
Grumpy Gamer - Free games are cool right?

LaserLemmings grumpiest gamer talks about why Tom Francis is better than EA

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Half-Life 2 remembered

"Half-Life 2 is a game built of great moments, and of its designers' desire to change the pace, the structure, and the feel of the challenge while you move from one sequence to the next. As a celebration of City 17's 10th birthday, we asked a handful of developers to tell us about the specific moments that stuck with them the most."

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Gunpoint dev's next game to be "a strategy game with randomly generated maps"

With his debut game Gunpoint doing really well, journalist Tom Francis will be moving into development full-time. His next project is to be “a single player and co-op strategy game with randomly generated maps.”

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Projectile Trousers and Gravity-Proof Trenchcoats – 8+ Minutes Of Gunpoint Gameplay

We’ve been providing a fair bit of coverage on journo-turned-developer Tom Francis’ upcoming stealthy git simulator, Gunpoint, but sometimes it just takes a narrated walkthrough of a few levels to make the concept click. Fortunately, that’s exactly what we have here; After the break, eight and a half minutes of officially developer-sanctioned pushing people out of windows, rewiring lightswitches and improbably high-tech trousers.

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