
Pineview Drive Review - A Pixelated Review

There are combinations in video games that are matches made in heaven such as survival horror. This genre works so well because the necessity to stay alive enhances the horror element when done correctly. Every once in a while, there are some games that split up the survival horror genre like a serial killer dismembering a body. Survival games like Rust and Minecraft tend to be sturdy enough to stand on their own, but pure horror games like Pineview Drive are a different story.

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Pineview Drive Review - Low Key Scares Dulled by Tedious Gameplay | COG

Despite some spooky moments, your patience will ultimately be tested more than your nerve when you visit the creepy Pineview Drive.

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Pineview Drive – Review (PS4) - Honest Gaming Reviews

A Classic Horror in the making? Come and have a read what Honest Gaming Reviews thought of Pineview Drive.

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2679d ago

PushStartPlay Review: Pineview Drive

Pineview Drive is just another soulless cash grab, which at times can be completely unplayable due to its poor optimisation. It should be avoided at all cost, and it is not even worth a single pound, for which it'll soon be selling for on PSN.

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Rangerman12082695d ago

It was made by the Joe's Diner devs, what did you expect?