
15 Amazing Graphical Effects That Were Possible Only Due To PS4 And Xbox One

"Yes, ultimately, how engaging or compelling a game is comes down to how well it plays, but looking great never hurts its chances. And while focusing only on graphics, like so many people do these days, is a bit misguided, appreciating great graphics in games that we know are already good (or will be good, simply judging by precedence) doesn't hurt much either."

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Future_20153728d ago ShowReplies(8)
TurboGamer3728d ago

"15 Amazing Graphical Effects That Were Possible On PC Long Before PS4 And Xbox One Existed, But Wasn't Used Because The PS3 And Xbox 360 Could Not Do Them."

There, I fixed the title.

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3728d ago

Please tell me a PC game that look as good as Uncharted. 4 which was all in engine footage and Naughty Dog trying to make the game looks better than that. Please tell me a PC game that looks as good as The Order 1886. Please tell me a PC game that looks as good as Killzone Shadow Fall. Please tell me a PC game that even looks as good as TLOU or Beyond on PS3. I swear you Pc guys worry about consoles way more than you even play your PC.

VJGenova3728d ago

Crysis 3 and as long as we're including unreleased games, The Witcher 3.

Hitman Absolution is a very pretty game as well. Not to mention all the Skyrim mods ...

ravensly3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

those games havent been released and crysis 3 kills all the games above interms of graphics or any modded gta 4, skyrim etc...

sinspirit3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )



Crysis 3 does NOT look better than those. It hardly looks better than Crysis 1. Basically the faces and tessellation make it look better. Everywhere else it looks worse than Crysis 1.

A lot of PS3 exclusives rivaled even some of the best looking games on PC. If you actually saw the Uncharted 4 trailer clearly this wouldn't be a debate right now. It looks better than just about every game, and that is when they haven't put in all the new facial animations and the graphics are extremely early build.

Dirtnapstor3728d ago

I agree with you Prince... I've seen plenty of high-end PC's strut their stuff. Yes the games look great, but oh so sterile.
PCers need to let it go and admit consoles are capable of great things also.

Future_20153728d ago

hold up how is uncharted 4 only possible on ps4 lol what are you talking about?

UltimateMaster3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

How the resolution of Uncharted 4 on PC?

I don't get why there needs to be hatred between owning a console and/or PC.

AndrewLB3728d ago

This video definitively proves without any question that Crysis 3 on PC completely DESTROYS Killzone Shadowfall on PS4.


Anyone who watches that video and claims Killzone looks better is either flat out lying, is named "Ray Charles", or belongs in a mental institution.

sinspirit3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )


A poor recording of the pre-release ShadowFall footage? That's just an unfair comparison.








Here are proper comparisons.

Both games look amazing. I think ShadowFall has better lighting and more detail on the little objects in the environment. I think Crysis 3 has more foliage, but had it actually taken advantage of tessellation in the full release the bricks, trees, rocks, etcetera would look so much better, and even lighting potentially.

I conclude by saying I think regardless of technicalities that ShadowFall simply has a more beautiful game with better artistic choice and more passion put into the designs.

TheDevKit3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

"Please tell me a PC game that look as good as Uncharted 4."

The game isn't released yet.

"Please tell me a PC game that looks as good as The Order 1886."

Again, not released.

"Please tell me a PC game that looks as good as Killzone Shadow Fall."

I could name a few that run at native 1080p and 60 fps.

"Please tell me a PC game that even looks as good as TLOU or Beyond on PS3."

Yeah, this isn't that hard.

If you're skeptical, take a look at this:


That also has the potential to run at 1080p and 60 FPS, unlike many of the games you listed.

christian hour3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )


There aren't, because pc gamings been held back by the multi-platform constraints of ps3 and 360 for many years now, which is why I've been calling for a new gen since as early as 2009, (and because I was used to my 5 year console gen cycles).

Give it a year, once the 360 and ps3 are severed from the multiplat cycle, you'll see games on PC jump leaps and bounds ahead of consoles, as they always do.

This is a cycle that rinses and repeats at the dawn of every console generation. Sadly pc exclusives with a lot of time and money behind them are no longer as common place as they once were, I believe Crysis was the last truly great pc exclusive to take advantage of hardware, and still looks good to todays standards if not better.

