
Qore Issue 1 Impressions

TheSixthAxis: "First impressions are that the interface is seriously slick, as you'd expect from something produced by Sony. There are film trailers in there (the first is The Incredible Hulk) and a few Metal Gear Solid 4 ads.

The main menu contains links to Socom, Soul Calibur IV, Star Wars TFU and a few others, which all include gameplay videos and interviews, and are well put together. However, what isn't impressive is the presence of adverts within the menu navigation itself."

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Captain Tuttle5842d ago

Anyone here feel the same way? Just curious.

shine13965842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

@ cap turtle: somewhat similiar I suppose...

@jack T below: okay first stop with 'calling people stupid', it's not a good look. If you're arguments good enough, it should be enough to prove people 'stupid' in your words and just of a different mindset in mine. and secondly, in my opinion, wolfs made a valid argument, i personally don't think it's what I would have done, nonetheless, i can see the logic behind what wolfs saying. Your on N4g, and it is free right, but it has ads. So something can be free and have ads.
home is free, sony has said, going to be free and has ads in.
xblive gold is paid for and still has ads on it.
Yes, the name of the game is to make money. buts its also common market practise to have adverts to either make something free or make it as cheap as possible. In this case as cheap as possible...

Genesis55842d ago

People it's an online magazine if you don't like it don't buy it. Though a subscription does come with some nice perks like being a beta tester and such. All magazine have ads.

RevN8r5842d ago

At first I was thinking the same thing, why are we watching advertisements for something we paid for? But I found myself watching the ones that were there, and the more I thought about it, I began to realize that all magazines have ads in them. So for me, as long as they continue to be something I want to see, I have no problem with it.

As for this issue, wow! I loved it! I was interested in every story, and found myself watching things I didn't think I would necessarily be interested in. Way to go Sony, I'll probably go ahead and get the full subscription!

Jack T5842d ago

First mandatory installs, now mandatory adverts. What next?

Fishy Fingers5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

The continuation of a Free online service probably, Sony have to make revenue from some where, Id rather that was out of other companies (ads) than out of me.

Guess you need something to moan about though huh...

Rocko5842d ago

The fact is they can't charge for the current service.

5842d ago
Ghoul5842d ago

stop moaning around about something your not using

you like it ? buy it
you dislike it ? DONT buy it.

but please stop the stupid flaming against anything sony does,
does ms offer a digital magazin ? no

i tthink its awesome and it was the FIRST episode maybe you guys give them a little time to pin point what direction they wanna take and how it will evolve.

Wise Rant Monkey5842d ago

<M$ offers Inside Xbox which is updated generally 2-3 times a week with streaming videos of developers and their games, behind the scenes stuff, contests, etc...)

Wolfmoonstrike5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

ads aren't ever in magazines? Even though you drop like 7 bucks for one down at wal-mart? oh wait....They do! Damn those Mags for wanting to make money! They should give those mags away for free!

EDIT:@ JackT

No, I don't think you comprehend this isn't a subscription for PSN gold or something. It's a Video MAGAZINE, emphasis on magazine. Magazines have ads all the time and nobody complained then. And if people would notice you can SKIP the ads. So they are not mandatory also those ads paid for our free downloads. (by our I mean annual subscribers)

Ghoul5842d ago


k cool didnt knew that is it us only ? im in the eu.

5842d ago
Jack T5842d ago

Congratulations on proving you are an idiot.

Few seem to actually comprehend this situation, so for the benefit of PS3 owners. I will try to explain this in terms even they will understand.

Free service - NO advertisements
Paid Service - MANDATORY advertisements

Do you not see the problem?

shine13965842d ago

@jack T: okay first stop with 'calling people stupid', it's not a good look. If you're arguments good enough, it should be enough to prove people 'stupid' in your words and just of a different mindset in mine. and secondly, in my opinion, wolfs made a valid argument, i personally don't think it's what I would have done, nonetheless, i can see the logic behind what wolfs saying. Your on N4g, and it is free right, but it has ads. So something can be free and have ads.
home is free, sony has said, going to be free and has ads in.
xblive gold is paid for and still has ads on it.
Yes, the name of the game is to make money. buts its also common market practise to have adverts to either make something free or make it as cheap as possible. In this case as cheap as possible...

XBOX 3605842d ago

Qore isn't a "service" it isn't even apart of PSN.

It is a PRODUCT on PSN.

If you don't want it, don't buy it.
Playing online and regular demos are still free.

Tarasque5842d ago

OK,I have to say everybody on here that say's xboxlive has advert's is right but wrong. It only has advert's pertaining to what is on live such as arcade game's, video's, trailer's, movie's. If needed to be let's get people posting on what ad's they see on live and you will catch my drift.

