
Interview With Soon Shine Developer Dahku Creations

Mike From Mii-gamer:

Mii-gamer continues its mission to support the Indie developers that provide us with fun and enjoyable experiences on the Wii U and 3DS eShop. Last week, Dahku Creations announced a peculiar title that caught my eye - Soon Shine for the Nintendo Wii U. Soon Shine is an action-puzzle game that puts the player in control of the Sun and Moon to defeat ravenous spirits greedy for energy.

In my opinion, Soon Shine’s simple facade could in fact mask a deceptively fun and addictive experience. To learn more about Soon Shine – we caught with the developer behind the game – Dahku Creations to discuss Soon Shine in further detail.

Without further ado, let’s start the interview!

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Soon Shine Review (Wii U) | Mii-gamer

Snippet from review:

It’s hard to argue with what you get for $1.99. While it’s overall simplicity is entirely based around its mobile app approach, it can appeal to kids looking for a short-term entertainment fix. It contains absolutely nothing a self-proclaimed “gamer” is looking for in terms of just about any category, but instead serves itself up as a solid “break” game. If you want to take a quick break, this is the game to amuse you for 5 minutes. If you have kids and they need a quick little app to keep them busy and you don’t want to break the bank on Mario Kart 8 because you have to decide between meals and videogames, Dahku has provided with Soon Shine. The issue is that it, by nature, is the type of game that you don’t settle down at home for. It’s designed to be played on-the-go, and in short bursts. It feels rather out of place as a home console indie game, and is further hampered in its in-house usability given the short range of the Gamepad.

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Review: Soon Shine (Pure Nintendo)

Pure Nintendo: "Overall I’m pleased with Dahku’s sophomore Wii U title. Soon Shine demonstrates strides with the company, and is an indie effort worth supporting. It won’t break your wallet either – it’s priced low at just $1.99! Why not check it out?"

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Soon Shine (Wii U eShop) Review | Nintendo Feed

"Soon Shine could easily stand among the growing mobile market, but not here on a platform that can do so much more." - Nintendo Feed

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