TheBurger293728d ago

All those exclusives would look way better on pc, but they are not on pc so brag all you want.

fullmetal2973728d ago


Witcher 2 with ubersampling turned on (beast of a game to play BTW), Crysis 3 Ultra settings (the gline showcase the particle effects from explosions quite well), Crysis 1 with mods (first game to implement HBAO for character reflection), Metro 2033: Last Light showcase an excellent display for tessellation on the models, Batman: Arkham City gave games with volumetric fog and paper drag effects.

I can name more games but I don't wanna bore you, plus you seem the type person who don't like listening to reason so I'll stop here.

GordonKnight3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Consoles have their benefits, just like PC has it's benefits.

combatcash3728d ago

I'll wait to see actual gameplay of uncharted 4 before I give it a crown. Crysis 3 is gorgeous and completely demolishes killzone shadowfall if you can max it out. TLOU really? Pick up a pc with decent hardware and you'll find more than a handful of games that destroy TLOU on ps3 and with no jaggies

BitbyDeath3728d ago

Crysis 3 and Killzone SF are pretty much on par.
Some of KZ looks better than Crysis 3 and vice versa.

PC doesn't have anything comparable to Beyond so it is hard to judge. I disagree about TLOU looking better than PC games but the PS4 remaster may be a different story.

Uncharted 4, The Order and inFamous SS have/are setting new graphical standards though.

LonDonE3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Dude the video you linked is not a £350 pc FACT!! please your giving us pc gamers a bad name! i own and game on all platforms and trust me when i tell you any pc fan boy who says a £350 pc with ALL THE SAME FEATURES and tech as a PS4, which can out perform a PS4 is delusional and a liar!!

And dont do a stupid move and just pull pc specs out of thin air which dont include EVERYTHING A PS4 HAS! a blue ray player, a Ethernet port, a blue tooth receiver, a cpu, a gpu, 8gb of GDDR5 ram etc i mean everything!

No way a pc with all the same or equivalent components to a PS4 prices at £350 can perform better then a PS4! this is a fallacy!

Please if you dont like consoles fine but all these pc fan boys and console fan boys need to just stop.
all platforms have their pros and cons!
I just hate the PC elitist losers who rag on consoles and console gamers because they hate the fact that gaming revolves around console gaming due to the masses who choose consoles over pc!! GET OVER IT!!

Savsky3728d ago

That footage of KZ was handicapped. They obviously slowed down the FPS for Killzone's footage, plus that was pre-launch. You are so blind.

UltimateMaster3728d ago

Are PC gamers jealous of next-gen consoles?
If not, why are you here arguing on something that's off-topic?
These are amazing graphical enhancements for next gen. If you got a good enough PC, then you might get it too.
Why are you complaining about someone else's experience?

Dasteru3728d ago


Crysis 3 does look better than those. By far.

Crysis 2 looked worse than Crysis 1 but 3 took it to a whole new level on PC. It is twice as impressive as UC4 in every way.

I have Oblivion on the PC looking nearly as good as UC4 with over 20GB of texture/mesh packs, tessellation, parralax, enb, etc.

Also fyi, realtime and in-engine does not equal in-game. It is alot easier to render a pre-set tech demo with the camera only panning to specific spots than it is to have free control of the camera in an open environment with other objects/physics. The UC4 demo was in-engine, not in-game. And even for that it didn't show much beyond drakes face which is easy as sin to render. The environment will take up massively more render time. It was also being demo'd on a PC as with all other games that are still in early development. People need to remember that console games are developed on Windows. A console devkit is basically just a compact windows based PC with the console hardware in it which is all based on low end PC parts anyway. So yeah, i have seen something as good as UC4 on PC... UC4. Crysis 3, Metro:LL, PCars, Star citizen, Witcher 3, all look better than anything for the PS4 and the list goes on and on.

bsmith613728d ago

Do you seriously think consoles are capable of better visuals than PC? Are you actually serious? The 780ti is over 4 times more powerful than the gpu in the ps4. PC has always been ahead.

zero_gamer3728d ago

I have a GTX 690, any game I've thrown at it runs at max settings and many of them look way better than anything I've seen on console.

Because of this, I don't waste time caring about graphics on console. I only play them for certain games.

eXclurel3728d ago

Metro: Last Light.

