
IGN: NecroVisioN Hands-on - The three captials in the title mean that it's serious business

IGN writes: "The history of World War I has been well-documented. Franz Ferdinand was assissinated, the Allies and Central Powers rose up and started shooting at each other and then came the undead hordes that rose from the molten underbelly of the Earth's crust. Also, there were vampires and demons. Clearly 1C and developer The Farm 51 have no need for high fantasy when clearly history provides plenty of ammo for a shooter.

Okay, so at least it's a way around treading the all-too-familiar ground of a wartime shooter, and from what we played of it at an event 1C threw at the Russian Consolate (fitting, no?), the game looks every bit as smooth and, well, grey as it was when we first saw it at last year's E3. The time spent between public showings has apparently gone toward technology, as the game will ship with support for both DirectX 9 and 10, though the build we played hadn't thrown in all the fancy DX10 visuals quite yet."


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The PC has a lot of indie titles in its enormous library to choose from. Picking a decent game out of the sea of crap is a tough nut to crack. We pick out 10 games worthy of your attention. Best of all, they won’t break the bank.

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Cajun Chicken4394d ago

Necrovision is awesome, especially if you're a fan of the Painkiller series and made with most of the same key members of the first one. Never really considered it 'indie'.
Can't wait to play 'Lost Company.

Still, in a turn of fortune, Farm 51 are making Painkiller Hell and Damnation.


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NecroVision Dev Partners with Nordic Games for New Project

Nordic Games GmbH has today announced an agreement with The Farm 51, an experienced development studio responsible for the NecroVision series, Time Ace and contributions to Two Worlds II. Furthermore, members of the team at The Farm 51 have previously worked on smash hits such as Painkiller and The Witcher. Nordic Games and The Farm 51 have already begun working on an unannounced title.

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