
The Legend of Heroes VI the 3rd : new images

The last chapter of the trilogy called "The Legend of Heroes VI" is coming to Japan. Planned for July 24th, this game is revealed into unseen images.

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Something About This Legend Of Heroes Collection Doesn’t Look Right?

Siliconera - While walking through another mall in Korea, The Legend of Heroes I, II, III, IV for PC grabbed my attention. Four Legend of Heroes games on one disc? That sounds awesome, but Trails in the Sky’s leads Joshua and Estelle are on the cover along with characters from The Legend of Heroes III: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch.

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The Legend of Heroes VI the 3rd : first PSP's trailer and screenshots

Falcom has released the first PSP Trailer of The Legend of Heroes VI the 3rd. You can find it on Liveplayportable with the first PSP Screenshots.

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Obama5972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

Played the first 2 episodes on pc. It's a very good jrpg but it is very underated as in not much people know about it.

Sophie5972d ago

It's why whe explain about it, Obama.
This licence is a reference like a Final Fantasy or a Kingdom Hearts, but Falcom is less well known than Square Enix.
However, even if it is less easy Japanese, it remains inevitable for the gamers.

bakasora5972d ago

Wow, looks much better than the previous ones.

gano5972d ago

better. i'm def getting