Aside from that PC's are more expensive than a console. That's a fact. No need to sugarcoat it. But there is another truth and that is the consoles holding back new advancements in graphics. You can see that in the recent Watch_Dogs fiasco. They downgraded the graphics so much that you couldn't even see the shadow of a pedestrian cast by your car's headlights.

It's ok for me to use dated hardware because it forces the studios to focus on gameplay more than the graphics at some point a.k.a. the Nintendo approach. But it is ridiculous to downgrade the graphics on PC because "everyone needs to get the same experience". Keep the gameplay same but give us the option to select better graphic options. We pay a lot more to see better graphics on our PCs so why are they keeping us from that? That is the part PC gamers are angry about.

Razputin3728d ago

While those games look fantastic, if they were released on PC they would look even better.

Hell even Uncharted 1-3 and The Last of Us look beautiful, I even dare to say that Lair was pretty great.

The fact stands that these games would look better on PC.

The debate of graphics can't be denied that PC will always win it has more power. But again, it still stands that the PS3 and PS4 do have the better looking games for console.

Maxor3728d ago

You would have better luck convincing people that the Xbox One have better looking games than to go up against the PC. Not going to happen.

rocketpanda3727d ago

As much as I enjoy console gaming, but you fail to understand how well and versatile PCs are compared to their console counterparts. If you are talking about visuals, PCs will almost always outperform consoles. There are reasons why people spend more money on PCs to get better visuals and performance over consoles. Whilst the fickle console war continues regarding 30fps vs 60fps, 1080p vs sub 1080p, PC gaming has that as a set standard with other games running at 120, whilst still looking good, and resolutions running at higher resolutions.

...and you are forgetting during gaming exhibitions how many great looking console games have been demoed on PCs.

And whilst console versions of Watch Dogs was downgraded, PC users were able to unlock it's full visual potential as when Ubisoft first unveiled the game. You could say, consoles held the full potential of the game back because they almost didn't want it to look better on the PC...you need to ask the question why, because the code was found and unlocked within the game on PC.

Yes high end PC gaming costs more, but that is the trade off and something PC gamers don't mind because they don't have to bicker about resolutions and fps nonsense, only when the game is poorly ported from console versions.

Azzanation3727d ago

PC hardware can do Uncharted 4 and do it at 4k. Only reason it doesn't is because Sony keeps it exclusive. Uncharted 4/Halo 5/The Order/Gears 4 and any other game released on XB1 and PS4 can be done on PC and can do it much better. Limited Hardware compared to Unlimited Hardware. Like Comparing Superman to Batman. 1 has limits and the other doesn't, but 1 relies on tricks and strategies to achieve goals where the other just pure horse power.

GeraltofRivia3727d ago

The first Crysis on PC maxed out back in 2007. Also so many more PC games that if I typed them all my hands would break.

IC3_DEMON3727d ago

@ Princeofallsaiyans

"Please tell me a PC game that look as good as Uncharted 4 or Order 1886"

First of all the game isn't even out yet and seeing the recent news, downgrading an ingame trailer is turning into a bad habit, but a habit useful for marketing. They're just trailers made for E3. Developers even admit that they polish their trailers and gameplay footage for this special event.

Another fact -> Console performance is atleast 2 years behind PC performance. Comparing a game from "next gen" (nice marketing scheme slogan) to the pc version, if the game has been ported very well (unlike watchdogs), you would see that graphics on console never meet the ultra settings on pc and that the recent wish for better frame rate has already been achieved a long time ago on pc, not to mention 1920 x 1080 with ease.
-> for example i can play BF4 Ultra 90 - 110 fps 1080p on my rig with cpu temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees celsius.

The reason why technology in gaming is so far behind and why we pc gamers are mostly concerned with consoles, is because the gaming industry is getting bigger every year. It is now a billion dollar industry. An industry with a goal of not making all gamers happy, but making a profit from all the blinded sheep that fall for their manipulation and other gimicks. Having the majority of people buy "outdated" technology for a most reasonable price and manufacuring games set on that performance level, does not push the gaming experience/performance further than we'd like to have it or it was intended to be. Because console gaming is the way to go (way to go people -.-) we pc gamers with good to enthusiatic builds have to subordinate ourselves to the console market. Hence our obsession.

