
Star Wars Battlefront 3 Release Date, PS4, Xbox One, PC Update: New Game Set For 2015 Release

Breathe Cast: "The highly anticipated 'Star Wars: Battlefront 3' will not be entirely related to the upcoming film, 'Star Wars: Episode VII'. Meanwhile, Electronic Arts (EA) has confirmed that 'Star Wars: Battlefront 3' is slated for a Summer 2015 release on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC."

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gamerhecz3703d ago

My prayers have been answered after so many years. :D

BiggerBoss3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

YES. Since the ps2 days I've wanted a new battlefront and when it was announced I almost peed myself. I just hope dice doesn't turn it into battlefield with a Star Wars skin

CorndogBurglar3703d ago

But...the previous Battlefront games were very similar to Battlefield games of that time. The only real difference was that you could be hero type characters in some missions. But for the most part it was just two teams with a limited amiunt of "tickets" and you had to capture command points throughout the map. The more you had, the quicker the enemy's tickets drained. They also drained every time someone died.

So yeah, Battlefron has always been very much like Battlefield. I'm not sure where people get the idea that it wasn't.

Rimeskeem3703d ago

The first thing they said was that they are trying to make it NOT battlefield with a Star Wars skin

guitarded773703d ago

Amen. I was one of the LucasArts forum peeps who chased every rumor and leak and cancellation. I just HOPE (no pun intended, I hate puns) DICE keeps it a 3rd person focused shooter. I know there was a first person option, but SWBF was meant to be played in 3rd person to take in all the epicness.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I3703d ago


Similar game modes but battlefront was SOCOM in a Star Wars universe.

If it is a 3rd person game I'm all in, if it's a 1st person shooter I'll pass.

guitarded773703d ago

I wouldn't compare Battlefront to SOCOM at all. I think games like Warhawk/Starhawk copied the Star Wars Battlefront formula a bit. SWBF really concentrated on Zones/Capture and Hold, just in every nerd's favorite universe. SOCOM was very objective oriented, and traditionally one kill and you're out. Like Counter Strike kinda.

Chrischi19883702d ago

Be patient guys, this is EA we are talking about. They are the masters destroying franchises. Just like Command and Conquer Generals 2... they just cancelled it...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3702d ago
GamingSinceThe80s3703d ago

Don't get your hopes to high.This is just the first date before it gets delayed at least 3 times pushing it back to late 2016 and thats being hopeful.

starchild3703d ago

And how do you know this?

warczar3703d ago

The battlefront games were delayed because Lucas Arts was run by an a-hole who sabotaged his development teams on a regular bases. Lucas Arts doesn't have anything to do with this game so it should come out close to its release date.

tdog1253703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

I would not believe that this game is coming summer of 2015 this is the only website that is reporting this

TripC503703d ago

I only pray for peace on earth and Battle Front 3... That's about it.

Agheil3703d ago

Where did EA announce this? No one is questioning the source ?

assdan3703d ago

What I'm worried about is i's just going to be future battlefield. Battlefront had classes that were incredibly diverse, and I'm hoping it remains the same.

3-4-53703d ago

Summer Release in 2015 to go along with the Movie that is releasing around same time. Awesome.

quantae063703d ago

I'm ready! Star Wars Battlefront 2 on Playstation 2 was the first full game I played online with. My first online experience definitely went well. I had some good times with it. I'm pick this one up for PC. :)

KnightRobby3703d ago

This info is unfortunately outdated. The game is set to release alongisde Episode VII around December 2015, not Summer 2015.

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Nathan1703703d ago

Seems too soon.Let's hope it's not delayed.

elazz3703d ago

Let's hope they worked long and hard for this game for the release to be more or less flawless and that it will exceed expectations!

Nathan1703703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

I've seen so many games delayed this gen that I become a bit pessimistic.
Furthermore,almost nothing of this game has been show to the public.Probably at gamescom...

Neixus3703d ago

Your comment contradicts itself. You say it seems too soon, and hopes it will not be delayed?

Nathan1703703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

Because I think the game is coming too soon It has possibilities of being delayed but I hope that's not the case.
Maybe it wasn't the best combination of words...

Debaitable3703d ago

Yeah I think it's too soon myself. I don't see why they can't delay to put more work on it. It would be a better release if it coincides with the movie and holidays.

tdog1253703d ago

Don't expect is summer 2015 till we get actual confirmation from a trailer

Majin-vegeta3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

Well this is from last year.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3703d ago
Majin-vegeta3703d ago

cant wait to snipe me some ewoks.I still have nightmares of them from SWBF2.

Neixus3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

Hopefully they'll show Titanfall how to correctly have npcs in online matches.

Would be so cool if a random ewok invasion happened in the middle of a online match, that fought both teams lol :D

jagermaster6193703d ago

F@ck yes! I'm about as hard as a diamond in an ice storm right about now!!!

3703d ago
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Star Wars Battlefront 3: Is There Still Hope For A New Game?

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anast283d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

283d ago
shadowknight203283d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


Canceled Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP Images Leaked

Someone has just revealed images proving that there was supposed to be a Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP.

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Duke19870d ago

"Images of Gameplay" noted in the article.

Proceeds to only show Menu screens

GoodGuy09870d ago

Oh yea battlefront games were on the psp weren't they? And force unleashed as well. Great "handheld" versions those were.

plmkoh869d ago

Battlefront III in PSP is just Elite Squadron, was never cancelled. The start up menu is even the same same with X1 and X2.


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Urrakia34967d ago

After all these years, Free Radical's SWBF2 is still the best overall Star Wars game to me. It had everything you could want in big fun team battles, Jedi vs Sith and the space battles were extremely well done giving you the ability to land inside a capital ship's hangar to sabotage and take it down from within.

Sciurus_vulgaris967d ago

Free Radical didn’t make Star Wars Battlefront 2. The long defunct Pandemic Games developed the original Battlefront 2.

Urrakia34967d ago

Thank you sir, I appreciate the correction. Pandemic also developed Mercenaries I believe, right? That game too is a classic!

Sciurus_vulgaris967d ago

Yes, Pandemic did indeed develop Mercenaries.

ZeekQuattro967d ago

I wish that IP would make a return. The original was better but its the second one had its moments. You could pretty much level anything in those games if you had the right armaments.

966d ago
plmkoh966d ago

This is just Battlefront Elite Squadron. Cancelling it was the right move, very few changes to Battlefront 3 except for a new forgettable campaign.