
Gravity Crash Ultra Review - Laser Lemming

Laser lemming reviews the new vita version of Gravity Crash.

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Representation of Wales and the Welsh in gaming: Suggestions from Reddit and Twitter

Dragon Gaming recently published an article on Welsh representation in gaming. The article was comprehensive enough – covering big hitters such as Assassin’s Creed IV and Ni No Kuni, as well as some lesser-known games, people and companies. It seems, however, that they missed quite a few neat cases of Welshness in the industry. Many people in the community reached out to them on Twitter and Reddit, pointing them to check out some of the examples they missed, so check out they did. Here’s a little more representation of Wales and the Welsh in video games – straight from the community.

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2777d ago

[Gaming Evolution] Gravity Crash Ultra Review

Twin-stick shooters have continually grown in popularity over the years. Countless experiences have gotten us rapped up within their worlds across a plethora of devices. Games like Super Stardust Delta, Velocity Ultra and even Dead Nation are just a few examples of exceptional experiences for Sony’s mighty handheld. One of the latest releases, Gravity Crash Ultra, looks to carve out its on niche in the ever-expanding genre. Gravity Crash Ultra is a fast and hysterical arcade shooter in space that will both challenge your skills and our notion of a twin-stick shooter.

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Gravity Crash Ultra Review | The Vita Lounge

Gravity Crash Ultra is a fast and frantic arcade space shooter that is as challenging to play as it is beautiful to look at. It is also a casual twin-stick shooter that encourages you to slow down and explore. It’s the best of both worlds, and I for one love it.

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ruefrak3659d ago

This game is great. I know everyone is all about Resogun on the PS4, but this one blows it out of the water.

Paul_Murphy3659d ago

Really like the look of this one, but too many games on the go right now. Maybe when I've finished with 2X.