
Clipping Through Review-B-TEN

Writer Brian White reviews Clipping Through: One Mad Week in Video Games, by games journalist Leigh Alexander. Leigh uses a week-long trip to the GDC in San Francisco as a microscope with which to examine the games industry. It's a very personal, thought provoking read.


Leigh Alexander and Laura Hudson Launch The Offworld Collection On Kickstarter

Josh Griffiths writes: "It’s hard to type with all this protective gear on, but I find it necessary. This article will be about a Kickstarter involving Leigh Alexander, Zoe Quinn, Maddy Myers, and Kathrine Cross."

garyanderson3153d ago

Looks like it'll have great production values, but I'm not a huge fan of games as political statements on society.

rainslacker3152d ago (Edited 3152d ago )

Probably a good thing because we aren't her target audience. Us gamer's are dead, and she doesn't want us to be her audience.

Love this line though

"We hope it can introduce more people to the full breadth of what games, technology and play can mean, and who can participate in them. "

Started off good, but were people ever not able to participate in them if they had the means to play them?

Seems like a self-gratifying feel good thing, which seeks to separate and divide the gamers into groups, instead of just allowing it to be gamers as a whole.

Read some of the offworld stuff. Some of the contributers are pretty good. Leigh Alexander isn't one of them. She's never been a good writer, and her insight is biased and jaded in the most sardonic ways or it's overly preachy and condescending not unlike Sarkeesian when she's trying to appear empathetic or hopeful. Seems this book will sell to those who already are predisposed to following the site, not really achieve showing people who don't know who can participate in games.

Some of the contributors on the site should go find sites where people who aren't in the SJW safe place will actually read their work. They'd probably have a positive influence on the tides of discussion instead of all this hateful stuff that gets tossed around and almost never ends up on here anymore.

Also, it doesn't require $40K to publish a book on this scale....particularly when the content is already written.


Eight Months On: Gamers Here, Still Not Dead

It's easy to believe what someone is saying if they yell it loud enough to cover up counter-arguments and protest. But when evidence is staring you in the face, maybe it's time to reconsider. AUTOMATON's Shehzaan Abdulla uses recent events to prove that gamers, as a people and a title, aren't done yet.

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Good Morning, Orthodoxy #1

Good Morning, Orthodoxy is a series of articles examining posts made on August 28 and 29. In this first installment, I (Todd Wohling) examine how the articles attempted to change the definition of the term “gamer”.

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