
Until Dawn on Playstation 4 priced higher than cancelled Playstation 3 version

Based on a listing, Until Dawn on Playstation 4 is priced higher than the cancelled Move-required Playstation 3 version.

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KaiPow3687d ago

It's been completely retooled from being a Move-only game as well as being pushed to a next-gen exclusive.

xHeavYx3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

Yeah, but that title wouldn't get as many clicks

Lightning Mr Bubbles3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

Yeah I noticed this on the PS store, and I liked it, this is when I knew the game meant business and wasn't some gimmick anymore.

Right now, it looks like I would gladly pay $59.99

Pisque3686d ago

No, they do not want many clicks. They try to scam us and the journalist said it outloud in his title. Props to him.

CernaML3686d ago

^So every $60 game is a scam? Thats some dumb logic you have there.

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mikeslemonade3686d ago

Great job. I support current gen only games.

Fgfttfgff3686d ago

Does that mean PS4 and the one you support only? Because I know I haven't taken to the current gen title on those systems yet. But I definitely support both gen.

Abash3686d ago

Yeah, it's no longer a PlayStation Move game, why should anyone expect it to have the price of one?

colonel1793686d ago

Also, Move titles were officially priced lower than normal games.

Eddie201013686d ago

It is a totally new game from what they originally planed for the move controller on PS3. I think the original listed price was $59.99 and then it was lowered shortly Before it was canceled on PS3.

There has been a lot of so called gaming web sites popping up with negative and often false information on PS4 related things since Sony announced that the PS4 has sold over 10 million consoles to consumers (%5 million plus ahead of Xbox One).

700p3686d ago

The problem with this. Im sure if microsoft would've done this..they would be a lot of backlash coming from you know who :)

TFJWM3686d ago

I don't remember much backlash when it happened with Ryse.....

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3686d ago
Transporter473686d ago

So 59.99.... I honestly didn't think it would cost less than regular priced games.

scark923686d ago

And in other news, the world is round,
seriously is anyone surprised lol

Monkeycan83686d ago

Conservative Communist Apocalyptic Bastards!!!

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Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4

Experience the horror of Blackwood Mountain for the first time on PC.

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TheNamelessOne10d ago

Loved the game. Will definitely double dip for this, as long as they didn't botch the remake. Be waiting for a bit of a sale though.


Until Dawn, rebuilt and enhanced for PS5 and PC, launches October 4

Discover the enhancements in graphics, gameplay, story elements, and more.

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TheNamelessOne38d ago

I'll wait for a price drop on PC, but I'll buy this a second time.


Until Dawn PS5, PC Remake Is Still on Its Way as Age Rating Surfaces

Set to scare all over again this year

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