
Of Guards and Thieves Preview | GameGrin

Let’s make a comparison here: Of Mice and Men is a modern masterpiece read the world over that explores themes of fate, freedom and the nature of man, all while challenging societal norms at the time in which it was written. Of Guards and Thieves is an indie videogame in which two opposing teams, the overtly named guards and thieves, play hide and seek in an online multiplayer environment all while shooting at each other. And some people say videogames aren’t art.

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Of Guards and Thieves Review | GameGrin

GameGrin's Ryan Davies writes: "Let’s make a comparison here: Of Mice and Men is a modern masterpiece read the world over that explores themes of fate, freedom and the nature of man, all while challenging societal norms at the time in which it was written. Of Guards and Thieves is an indie videogame in which two opposing teams, the overtly named guards and thieves, play hide and seek in an online multiplayer environment all while shooting at each other. And some people say videogames aren’t art."

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Of Guards and Thieves Could Be the Multiplayer Stealth Game You Are Looking For

When describing Of Guards and Thieves to others, I like to call the game “competitive Monaco” but that is not entirely correct. You see, being competitive, Of Guards and Thieves favors stealth, teamwork, and good planning over quick wit and quicker times. That is not to say that you do not have to be quick, with the average game lasting a mere five minutes, but running in guns blazing will, more often than not, simply get you killed.