
Can Platinum Games Make the Legend of Korra Game Great?

Platinum Games is currently developing an upcoming Legend of Korra game exclusively on the PSN, and set to release in Fall 2014. However, looking at past Avatar games and their failures, can Platinum Games make this new title a success?

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Nitrowolf23733d ago

I dont think i`ve ever been disappointed by their ganes other than in terms of length. These guys know gameplay for the most part to make it enjoyable

60FramesPerSecond3733d ago

I sure hope the world can have a good korra game

Summons753733d ago

Of course pG is one of the best devs right now. Everything they make is great.

admiralvic3733d ago

They make great games, but I can't say all their games are great or even good. With that being said, Anarchy Reigns was a train wreck. It had bad game design (why do I have a choose a side when you end up doing both and why do you need to do the campaign essentially 4 times to get both endings?), so so gameplay, easily their worst story and many more problems. Still kicking myself for paying $100 to play it too. ~_~

Anyway, I don't doubt they make great games, but I would assume this one will fall short because of budget and design. They can't really use their trademark flash to win people over, nor do I expect them to have a bunch of money to use to make a really well made game.

Rhezin3733d ago

I don't know but the new season sure is awesome!

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Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale bargains should you pick up? – 25th April 2017

Carlos writes "There have been enough new releases these last few weeks to keep players occupied for a good old while. If you count backwards compatibility arrivals then we may just be spoilt for choice, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t keen to see what new deals will be arriving with the weekly Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale bargains.

Today brings a fresh new batch to choose from, but which discounts available between the 25th April and 1st May 2017 should you be looking to splash the cash on this week...and which should you be ignoring?"

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oKidUKo2704d ago

Korra is worth a look at its current price, especially if you're a fan of the series

2704d ago
2704d ago

Is Platinum Games Losing its Sheen?

After the cancellation of Scalebound, Platinum Games seems doomed to collapse. But can they find retribution on the horizon?

Hendog19812779d ago

It's what happens when you stretch yourself too thin.

2778d ago
_-EDMIX-_2778d ago

Absolutely agreed even though I really like Platinum Games I always felt they were hit or miss don't get me wrong Bayonetta and Vanquish are amazing titles the same with wonderful 101 but anything other than that has always been very questionable by them and I believe they had a huge consistency problem.

I'm happy that Nier feels like one of those amazing top games by this team, but I also worry because to my understanding that games development was literally split from the team that was creating the specific story and RPG elements to platinumgames Joseph physically creating the gameplay so it definitely makes me wonder if their team is just drawn too thin.

Right now I'm literally questioning how Nier would have turned out if just Platinum Games was simply working on it and none of the staff from Square Enix

Maybe them simply focused on creating 1 aspect of that game is why it was able to turn out so well in terms of how it feels.

Even though it's pretty easy to blame Microsoft in regards to the cancellation of scalebound if you consider they could have simply put in another team to assist them through the development but at the end of the day they still also contracted this team to do something in the first place.

That's basically like getting mad at a team for struggling to build your kitchen yet paying more money to another team to help the other team to build your kitchen.

I mean the way I see it is Microsoft really shouldn't have to do that if they had a very clear and honest deal with Platinum Games for them to create something for them.

I worry about this company's future because of all the bad releases they've had in the past as of right now the last great game I even remember from this team is probably Bayonetta 2.

showtimefolks2778d ago

I think they need to work on less projects and focus on better and more quality products

Gaming_Cousin2778d ago

I wouldn't want to develop for a company that treats me harshly

2778d ago Replies(8)
2778d ago Replies(4)
Fishy Fingers2778d ago

'Doomed to collapse'.

Haha. Much drama... they expect people to read this s***?

343_Guilty_Spark2778d ago

Depends on who they are working with.

never4get2777d ago

True, Epic Games #EPICFAIL #UE4RETAREDSLOW #EPICCEOLOVESMOBILE. KH0.2 can't even run 1080p60 on PS4PRO.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants In Manhattan Review - Xbox Enthusiast

Jamie from the Xbox Enthusiast Team Reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants In Manhattan for Xbox One.

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neolego3036d ago (Edited 3035d ago )

I hate that this isn't the perfect 10 I wanted it to be, but I'm glad that there is still some positives worth mentioning. Great review Jamie.

Jamester07223036d ago

It's far from a perfect 10. It's enjoyable if you're a fan of Ninja Turtles and Platinum games, but it definitely leaves something to be desired.

Deathpreacher3036d ago

good i think the same way 10/10 for this game

luckytrouble3036d ago

After Transformers: Devastation did a Transformers action game so well, giving transformations, combat, freedom, and a Transformers story and telling that felt straight from the old cartoons, it's disappointing that TMNT couldn't turn out to have the same magic. I was looking forward to this one considering it seemed like Platinum had the chops to do it some justice, but it looks like they couldn't quite figure out how to balance more allies consistently battling at the same time and the same level of exploration.

I feel like at this point, TMNT would be done more justice with a throwback 2D title like the SNES days. It's a series that just has had a hard time finding its way in the modern age of film and gaming.

Jamester07223035d ago

I agree. I think this game would have worked much better as a 2-hour $20 downloadable game.

3036d ago
addictedtochaos3035d ago

Not that it matters but why is this tagged for Wii U when it didn't (but should have) come out for it.