Ok on here today, there is a ad for quakewar's live weekend and a free gamer pic, there is interactive ad for ninja gaiden 2 for video's and and vengeance weekend, i also have an ad for the demo of Sid Meiers Civilization Revolution, and i have an ad for the new arcade title Ace's of Galaxy. And those are on the main tab which is game's tab and marketplace tab.

And BTW xboxlive has been doing a form of free online type magazine for a while now. It is called inside the xbox, which is alot of behind the scene's stuff.

Mu5afir5842d ago

Has ADVERTISEMENTS, stop and think before posting.

riksweeney5841d ago


Unbelievable, you've put an apostrophe after ever single "s" apart from where it really should have gone...

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5841d ago
Silogon5842d ago

I refuse to support this service. If Sony really wanted this to pick up they should've made the 1st one free and then charged for the rest of them.

Mikelarry5842d ago

people will drop big bucks just for hearing these words "Invitation to participate in beta test" lol and after the ubidays event for home testers every non tester is looking for a quick way to get in. but unlike the americans we in europe werent giving the option to say wheater or not we would pay for this service

Rocko5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

Looks like PS3 owners can't use that as ammo against 360 owners anymore.

shine13965842d ago

'milking'? not that I think XBlive gold is 'milking' customers but come on, when you're getting your customers to pay for a service that your chief rival -actually more then that-, direct market competitor is giving for free, and also 'seems' to be more constantly improved, and given more features...very very soon, a lot of subscribers are going to wonder what they are actually paying for...

Imallvol75842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

Just don't pay attention to Jack T and Rocko. They are just looking to get a rise out of you. Don't let their childish banter get to you. Let them think what they want, and who cares.

But I must also say, it looks pretty hyppocritical when all these PSN fans are saying IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THREE DOLLARS YOU SHOULDN'T OWN THE CONSOLE. That's what Xbox fans have said to you since day one about Live and you called them on it being the principle of the thing, and here you are saying ITS SO CHEAP. You can't have it both ways.

Remember, this has nothing to do with PSN. It's an Optional Publication from FUTURE, a MAGAZINE corporation.

Same goes to the people making fun of Qore having ads. I don't think you quite understand what Qore is. Like I said early, it is the equivalent of an online magazine, published by Future. It's going to be like any magazine you pick up at the store.

Me, I am choosing to sit Qore out, unless someone can prove to me I will get in the Socom Beta if I purchase this first episode. Only game I would EVER pay to beta for . . . and may be Halo 4.

Gam715842d ago


not trying to argue just my observation but I think the reason psn is constantly being improved compared to xbox live is because live has already gone through the improvement stage and now just odwn to being slightly refined.
Also I don't believe that psn when it comes to gaming offers close to what live does other than its free. But live cost about £3 a month not including discounts which is what this will cost if it comes to the uk.
American companies love changing $ to £ instead of converting.

shine13965842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

@gam 71. good point....hard to argue against really...
and @Tarasque comment 2.12: got me there as well....but then thinking about it, what you're really saying is that it has adverts but for like games so I don't understand why you're not calling them adverts? game adverts are less annoying? haze?

edit: thinking about it. MS are charging people for playing games online, just like WOW does. And WOW has it rivals that do give a free service, and some really big ones in Asia as well. Thing is if people are happy for MS to charge them even if say theoratically by the end of the year, the difference sways in Sony's favour...well what I'm trying to say is that MS are not going to be able to backtrack. I've heard people argue that they have technically always released xblive figures and not xblive gold total subscribers, so we don't know exactly how many people are actually subscribing to the service. I'm sure they're making quite a lot of money. They really are not going to let go of that model.
of course sony could then go and and start charging for gold server premium or something...
and totally agree with what he said VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

DJ5842d ago

Not so much a Service, such as Home or PSN itself. But hey, if you want to take that route I guess demos and DLC count as services too, right?

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sprinterboy5842d ago

Some PS3 owners really make me laugh, advertisment is good to keep the service free and when people moan about in-game adverts for MMO`s this also makes me laugh, ie: The Agency will be free for instance to keep the service free rather than pay a subscription (this is not comfirmed) and also for a small $2.99 you get to test BETA of games. Come on if you cant afford $2.99 then how do you buy PS3 games lol.

