
Dear Notch: You're dead wrong about Wii U

From GamesReviews:

"The Wii U is a struggling system - despite a recent resurgence - and the butt of everybody's joke, but one has to wonder: what happens if the Wii U does eventually 'blow up.' Unlikely, sure, but there were developers who said the PS3 was dead in the water only a few years ago, and look what happened there."

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fonger083695d ago

Wasn't this all a joke and taken out of context anyway?

randomass1713695d ago

Yeah Notch even said he loved Wii U and just wanted Zelda to come out.

SilentNegotiator3694d ago

Won't stop fanboys from being dead butthurt.

DanielGearSolid3695d ago

The guy was joking. Move on with ur life

yewles13695d ago

They can't hear you over the sound of them cutting their rists.

LOL_WUT3695d ago

Agreed people took this seriously even going as far as insulting the guy and all over a piece of plastic. ;)

lilbroRx3695d ago

I can 100% assure that people like you and lol_wut care tons more about this news than Nintendo supporters do regardless of it being a joke.

The only reason you are interested in it at all and defend it so hard is because you perceive it as being negative inflection on Nintendo which you like and thus seek to defend.

Just a bunch of habitual Nintendo basher stroking each over what they believe to be their ill wishes coming true as what happens evertime someone says something that negative about Nintendo or one of their products. Nothing more to see here, lol.

yewles13695d ago

And yet, here you are, caring about what "guys like I" say about this subject, regardless of what is actually said. lol

lilbroRx3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

It was a poorly made joke. I've seen better.

superchiller3694d ago

Actually I thought it was pretty funny, but diehard Nintendo fans apparently didn't think so; and it was closer to the truth than they'd like to admit.

DragoonsScaleLegends3695d ago

It would be awesome if Minecraft was on my Wii U but I look forward to playing it on my PS4 more.

GenericNameHere3695d ago

Just a joke, breh :/

"The Wii U is a struggling system – despite a recent resurgence – and the butt of everybody’s joke, but one has to wonder: what happens if the Wii U does eventually ‘blow up.’ Unlikely, sure, but there were developers who said the PS3 was dead in the water only a few years ago, and look what happened there."

Everyone makes fun of the Wii U because Nintendo dun goofed. What's up with the stupid name? And what's up with wasting that whole year headstart? Did they really think that because the Wii was such a huge success, that they could just sit around doing nothing and expect another 100M seller? Seriously, a whole freaking year of wasted opportunity. Know why the Xbox 360 was able to sell 80m+ consoles? Because they had a year headstart, and took every opportunity in that timeframe to steal half of the PS2's fanbase. What did Nintendo do? Oh, here, a new Mario and Wind Waker HD. Hooray! You'll LOVE Mario, and buy it.

And PS3 was "dead in the water" for a couple of years, but you know what they have that Nintendon't? Third-party support. Nintendo only caters to their own fanbase. The amount of new fans is extremely limited. On Playstation and Xbox, if you don't like their first-party offerings, you've got hundreds of third-party games to choose from. Dozens of new and fresh and creative IPs always come out each gen on Playstation and Xbox, while you almost always just get Mario and Zelda on Nintendo. Sure, new IPs do come out on Nintendo platforms, but for one announced, there are 5 more on PS360.

matgrowcott3695d ago

Adam has written fairly extensively about where Nintendo has gone wrong with the Wii U, and it pretty much lines up with what you've said.

But he also tries to give credit where it's due, and that's something that the Wii U isn't getting a lot of right now. People are dismissing it based on memes and offhand comments, regardless of actual positives and negatives, much like the same sort of people were doing with the PS3 back in 2007.

Which was the point of this article, I think. Jokes are all good and well, but we've heard them all before and they might not be even nearly accurate at this point. So look past the joke and decide for yourself where Nintendo currently stand.

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Yi-Long167d ago

I hope they just keep building on Mario Kart 8; Add a track-creation tool, and probably open it up to more Nintendo IPs with new tracks and characters, so Metroid, Punch Out, Starfox, Animal Crossing, etc etc.

gold_drake167d ago

there wont be a new one until the switch 2 comes out.

nintendo needs their bangers early on