
Videogames: Time to Tackle the Taboo

As video games become a more intrinsic part of our culture, Kirk McKeand hopes that the industry will be allowed to explore more controversial subjects, but that creators need to learn from their mistakes.

Far Cry 4 - an unreleased game with few concrete details - recently faced vitriol because of perceived racism on the box art. It has since been revealed that the protagonist is an Indian man, which is, depressingly, quite progressive for video games.

For all we know, race could be at the core of the narrative - it could be a critical look at racism, something important even.The early criticism could create an environment that stifles growth by making publishers and developers risk averse. Think of some of the most powerful films you’ve seen, or books you’ve read and it’s likely they’ll cover the controversial.

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MonstaTruk3673d ago

You know what I did, today? I was bored, so I started playing some of my old PS1 & PS2 games. Good grief. It was CLEARLY a simpler time in gaming. Why? Were there no major issues in society? Yeah, of course there were. But games were NOT considered the same as movies, music, television...it was a person's fantasy world AWAY from the BS of mainstream society. So I'll say it like this: leave the homosexual agendas, the ethnic inuendos, and the political Jedi mind tricks OUT of my games, please. Thank you...

Joe_Thorntons_Beard3673d ago

Back in my day we had to walk 7 miles in the snow just to LOOK at video game tapes.

MonstaTruk3673d ago Show
3672d ago
ibrake4naps3673d ago

Games are becoming more realistic, but they feel they have to shy away from realistic topics of the day. Games are more for adults as they ever were. I say they should tackle whatever topics and themes that fit the creator's visions.

cannon88003673d ago

Developers need to hit the "sweet Spot" in their games, that way they can sell as much as possible because they know that it doesn't touch those topics that are problematic nowadays. If they want to please a group of people and then piss the other off because they don't support what they did, they lose a lot of potential profit. Saying that developers can do whatever they want is kind of dangerous.

MonstaTruk3673d ago

"Developers need to hit the sweet spot"

They don't HAVE to hit sh*t. It's their creative vision for a fantasy video game, let them make their game with their vision, please?!

"Sweet spot"...pfft.

cannon88003673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

@Monsta Truk

"You know what I did, today? I was bored, so I started playing some of my old PS1 & PS2 games. Good grief. It was CLEARLY a simpler time in gaming. Why? Were there no major issues in society? Yeah, of course there were. But games were NOT considered the same as movies, music, television...it was a person's fantasy world AWAY from the BS of mainstream society. So I'll say it like this: leave the homosexual agendas, the ethnic inuendos, and the political Jedi mind tricks OUT..."

After reading your previous posts. I think you're a hypocrite. Or perhaps you just didn't use your brain before you wrote your reply to my comment. And it also seems that you easily lose your patience.

Edit. Hmmm, I find this part interesting.
"leave the homosexual agendas, the ethnic inuendos, and the political Jedi mind tricks OUT..." So technically you are agreeing with me but you just don't know it yet. This is what I meant by saying "Hitting the sweet spot"

King_of_Nothing3672d ago

*yawn* Another social justice warrior article? So which is this one harping on about? Women or racism?

kirkules3672d ago

I'll let you in on a little secret: if you read the article, instead of jumping to conclusions, people might take you more seriously. This article is about how games should embrace social issues.

King_of_Nothing3665d ago

Heres a little secret for you too mate, I couldnt care less if people on the internet take me seriously, especially when that wasnt my goal in the first place.


Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

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DefenderOfDoom2134d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot134d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor133d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos134d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius134d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger88133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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Rhianna Pratchett on Challenges of Game Writing and Crafting Complex Female Characters

During the Game Developers Session (GDS) conference in Prague, we had the privilege of speaking with Rhianna Pratchett, an award-winning writer and narrative designer. Pratchett, who has penned some of the most memorable female protagonists like Nariko from Heavenly Sword, Faith from Mirror’s Edge, and Lara Croft from the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot, delves into the challenges and freedoms of writing for different media, AAA and indie games.

-Foxtrot147d ago

Complex? She literally made Lara Croft whine and have father issues for an entire trilogy


Snookies12145d ago

"have father issues"

To be fair, that IS a complex... Just not the right kind, lol!

mixelon145d ago

The dad stuff wasn’t entirely her fault.. She was given outlines she had to flesh out and not full freedom. from the article…:

“ And there were things that we kind of butted heads more on, particularly with Rise [of the Tomb Raider] because I wasn't a fan of the dad plot. I didn't really like her motivation being her father because it felt like that's often the motivation given to female characters and it's also motivation that's very prominent in the previous movies as well. And I would have rather it been about her own experiences in the first game and how that had changed during the second game. But sometimes you just have to do your job, you just have to find peace with it. And I kind of played around with my relationship with my father and kind of put some aspects of that and then that just made me feel better about it. And sometimes this is what you have to do.”

She never seemed that whiny to me given the circumstances.

-Foxtrot145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

If you’re a good writer you’d have been able to do that a little better but she didn’t

She was restricted sure but with what she had with an outline she didn’t do a good job

She’s not her father, she got work and into the industry a lot easier because her father was a great writer.

It’s nepotism basically

Knightofelemia145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Female Commander Shepard is a way better female character then Lara Croft has been.

franwex145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Yep, that’s because they wrote an interesting character first.

Christopher145d ago

It's actually because they let you write the story you want.

145d ago
Inverno145d ago

Meanwhile it seems that female characters across entertainment media are being dumb down. What they've done to the female characters in the Avatar adaptation is insulting.

145d ago Replies(1)
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Tomb Raider I, II, III Remastered Review – To The Freezer ⏐ Nerdy Bird Games

Tomb Raider I, II, III Remastered is available now on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Lara Croft is back in a classic remaster of the original PlayStation 1 hit title. Is the remaster any good though?

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