
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter looks like real life

Designed to be played at night and likely frighten you half to death, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is not only one of the most interesting games coming out later this year, but its also one of the best looking. Set for release on PC in 2014, players will take on the adventurous role of a detective with a supernatural ability to visualise lethal crime scenes as he investigates the disappearance of a young boy in the wake of a brutal murder.

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Poland’s Got Indie Talent

TIGW: "The success story behind Poland's rise to become an indie game powerhouse, including testimonies from game developers at Bloober Team and 11 bit studios."

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2201d ago

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Dev Removes VR After Accidental Inclusion

VRFocus reports on The Astronauts, developer of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, explaining why it has removed VR support for the title's recent release.


Review - The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter - Playstation 4 | Use A Potion!

Check out Use A Potion's review of 'The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter' on Playstation 4.
"The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter was a unique experience. There are so many horror themed games that focus on narrative and exploration, but it still felt that little more unique and special here. There are the beautiful surroundings to get absorbed into, the ominous tunes or solving the trivial puzzles and discovering more about the grisly fates of the Carter family. Most of all though, the narrative really shines – there’s a sense of mystery that keeps you hooked from start to finish, but the game also delves into the innocent yet imaginative mind of a twelve year old boy. The little stories that Ethan has written and how they all tie into the overall plot are well constructed and add that extra dimension to the game. I’ve not played something quite like The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter and The Astronauts should be commended for putting such a great game out there."

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ninsigma3246d ago

This is an absolutely beautiful game. Finally got around to playing it on Wednesday and finished it Thursday. It's very short but its price reflects that. I have no regrets from this game. The graphics and scenery are wonderful. There isnt too much in the way of game play mechanics but the whole thing is just an awesome little package of incredible atmosphere. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't creeped out. The atmosphere had me from the start!

1nsomniac3246d ago

I like the idea & look of it but I'm still not biting at £16.

ninsigma3246d ago

That's fair enough. Value is different things to different people. I would suggest getting it at some point though when the price drops.

Paleblood3246d ago

I liked the game but that ending... Ugh

S2Killinit3246d ago

I think a nice mystery game is in order right about now.