
CD Projekt Red Behind the Scenes Video at SDCC 2014.

A video showing behind the scenes with the creators of the Witcher series CD Projekt Red at SDCC 2014

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Rainbowcookie3646d ago (Edited 3646d ago )

Shows no new gameplay footage so kinda sucks ... I have heard the video featured cliff climbing and diving from those set cliffs . Also you can dismember (not sure how that works on all models though.


CDPR Dev Says Half Of Cyberpunk Sequel's Quest Team Is Made Up Of Modders

CDPR developer Pawel Sasko has praised modders, claiming that many of them are working with the studio to develop the Cyberpunk sequel.

Terry_B9d ago

Thats an interesting choice for the talent. Lets see how it works out for them

Andrew3369d ago

Those same modders worked on 2077 and the expansion. Worked out well in the long run.

Terry_B8d ago

Heh, I see....

still have to play that game actually ^^

Michiel19899d ago

I really like that a lot, valve did it a lot in the past and it worked out great for them, however that will not stop the execs from still demanding overtime, cutting corners or whatever else that plagued cyberpunk. I feel like this is just virtue signaling. and until I see their next release come out in a much, MUCH better state I don't really care what they say. They lied before to their audience and investors so any word coming out of their mouths must be taken with the biggest grain of salt.


The Witcher 4 Dev Is Working Closely With Epic Games To Bring Structural Improvements To UE5

The Witcher 4 developer CD Projekt Red is working closely with Epic Games in order to bring structural improvements to Unreal Engine 5.

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cloganart10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

As a dev, I can tell you that with 5, Epic made quite a leap. It perhaps may have done *too much* of a fidelity leap that most of its target hardware (Both PC and Consoles) struggles to hit 60FPS with all the new cutting edge features they added.

It may have had some issues with this generation to find a good home, but by PS6 the engine will have matured and found a good matching partner 🙏

rlow110d ago

Now that Sweet Baby is involved in this game. I’m really concerned it’s going to turn into a woke agenda poster child. I hope not but after what happened to the tv show, I won’t be holding my breath on this one.

Demetrius10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Folks are so mf afraid to tell the sweet baby inc weirdos NO we don't want your involvement lol

jznrpg9d ago

Hard to say. Maybe they are welcoming them?
I know I wouldn’t hire anyone from the outside to give me advice on how to do my job but we don’t know that they feel scared and they could be positive toward them. People have different beliefs and ideals and that’s ok there is 7 billion people you are going to have ideals that run the gamut.
If it was me I’d tell them to F off because I wouldn’t want to pay people to advise what I’m doing regardless of who it is unless I sought them out myself and that could be the case here who knows.

raWfodog10d ago

Give Bethesda some tips on how to work with new, better game engines.

10d ago

The Witcher 3 Dev Reveals the 'Secret Sauce' of CD Projekt Red Quests

In an interview at Gamescom Latam, Game Rant speaks with developer Paweł Sasko about the construction of CDPR quests and what makes them special.

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victorMaje17d ago

A long time ago I remember reading in a game design book how books were all about telling, then movies came along & it became more about showing & then with games it became more about playing.

This is why ever since I keep saying gameplay is king. Not just because of the fun it can be but because of the emotion it can convey.

Pawel Sasko I salute you.