
Creators of Quest for Infamy on Reddit AMA

This week on Reddit AMA, the creators of Infamous Quests debut game Quest for Infamy, published by Phoenix Online, will be available for questions. The two creators, Steven Alexander and Shawn Mills, will be free for any topic of discussion at 11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern and 7 pm GMT.

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Quest for Infamy review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "Quest for Infamy begins with Rohem seducing a baron’s daughter and getting caught in the act. He has to flee for his life and winds up in a small mountain town called Volksville. After getting acquainted with the townspeople and witnessing a public execution, Rohem can settle in and begin his career path by completing various tasks for his mentor."

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Quest For Infamy Review | TheXboxHub

Dave writes: "If you have love for old Sierra adventures, you will likely have the required patience and affection to enjoy Quest For Infamy."

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Quest for Infamy - Review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Ambition is a great driving force. How many people who have achieved truly great things in this world would’ve done so without their ambition? But when asked about my ambitions, I’m always a little coy about the answer."

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