PlayableGamez3727d ago (Edited 3727d ago )

@LonDonE An Ethernet port is not something to brag about lol.

spence524903727d ago

I honestly can't believe you just made this statement. As a borderline PS4 fan boy and exclusive console player who owns a gaming PC but doesn't use it, this is the most asinine thing I have ever read on here.

pixelsword3727d ago (Edited 3727d ago )

Well, you get more bang for your buck for a console, and nowadays, the more expensive PCs will look better, but not so much that you'll be blown away like in the PS2 and before era; and oftentimes, devs focus so much on graphics, they have a pretty looking, but un-fun game to play. Crysis looked great, but it wasn't fun. Crysis 3 looked much "worse", but the multiplayer was very fun.

So yes, very expensive PCs will probably always have the best graphics in games; but PCs in general don't always have the best games.

pixelsword3727d ago

Well, you get more bang for your buck for a console, and nowadays, the more expensive PCs will look better, but not so much that you'll be blown away like in the PS2 and before era; and oftentimes, devs focus so much on graphics, they have a pretty looking, but un-fun game to play. Crysis looked great, but it wasn't fun. Crysis 3 looked much "worse", but the multiplayer was very fun.

So yes, very expensive PCs will probably always have the best graphics in games; but PCs in general don't always have the best games.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 3727d ago
Hanuman3728d ago

Without consoles, the industry would be sh*t!

ravensly3728d ago

without pc there would be no games on consoles or "the consoles"

lemoncake3728d ago

Many of the popular games today have old PC games to thank, without them gaming today would be very different.

GordonKnight3728d ago

Without Nintendo the industry would be in the arcade and at your home.

UltimateMaster3728d ago

Not 100% true.
You do need dev kits and the software to make the game.
It technically doesn't have to run on "PC", it can run on MAC, iOS, Android, Linux.

Dasteru3728d ago

Without PCs, it would be impossible to make console games.

Maxor3728d ago

The PS4 is a proprietary PC.

ShinMaster3727d ago

Consoles and Arcade games existed before Windows/DOS.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3727d ago
FanboyKilla3728d ago

@turbo sooooo what you are saying is no one really cares about pc gaming. Sounds like pc is the red headed step child of gaming, if the indusrty puts it to the back like you say. Its ironic in your pc defense statement, you admit that the industry puts consoles first. When people talk or think about a game, pc is usually the farthest thing from their mind.

Utalkin2me3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Funny these PC kids are clamoring to "Console games are made on the PC". Grasping at straws just shows desperation and jealousy.


Do you think PC is the sole reason for console gaming. Maybe you need to brush up on history. But "PC" is a easy platform to develop for now. But it is not needed. This is so funny, roflmao.


Far as video games are concerned, consoles was first. Sure PC was 2 years prior. But actually video games was console. So you can thank consoles for giving PC games video games, if you want to be honest about it.

BVFTW3727d ago (Edited 3727d ago )

You're out of your mind @Utalkin2me, the very first video games were made by researchers, students and thesists in centers of computer research so "the first video gamers were students" and the FIRST COMMERCIAL GAMES to reach the mainstream market were hybrid (electronic and mechanical) ARCADE GAMES, the first micro computers were released as prebuilt or "DIY" kits in 1971, one year before the first "arguably" video game console (the Magnavox Odyssey) the first PC gamers interchanged pages of written code with their games and among the first PC games sold was "Microchess" that only required a 6502 microprocessor and 1 kb of memory (released on tape as well as written nonetheless) 1976 PREDATING the ATARI "VCS" but "almost" a month after the Fairchild "VES" or later known as "Channel F", consoles charged money for games first by some weeks, the "market" was born almost at the same time but something I'm sure is that you can thank PCs for your console games!

History is fun!! XD

zero_gamer3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

In the world of consoles, these graphical effects were only possible on PS4/Xbox ONE. I don't think PC was on his mind as it's a whole different ball park. That's what I am assuming anyway.

Sharius3728d ago

no one care about PC, so sad

oasdada3727d ago

i think other way to look at it is that
"all potential and possible graphics effects that wud now be seen in most mainstream games that were previously being held back due to 360 and ps3"


lets face it... most pc games only carried effects that were put on top of degraded gfx framework (if thats a thing) like sprinkles but were not opted from the ground up like crysis or metro... but now those days are gone... for now

oasdada3727d ago (Edited 3727d ago )

cant delete damn

ShinMaster3727d ago

"Effects That Were Possible On PC"
But rarely any games, if ever, took advantage of.

