
First Dead Island 2 Sunshine & Slaughter Gameplay Trailer

Today, Deep Silver reveals the first gameplay trailer for Dead Island 2, the next instalment in the multi-million-selling Dead Island franchise. The video shows Pre-Alpha in-game footage and gives a first impression on how beautiful sunshine and bloody melee violence meet once again – this time in the sunny realms of California. Dead Island 2 is scheduled for release in Spring 2015 from development studio YAGER and will be available on the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, as well as Windows PC.

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Golden_Mud3637d ago

This game looks.....FREAKING AWESOME , it have that Dead Rising 1 and 2 feeling in first person , but yah it lost the Dead Island 1 seriousness.

Goro3637d ago

I liked the seriousness, this looks similar to the change from Saints Row 2 to 3.

Golden_Mud3637d ago

vice versa happened to Dead Rising 3 tho , it had a lot of seriousness /:

The_Eternal_one3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

I liked it being more serious too. DR3 felt too arcade to me and easy.

AceBlazer133637d ago

Did I just read a mini XB1 ad in the description? Anyway, enjoyed the first definitely trying this 1.

guitarded773637d ago

The trailer reminds me of a 70's Horror/Exploitation flick. Hope the game has that vibe throughout.

UltraNova3636d ago

Good setting, good-looking (if the trailer is anything to go by) and most importantly extreme dismemberment done right!! (Visceral Games, take a note)


PLASTICA-MAN3636d ago (Edited 3636d ago )

What engine this Dead Island 2 uses? because the first one used UE3 and it looked like ****! Now this game looks completely next-gen and light years better than dying light or Dead Rising 3 or any zombie game claiming to be next-gen. I don't think it is UE4 though !

Edit: NVM, the first one used chrome engine 5 and now it seems they use a newer version of their engine.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3636d ago
frostypants3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

Looks like a ton of fun, but setting it in California is kind of tired and weak. I know suburban sprawls are easier to render, but c'mon. After GTAV I'm just burnt out on the setting. Would be much more interesting in a dense urban environment with skyscrapers and the like. Sure, maybe it will have a downtown LA, but it's not the same.

johndoe112113637d ago

No offense bro but, don't be "that guy".

cellur1113637d ago

I feel the same way. Im not sure I want to buy this anymore I dont feel like going back to LA again.

ChickenOfTheCaveMan3637d ago

I don't know, it might be funny to see some celebrity look alike zombies or some overdressed ones. I'm sure they'll find many ways to make it worth the big city setup.

Hercules1893637d ago

just like the millions of games and movies set in NYC. Can you give examples of a setting that is actually unique.

Nougati3637d ago

Whoa I didn't realise this was an issue for some people.
I have this image in my head of you just going "yeah! Awesome trailer! Cool!" then seeing that it's set in California and being "It's no longer cool I have to rip on this game now."

mogwaii3636d ago

Totally agree, california/LA is played the f**k out! Show us something fresh.

UltraNova3636d ago (Edited 3636d ago )

Tokyo? Beijing? Dubai with all those huge malls would be conveniently filled with zombie shoppers for us to eviscerate.

But I guess devs like to use cities within their reach..hence New York and LA are featured in basically 9/10 games...

TheSaint3636d ago (Edited 3636d ago )

It's not going to stop me buying it but I agree to an extent, there are other countries and cities that would be just as good that haven't been done to death.

frostypants3636d ago (Edited 3636d ago )

Let me start by saying the game looks fun...which I already noted...BUT...

@johndoe1121, what do you mean? Setting is a major aspect of the game. A game filled with lots of small structures and minimal foliage is less interesting, and on another level a game set in an environment that's been beaten to death already ("oh look, it's video game East LA...again...") is less than ideal. It's every bit as important as graphics and gameplay, because it largely defines what the player sees and how the player approaches enemies. The greatest graphics in the world can't make a sprawling mass of 1-story hovels look interesting.

@Nougati, it's possible to appreciate some elements of what they see and not others. For normal people who can think critically, anyway.

