
Xbox One preorders in China will begin July 31

You'll be able to order the Xbox One in China starting later this month, but what will it actually cost?

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AngelicIceDiamond3731d ago

Hopefully we'll see some strong pre-orders over there.

DeathOfTheFanBoy3730d ago ShowReplies(2)
Eejanaika3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Reasons sony,nintendo and microsoft will fail in China.

1: Lack of communication between people and the general gaming public (firewall).
2: The fire wall (most games would be blocked)
3: Average person in china only makes $5,000 yearly
4: Those who do game likely will have a pc
5: china's piracy and hacking
6: list of pc games available to hack

Theirs no way it will sell large amounts of units in a country that's failing and is corrupted by government.

JBSleek3730d ago

Not quite sure why people bring up China and the average only making $5000 a year when that number is clearly deflated due to so much of the population making well under that.

About 47 million Americans fall below the poverty line. Also that number is so stupidly low it really should be close to 100 million.

They are fine.

Funantic13730d ago

Oh it'll sell millions out of 2 billion people. Those who doubt that are in denial or stupid.

gamerfan09093730d ago

China is the potential motherload. Whoever succeeds there opens up an entirely HUGE new market for themselves.

Sayai jin3730d ago

Agreed. There is great potential in China. Maybe we'll see the rise of Chinese game devs, who will make some new IPs to share with the rest of the world.

Eejanaika3730d ago

Im highly confident the gaming consoles of any kind wont make much of an impact their

Tedakin3730d ago

I think it's funny to hear people say expanding to new markets won't help sales. I've read a lot of fanboy comments saying that. I'm not an economist, but I think the more people you make something available to, the more you're likely to sell. Ps4 is beating the crap out of Xbone, yes, but the fact that the Xbone is in a third as many markets at the moment is always glossed over. If it was in 45 or whatever like the PS4 that huge gap wouldn't be as big. China could move a lot of units.

WilDRangeRrfc3730d ago

Have you not heard that Xbox won't sell one unit in 60 other countries # SonyPonyLogic

Axios23730d ago

Well said.

The truth that the fanboys fear the most

X1 in 13 Countries
PS4 in 72 Countries


ppl also say PS4 is beating X1 in all 13 Countries, as it should, it was 25% cheaper, Ford beats BMW all over the world.

sprinterboy3730d ago

China will be interesting for all companies concerned, not sure which way it could go, advantage MS I guess for being first. Only time will tell.


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