
H1Z1 Interview: Dynamic Weather, Forgelight Engine, Micro-transactions And More

H1Z1 is an upcoming survival horror zombie MMO video game under development at Sony Online Entertainment. Taking place across United States, this is no simple and easy MMO. The developers have made it clear that the game will be extremely challenging and players will have to build shelters and craft weapons.

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ifistbrowni3608d ago (Edited 3608d ago )

"No one is working on the PS4 version, we are focused 100% on pc"

*Wipes tears from cheeks and forgets H1Z1 even exists*

I'm not a pc player. I had thought this game was coming to ps4 first (when it was initially announced, thats how i took it). Serious question, Why would Sony fund a PC game? This game will probably make it's way to PS4 eventually, but I thought that PS4 was going to *kinda* be a priority...

I was wrong.

Majin-vegeta3608d ago

Lol Sony owns the IP.So yes expect it on PS4 sooner or later.

WeAreLegion3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

Because SOE has always made PC games.

I'm sure we'll get a PS4 version, but I recommend a gaming PC in addition to a PS4.

Seafort3607d ago

SOE are developing the game not the Sony that owns Playstation.

It's never been officially announced for PS4 at any point.

SOE have and always will be PC developers.

H1Z1 is a PC exclusive till they finish the game then they will likely port to PS4 like they did with Planetside 2.

You are looking at 2+ years before PS4 get H1Z1. It's not even out on Early Access for PC yet.

user56695103607d ago

"I'm not a pc player. I had thought this game was coming to ps4 first (when it was initially announced, thats how i took it). Serious question, Why would Sony fund a PC game? This game will probably make it's way to PS4 eventually, but I thought that PS4 was going to *kinda* be a priority... "

and this is whats wrong with ps fanboys. the game was never announced for ps4 but people ran with it. the say we dont have games worth playing but acted like this was coming to ps4. this goes beyond begging.

they act like they are gamers but as soon as they see a game is not coming to ps4 the act like it doesnt exist or its not good. but they call themselves gamers.

soe released ton of games that havent been released on a ps platform how is this new. be happen they said theyre going to port everquest over cause last gen almost every fanboy said it was corny.

then yall act like yall are genuinely interested in vr, but the real thing is yall are only interested in sony. look at all the vr article then look at sony vr articles. it doesnt have to even say anything while ORift devs be doing ton of stuff to further the tech, they even hold events for devs.

im a gamer and i am interested in all things gaming, if a game not coming to a platform i have, i will still acknowledge the devs work and give credit when credits do. this concept doesnt exist for ps fanboys

SuperBlur3607d ago

You act as if only a PS fanboy would think like that.

Same as saying all black people love chicken, are thief and what not.

ATi_Elite3607d ago

"No one is working on the PS4 version"

Thats because this game is gonna run on the Forgelight engine and they are gonna use the PC version to fine tne the PS4 version.

DayZ Has dynamic weather that effects your character. Sunshine see scopes reflection better rain you can get sick and get a virus and die.

Im starting to hop off the H1z1 bandwagon because the gameplay is just not as Core Tactical as DayZ is.

Still seems like a great game but just not what im looking for.

Oh but it will run flawlessly on PS4 after the PC version gets the guinie pig treatment

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3607d ago
ScorpiusX3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

Micro transaction , hell no.

evilsooty3607d ago

Depends what kind. The Planetside 2 micro-transactions largely consist of cosmetic items.

Seafort3607d ago

It's just cosmetic items like t-shirts, hats and things like that.

They will never sell guns and ammo or anything that gives players an advantage for survival.

WeAreLegion3607d ago

Please research before you say no to something. These are purely cosmetic micro-transactions.

ScorpiusX3607d ago

Statement was made due to the normal transaction concepts that have become more popular these day and majority are not cosmetic.So I responded accordingly to how I felt.

Stapleface3607d ago

I don't mind them if they are not p2w and the game is f2p. They are giving you the game, if it's good, why not support them with some money. Games certainly are not free to make. They won't support the game with updates and new content if the revenue is not being generated to cover the costs of these things.

SuperBlur3607d ago

My fear is they'll over price stuff. I just had a glimpse of the Landmark ingame store and it was terrible , costume that cost upward to 10-20$ . A JOKE imo

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3607d ago
mopground3607d ago

soe is sure having a long month!


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chris2352044d ago

it doesn‘t actually speak for human intelligence when such products can be a thing. if everybody used their brain such products would have never made their way to the mainstream. people get what they begged for. and i can‘t for the life of it get such mindsets.