"Wasn't Used Because The PS3 And Xbox 360"
Ok so what are PC fans bragging about again? lol

Tzuno3727d ago

Hahahahah nailed it. Console babies gonna hate though :)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3727d ago
thorstein3728d ago

Why do some people think that it is impossible to own a PC and a console at the same time? And, why can't these people imagine a world wherein gamers enjoy playing on both platforms?

christian hour3728d ago

I know right? It baffles me, PC gaming is a powerhouse but there are so many unique experiences exclusive to the consoles that you'd be an idiot of a gamer to pass on. Anyone who counts themselves as part of the PC "Master Race" is not a real "gamer" imo, they're cutting themselves off from a lot of fantastic games that just don't have an equivalent on PC.

Vegamyster3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

I have both consoles & PC but I'd say console only guys are missing out on more unique experiences because of the many genres that are either non existent (Moba, MMO) or just don't work well on a console (Strategy ect) plus the ability to mod which can transform a game into something new or just add extra content, Both Morrowind and Oblivion are being remade on the Skyrim engine, Falskaar is a mod that's bigger than the official DLC and is fully voiced https://www.youtube.com/wat...

UltimateMaster3728d ago

These next-gen games look incredible.

christian hour3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )


Hey now, Fat Princess was a MOBA on consoles :P

I've never been a MOBA fan though, too much tug of war stale mate for my liking, feels like it's a test of patience/endurance than an enjoyable game, but that's jsut me, I tend to shy away from anything solely competitive in nature.

Thankfully you can pick up a cheap pc for 200 or less and play most pc MMO's and strategy games on low spec and I urge any console only gamer with enough spare cash to go out and do so, and if you're fotrunate enough to have a few grand to spare, then by all means buy a beast gaming rig so you can experience those PC exclusives to their fullest.

I don't have the greatest PC in the world (low end AMD cpu/gpu chipset based), and up until a year ago I only had a 10 year old POS that wasn't even low-end when I originally got it. I mostly use my pc to play 4X games, usually space sims like Endless Space or the recent X Com remake/reboot/thingy (NOT the Bureau :P) or the occassional stint with an MMO (LOTR:Online stole most of my 2013) and every now and then I load up Skyrim now that I'm blessed with a pc that can run it on ultra low settings :D

BVFTW3727d ago

I feel you @thorstein, gaming is to be enjoyed without the constrictions of one platform neither held back by the stupefying trend of brand loyalty

JBSleek3728d ago

Or we could just ignore PC as if it isn't even a platform...

Consoles finally hit the Full HD era about five years too late.

sinspirit3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

"Full HD" is a marketing term. It doesn't actually define 1080p. If something is HD then it is HD. That's it. There is no "sub-HD" just because something isn't as high resolution as something else. 720p is HD. "4K" coming out doesn't make 1080p "sub-HD". Obviously, the pixel clarity is less on lower resolutions.

PC is a whole other platform. Many articles ignore it because it is about the evolution in console technology, and it is common sense that PC is more capable.

AndrewLB3728d ago

Just because you're so arrogant, I'm going to have to give you the slap down again... because the technical name for 1080p is Full HD (1920x1080). This is not marketing, or any other BS. The technical name for 720p (aka 1280x720) is WXGA, or Wide Extended Graphics Array and when used on a home hdtv, it's simply called HD.

All of these resolutions have both technical names and mainstream names (if it's a mainstream product) which are decided on by the Digital Cinema Initiatives consortium when it's time to create a new standard. They were the ones who picked 1080p as being the industry standard for High Definition and named it Full HD. The same goes for 4k, which actually got a name change a few years ago to UHD or Ultra High Definition.

I thought they should have stuck with 4k.


edgeofsins3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )


Wrong and you ignorantly used information from the source you provided.

You just explained how it is meant to be marketing. They call it that to push an industry standard and so non-technical users know what to look for. Simple terms used for a vast amount of products to simply include them in a certain market. "WXGA" was the same for monitors. "Full HD" is the same for TV's.

And the technical term for 1080p? Is definitely NOT "Full HD". That is the marketing term. "Full HD" is supposed to make them think it's the best image you can get. How does the name even make sense when other images surpass what is "full" HD? "1920x1080/30" for example is the technical term. In this case it represents a progressive image, the same as "full HD", and is running at 30hz. Technical terms are supposed to tell you exactly what it is.

