
Dark Souls II: Crown of the Sunken King Tips

GeekParty writes: "Dark Souls II is back in the form of episodic DLC. You’ll find yourself arms-deep in the most confounding, Zelda-like levels to ever find their way into a Souls game. These new levels are brutal, but GeekParty is here to help you."

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The Catch-22 of Souls games’ stories and why they must remain the same

Ross loves Souls games. Admittedly, he got on the train a little late: He's never played Demon’s Souls and he Dark Souls II and III queued up, ready to go. However, from Dark Souls and Bloodborne, undoubtedly two of the strongest of the five in the franchise, here's what he believes about the franchise's method of telling stories.

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TheOttomatic912550d ago

There's a story in SoulsBorne games? I know I offended a lot of people just now but the "story" in those kinds games always went over my head and I never gave a shit.

It's always been the combat and gameplay that made me a fan of the Souls series.

Eiyuuou2549d ago

There's a big difference between not caring about it and denying its existence.

Nobody gets upset about the former, but the latter is just stupidity at its finest.

Summons752549d ago

Which is why the way the present the story works in this rare instance. It's meant for the gameplay but if you want to know the story or backstory/lore/characters all that information is easily at your fingertips if you take 5 minutes to look but it's okay if you don't want too and want to slaughter demons

Silkside2549d ago (Edited 2549d ago )

Yeah but having g a story would Complete the package. How can anyone claim having a coherent story would not add value to the soul games is beyond me.

jerethdagryphon2549d ago

There not the rype of game that needs narrative driving it via cuscenes and missions. Its subtle story telling

Summons752549d ago

There is a story and it's pretty in depth.

Injusticewarrior2549d ago (Edited 2549d ago )

Played 2/5ths of the games. Come back when you've finished your homework.

"He's never played Demon’s Souls and he (has)* Dark Souls II and III queued up, ready to go."


2724d ago
solderman2724d ago

I'd rather have a new original game that stands on its own like Demon's Souls and Bloodborne.

KimikoGaming2723d ago

Despite being widely considered the worst souls game, Dark Souls 2 easily has the best DLC by far.


Dark Souls 2 “Lost Crowns” Trilogy DLC Review | Entertainment Buddha

Overall, the Lost Kings trilogy of DLC is a fantastic addition to the Souls‘ series and in many ways, both outshines the core game and makes returning to it more enjoyable and richer, both in terms of loot that can be used, and lore that fills in missing story.

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