Mikelarry5842d ago

maybe the ps3 was thier life savings. doing all those crazy shifts to get a ps3 once they could afford it quit the job now they broke again

Peow5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

They spend ALL their money on the games, I bet! That $2.99 is for the month supply of food.

crck5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

How much people are whining about this. Its a online mag. Don't want it then don't get. But why whine about it? Apparently some people like it so let them enjoy it. I'm not sure I'll buy into it but it doesn't offend me and why should it.

themyk5841d ago

after reading most of the posts on this page, i don't really see anybody complaining about the cost. all i see are a bunch of posts telling everybody off about complaining about the cost. lol.

i wonder if they are going to make a qore members only section of HOME.

i bet more people fork over that 2 bucks then.

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Peow5842d ago

If I get the one month subscription or what not... Will I get the SOCOM beta? I'm dying for it... I've been playing SOCOM since SOCOM 1. I'd love to get in the beta...

Mikelarry5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

say the first subscription comes with socom beta. well u could always give it a go come back here and provide us feedback if you got it or not

Ghoul5842d ago

yes you get the beta with the first epsiode
i have the download in my qore (just not working hence not released yet)

Peow5842d ago (Edited 5842d ago )

Thanks for the info. Bubbles!! Downloading here in a bit.

Also, Why do I keep getting this stupid error page after posting a comment? I mean, I can click the back button and add the comment again, and alls well. Its just annoying. Rawr!

EDIT: Downloading now. at 7%. My internet's going a bit slow, about 1% every few minutes or so. Damn 6mbps download 512kbps upload. I'm paying 70 bucks a month for the only ISP in the area, for the fastest available. I'm not moving though. 300 acres of land. I cant part from it. =/

Peow5842d ago

Definitely Cool. Definitely going to get the full subscription. So when do I get calling all cars? I downloaded the SOCOM theme. Anyway I love it, but I think Quore should get its own Icon on the XMB, rather than be considered a game =X

Wolfmoonstrike5842d ago

did you get the Year sub or just one episode? if you got the year sub you should be able to get it now. Just click on the download menu in the main menu of Qore.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5842d ago
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Qore in April: Sorcery, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Prototype 2

With this April episode, Qore concludes its run on the PlayStation Network.

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Abash4438d ago

When it lost Veronica Belmont as the host, it lost my interest

t0mmyb0y4437d ago

The Qore Arqade games kinda suck >.>


Sony Cancels PSN's Qore

Today on the PlayStation Blog , it was revealed that April 2012's edition of Qore would be the last issue released.

Amazingmrbrock4437d ago

Good that whole thing was a waste in a poorly put together package.

They should just focus on putting out smaller individual videos rather than a big downloadable thing thats irritating to use. Making ofs, dev diaries, they could even look to some of the good gaming related series on the net for inspiration.

They could put out little featurettes, lets plays, maybe some reviews. As long as they let them go at it unbiased it would be pretty good. If there could be a show of the caliber of all your history or jon tron's shows.

It would be a relatively cheap way to get people looking at their games and content as easy passive and consumer friendly advertising. Though it would rely on quality content.

Xof4437d ago

It probably would have been more effective if they'd streamed it. A poorly-put together show is nothing. Look at the crap clogging the gaming media today. It's just that no one wants to wait an hour to DOWNLOAD a poor put-together gaming show.

Rupee4437d ago

Yep that's honestly why I never watched those. Never wanted to take the time to download.

LightofDarkness4437d ago

No way, the money should be spent on developing a sit-com. It stars a Sony Executive and a Microsoft Executive, who have to share an apartment in downtown New York for utterly arbitrary reasons. They are frequently visited by Fanboy, a fickle videogame fan who frequently switches sides completely from one exec to the other, depending on whatever wacky scenario is in play for that episode. Antics ensue.

Clearly, this is a gold-mine. Can I have my million dollars NOW, Sony?

come_at_me_bro4437d ago

Please tell me you have a future in television.

DragonKnight4437d ago

That idea is literally the best thing that could happen to tv today. I'm completely serious. Tv is crap these days and I feel like an old man when I saw I miss the 90's and "when I was younger we had better tv shows." It's just the truth though.

DrPepper4437d ago

ehhh never really cared for qore, i only watched like 13 mins of a episode. honestly i have n4g to get all my gaming news, trailers, etc from.

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Qore in September: Ratchet and Clank, Naughty Dog, the Team ICO, and Neverdead

PlayStation Blog: Episode 40’s lead story provides an in-depth preview of Insomniac’s Ratchet and Clank: All for One. Jump right into this true 4 player experience that features a brand new co-op mode with tons of those crazy weapons we’ve come to expect. Don’t miss the weapons guide gallery to get a peek at all the gear you’ll want to enjoy when the game drops on October 18th.

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