By your logic the Apple retina display is the technical term, when it is the marketing term just to basically inform people that it is really high resolution.

Read this article...


4K and UHD are NOT the same thing. As you can see. You fell for the marketing terms.

Yea! Give him the "slap down again"! You post incorrect and misunderstood information so many times and try to act like you are some sort of expert and you don't stop to actually reflect upon any of it to actually attempt to become an expert rather than someone spouting wrong info all the time.

JBSleek3727d ago

Okay would you like me to call it the 1080p era.

EXVirtual3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Yeah actually let's.
Lol, just joking. But on a serious note, the reason the title ignores the PC is because of the simple fact that no developer took advantage of that power. Too expensive at the time.

Even now, very few of the recent titles have had vastly superior graphics on Pc as opposed to the PS4 and XBO aside from a few.

GordonKnight3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

The reason PC is not a console is because most of them are built and then updated as time goes on. It's hard for Devs to take advantage of PC power when they don't know how many have a rig powerful enough to play the game. Maybe that's why you can adjust the graphics.

PC game Devs should only make games for the most powerful PC rig. You know the one that cost 15k to build.

Linwelin3728d ago

That is why you have graphical options lol struggling to run a game turn the settings down, resolution plays a bigger factor though, but you get what i mean.

ShinMaster3727d ago

This article is about consoles.

chrissx3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Towards the end of this gen only PC might manage to surpass Ps4s graphical fidelity,others will be spectators

Kivespussi3727d ago

PC already did it 5 years ago.

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Unique PlayStation Games Where You Sweep Through Enemies Like They're Nothing

Huzaifah from eXputer writes, "My favorite type of genre in games is when enemies are merely animal fodder in the eyes of the protagonist's sheer power."


inFamous 3: Is PlayStation Working On A Second Son Sequel?

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

Read Full Story >>
-Foxtrot70d ago

They really need to

Go off the evil ending off Second Son

Delsin absorbs all those powers

Revealed he’s the real Beast and John in Infamous 2 was just an anomaly created by timelines being messed with by Kessler.

Cole vs the Real Beast

gold_drake70d ago

quite honestly, i dont remember a whole lot about 2 amymore, but i absolutely hated the guy in second son haha.

chicken_in_the_corn69d ago

It would make more sense to go off the evil ending of 2 and the good ending g of SS where Cole is The Beast.

Cacabunga68d ago

Doesnt make any sense calling second son 2 as infamous 3..

OtterX69d ago

Ha, yea Delsin was obnoxious.

I wouldn't mind another new character, but somehow bring Cole into the story.

We can just pretend like Delsin never existed. :)

thejigisup69d ago

Everyone that age is obnoxious. It's been years and is like to think delsin has grown

neutralgamer199269d ago

Until we wait for a potential new entry it would awesome to have infamous collection for PS5

RaidenBlack69d ago

Umm ... how about this?
First we get the Tushima sequel(coz its most rumored)
Then a new Resistance (need new PS SP FPS)
Then a totally new IP (new IPs are always interesting)
And then a new inFamous?

Pepsi_Man300069d ago

resistance is insomniac I think

xHeavYx69d ago

Can we also get a complete remaster of InFamous 1 and 2?

fr0sty68d ago

Gimme a new Warhawk and MAG while we're at it.

DivineHand12569d ago

I had a great time with the second son. Never got to play the originals and hope they get remastered one day.

DazaMc69d ago

The graphics were amazing, I got the platinum on that one. Very good.

ChasterMies69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

If I had a choice between another Infamous game and another Spider-Man game, I choose Spider-Man. Sony should spend its resources on its winners.

Tacoboto69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Infamous was such a winner its studio was given the freedom (after 3 titles + their expansions) to do a new IP with GoT, just like with Sly Cooper before infamous.

I'd welcome a 4th title even more than another Spider-Man, it'd be exciting what they could do with new powers fit for the hardware outside the limits of a licensed superhero game.

jznrpg68d ago

Spider-Man is guaranteed and is made by Insomniac so why not both as Sucker Punch would make Infamous.

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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

Read Full Story >>
RaidenBlack211d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai211d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

210d ago
lellkay210d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z210d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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