@Hercules189, I don't care really what they call the setting...I'm just saying that I feel like LA gets picked because it has relatively few large structures, lots of sprawl, and hardly any foliage. It's just easy to render, and the devs can cop-out by saying "well that's just what LA looks like and we were going for realism". Ideally I'd like more variety and stuff to look at...a DENSE cityscape, a DENSE forest area, etc. They can call it "New Chicagatlanta, Alabama" for all I care. Or call it LA, but ignore reality and make it interesting...bigger skyline, a more Northern Californian wilderness, etc. Stylize the hell out of it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3636d ago
Kidmyst3637d ago

I wonder if they'll have a weapon duplication glitch again. That really made the game even more fun.

silvacrest3637d ago

easy you mean, it spoiled the game for me

showtimefolks3637d ago

i hope this time there is some real single player story which isn't so bare bone

other than that the gameplay/settings is awesome

3637d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3636d ago
OpieWinston3637d ago

Please Please Please!
Tell me they got rid of the BS leveling system in Dead Island.
It's no longer Techland so I hope they got rid of Dead Islands biggest problem.

Kane223637d ago

actually like the rpg elements in dead island. and i believe that is still in part 2

The_Eternal_one3637d ago

Same for me and I hope it's still in this one.

The_Eternal_one3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

I know right lol you kill stuff you get XP, you complete missions you get XP. Just like in any game with a leveling system. I'm not really sure what he/she is talking about.

memots3637d ago

he is one of those gamer that one everything unlock maxed out when you start the game.

Probably buys shortcut pack for those Ea games.

lsujester3637d ago

My problem with it is that it made the difficulty really uneven at times, depending on when and where you were leveling up. I wouldn't call it BS, but I think it could use some adjustment.

Palitera3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

^ it is more related to scaling. I didnt suffer issues with it. Found the games very easy 99% of the time.
But yeah, it is one of the problem of non linear games. Remember how Oblivion dealt with it? Enemies scaled with you. On the other extreme, Amalur... If you got into a zone being a level 5, it would be level 5 scaled for the rest of the playthrough...
It's a big trouble for open world design and I guess there are great, but not perfect solutions.

If it was me, enemies would scale on a similar level to the player, the initial zones allowed to be 20% easier, the last ones 100% harder, allowing the new enemy types to spawn later on earlier levels. This way there is always challenge and always possibility to advance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3637d ago
equal_youth3637d ago

why do you think they should get rid of them. it felt like you adapt to the circumstances of your environment not some attached pseudo rpg system like some other games do them.

Deividas3637d ago

Def like the new setting but hope they fixed the issues from the first game...if its more of the same then it wont succeed. Better have learned from their mistakes...

Palitera3637d ago

Considering it is a totally different engine, it even cant be more of the same.

Even if they tried to do the same game, it would already feel heavily different.

Deividas3637d ago

The engine wasnt the issue in the first game...

It was very repetitive, some gameplay mechanics didnt work that well, highly unbalanced for single player use and relied a lot of 2 or more people, sneaking was non-existant, Loot was weak, etc...

So lots of stuff that can still exist on a completely different engine.

LamerTamer3637d ago


I am not sure what you mean. I played and beat both DI games 100% single player and didn't see an issue.

The bugs and glitches that broke some side missions were another matter though...

DFray9193637d ago

this looks cool. but im tired of zombie games.probably depends on when this comes out if i will buy it.

WeAreLegion3637d ago

I trust Yager with the series. Should be interesting.

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Dead Island 2 Sells Over 3 Million Copies Since Launch

Dead Island 2 has now sold over 3 million copies since its launch. Embracer Group officially announced the milestone in its financial report.

brandon698sherrick62d ago

Dead Island 2 has surpassed 3 million copies sold and 7 million players since launch last year. It's a amazing.

MrDead62d ago

I'm happy I got this game, the story is on the weak side but the gameplay, the semi-open world and the DLC's are great. Got way more hours out of this than I ever thought I would and playing with friends is stupid fun.


The multimillion copy selling first-person ARPG "Dead Island 2" is now available via Steam

"Dambuster Studios and Deep Silver are today very happy and proud to announce that "Dead Island 2" (their multimillion copy selling first-person action RPG), is now available via Steam." - Dambuster Studios and Deep Silver.


“Dead Island 2” has just dropped its second expansion (“SoLA”) for PC and consoles

"Deep Silver, Dambuster Studios, and PLAION are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released the second expansion (“SoLA”) for "Dead Island 2" (the said expansion is availableright now for PC and consoles via digital stores)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.