
Yogventures! Kickstarter is a Debacle

From the article, "It's always a shame when a Kickstarter goes bad. Case in point, the Yogscast's Yogventures! game. 13,647 backers pledged $567,665 between April and May, 2012, in the hopes of getting a full game from Winterkewl Games by December 2012. Well, it's now July 2014, and there's still no game."

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badjournalism3606d ago

And people expected better from the douchebags that got permabanned from Minecon for their behavior?


How Should Game Developers Handle Failed Kickstarters?

Greg Micek writes: "Our weekly dose of hot takes, occasionally well formed opinions, and fevered outbursts is back. Yup, it's time for the Question of the Week! This week our question is all about what developers should do when their Kickstarter campaign hits the fan. We're not referring to a failed campaign in the sense that they didn't raise enough money, but what happens when they can't deliver on their promises."

garyanderson2808d ago

People really need to put their expectations in check when they back campaigns.

GrimDragon2808d ago

Um....learn from the mistake and "get gud." Duh.


5 Kickstarter Game Fails That Made Us All Paranoid

Kickstarter's hits are usually higher than its misses, but these misses REALLY miss.

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XisThatKid3168d ago

With all these kickstand shenanigans goin on I have no fear backing any one project simply because eventually just like any investment I'm eventually goin to get what I asked for or possibly compensated knowing I'm risking this money as it's a donation or pledge to my interest in a project or idea. T this is just how I see it. I'm not mad at Comcept as a backer.I'll get my game.no I'm not happy it was told of something and it didn't happen but for whatever reason it just doesn't bother me much right now.

krazeecain3168d ago

That's exactly what kickstarters are supposed to be. Too often do people act as if they're pre-orders. Games are complex beasts, and developers very often misjudge the scope of a project. So it's not surprising to me in the slightest that some of them fail, it's not that unusual.

Harkins17213168d ago

Mighty #9 demo is free now for backers that spent more than $20.

DiaperFace3168d ago

I ain't paranoid. I love games so these are worthy investments. That said, I tend to back smaller unknowns with obscure projects instead of big ones.

jmc88883167d ago

Dumb article. Any article that says Star Citizen is a game fail is written by a moron.

The game is massive in scope and it is progressing nicely. The length of time to make the game, is predicated on how many new stretch goals they added as backer list grew and grew and grew.

It's now massively bigger then the original kickstarter goal, thus it will take a lot longer time. This is called common sense.

Even if you read what he says you have to think... does he even think it really belongs on this list... or did he just want to throw them in to make his list a nice sounding 5 game list.

Here's a tip to the author, don't pad your lists with crap that doesn't belong. The article would read a lot better if you had it with 4 games.

You can't title something... 5 of the Best Red things... and then one of them be blueberries. It just doesn't make sense.

That's what having Star Citizen in this article basically does. It so blatantly doesn't belong.

Bimkoblerutso3163d ago

...sounds like someone has thrown quite a bit of money into Star Citizen.

mep693163d ago

Takedown was a fail. Why did i back that :(


5 Terrifying Kickstarter Video Game Campaigns

Greg Micek writes: "As much as I love Kickstarter, and crowdfunding in general, I have to admit that it can be pretty scary at times. Scams, incompetence, emotional breakdowns, and general sketchiness seem to be just as common as starry eyed developers full of dreams. Given that we typically cover the starry eyed angle here on Cliqist I figured that for Halloween it was time to change things up a bit. I give you… (queue spooky music) 5 Terrifying Kickstarter Games."

Spenok3497d ago

Impossibly high expectations for Star Citizen? No... never lol. For the most successful crowd funded game of all time, I'm sure people's expectations are higher than just about any game. It does, however, look utterly fantastic. I have yet to fund it myself though. I will end up picking it up when it comes out at least. It looks too good to miss.

garyanderson3497d ago

I think it'll be better than the author fears, but I'm still pretty skeptical theyre gonna deliver on everything.

Spenok3497d ago

Yeah it would be pretty hard to do that all at once... unless they delay it a significant number of times. Or just don't talk about a release date until it's pretty much done. When that will be is anyone's guess though.