidFREAK2132d ago

Gladly. Owning games > rental service

Obscure_Observer32d ago


"Sony would absolutely allow it if it didn't include third-party games. If it was Microsoft's own IPs, then Sony would absolutely allow it."

I think you forgot that COD, Diablo, Minecraft, Overwatch among may others are now MS´s first party IPs which Sony makes big money from sales and MTs.

Sony would never allow such large player base on Playstation to just migrate to MS´s subscription service which would do nothing but devalue its own subscription service in return. With Gamepass on Playstation, Sony has nothing to gain / everything to lose. Period.

jlove4life31d ago

It's cool we can also wait and get them on sale $20 off halo gears hi fi and Forza for half the price it cost you to rent them for a yr @ obsecure_observer

Obscure_Observer31d ago (Edited 31d ago )


"It's cool we can also wait and get them on sale $20 off halo gears hi fi and Forza for half the price it cost you to rent them for a yr @ obsecure_observer"

That´s true.

The thing is; 3/4 of the games you´d mentioned, are better if you grab it while its hot, if you catch my drift.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
Crows9032d ago

Sony would need to approve it.

milohighclub32d ago

Sony wont allow it...

For the same reason they didn't allow Steam on PS.

GhostScholar32d ago

You’re really gonna be upset when Sony starts putting its ups on other systems. That’s just the way gamjg is going. The peiole ij the know all agree on that. Sony won’t do it as quickly as Xbox but it will happen eventually. It’s leavung money on the table not too. And regardless of what the console warriors think no company cares about you lol they care about money

milohighclub5d ago

Why would I be upset? I'm an adult. Honestly wouldn't give a shit. Infact, bring it on, more ps games on pc gives me more reason to buy a new gpu and ditch playstation. Not that they have any games to put on pc, other than a few ps4 games everyone's played to death.

FPS_D3TH32d ago

Been saying this will happen since the inception of gamepass. This was always going to happen. Only Xbox exclusives and PlayStation obviously gets a hefty cut for supporting it. It WILL happen. I don’t even care if it does or not, it will happen though. Promise.

Einhander197232d ago

Gamepass will not be on PlayStation.

There are already Microsoft games on PlayStation Plus, Sony would negotiate with Microsoft to put its games on PlayStation Plus.

FinalFantasyFanatic32d ago

They're not going to put Gamepass on PS, Playstation would have to willingly cannibalise their own service for that to happen, plus, it'll cannibalise some of Playstation's video game sales, they're not going to sacrifice all that money just because.

thecodingart32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Not sure how to say this other than Sony will literally never allow that.

Gamepass is one of the worst things to happen in the industry and is a destroyer of the market. Sony not only wants money, but they want to make games with decent budgets. Gamepass is the anti-crist for Sony, Microsoft and Steam. The Netflix or Spotify of gaming in the worst of ways.

CobraKai32d ago

I think this is their ultimate goal. All those billions spent on Zenimax and Activision want for the Xbox to get exclusive games, it was for GP to get exclusive games

n1kki631d ago

If Sony would allow it it would be incredible for gamers.

For those saying there isn't a reason to own an xbox, that's fine if that's how you want to game. If you are locked into PS5 only, and want to pay $70 to only play on that platform more power to you. For my use case, I appreciate having game pass for $240 a year and having access to my games on Handheld, Console, and PC. I know not everyone games across multiple platforms. Quite honestly it doesn't bother me at all if MS wants to even release day and date on PlayStation. I will still stay in Game Pass, which PS5 doesn't have.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
Hofstaderman32d ago

Everybody except those in denial said this would be the outcome. Once that Activision Blizzard purchase went through it became one of the largest dollar valued acquisitions in the States. Of course it meant that XBOX would be dragged under the microscope of the Board and investors. It was then that XBOX stopped being a pet project and now had to show its metal.

Outside_ofthe_Box32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

So you're saying all those in denial that were cheerleading and doing cartwheels and clinked wine glasses when the Activision deal went through, now very deeply regret it and instead wished Microsoft went the traditional route of building new IPs instead of buying up established ones that were already multiplat???

32d ago Replies(1)
darthv7232d ago

I dont know about the Forza, Gears or Halo but there are plenty of other exclusive games that came out to XB that could be up for grabs. Starfield makes sense (It was initially in talks with PS), flight simulator, maybe even dip into the back catalog for a new killer instinct or even a new blinx.

TOTSUKO32d ago

Don’t count it out. If these games sell a lot on PS they will smell blood and release the floodgates.
Those two games you mentioned starfield and flight simulator I would buy day one for ps5 and hopefully Flight Simulator has PSVR2 support.

darthv7232d ago

...that is what im counting on as well... FS in VR2 would definitely be a buy from me.

Ozzy240731d ago

Hell yeah i buy FS day 1 with PSVR2 support

Gamingsince198132d ago

Everything is coming to playstation, not just select games

Chevalier32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Nah. They're all headed to Playstation sooner or later. You can stick your head in the sand, but, there's literally no reason not to. Can't ignore such a large body of paying customers

FinalFantasyFanatic32d ago

I'd take Gears or Halo, especially on PC (most Gears games aren't on PC and Halo 5 is also missing).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 31d ago
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