
PS4 Exclusive Without Memory Gets First WIP Screenshot, More Concept Art and Info

The Moscow-based studio Dinosaurum Games has been working on active development on the PS4 exclusive Without Memory for a few weeks now, and they finally have something to show for it, in the form of the very first work-in-progress screenshot of one of the game’s levels. Some concept art and information, including the price, has also been released.

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Lawboy23681d ago

What is this game about...I've heard it talk about here and the but not as much as the bigger games.....

Abriael3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

Thriller adventure inspired by Quantic Dream's games, with multiple endings and such.

Lawboy23681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

So is it rpg...it looks interesting from the concept art...just wondering

Thanks abriel

Abriael3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

No, not a RPG, it's just a branching thriller adventure. It also has stealth parts apparently, and whether you get detected or not changes the outcome of the story. They also say they have some new kind of revolutionary QTE I have no idea about (no matter how I think about it, I can't come up with many ideas on how to make QTEs different, but hey, I'm no game developer).

And it's done in Unreal Engine 4.

gamerfan09093681d ago

You lost me at QTE and QD. I'll wait til footage drops.

Spotie3681d ago

You were lost to begin with, gamerfan; this isn't an Xbox game.

user56695103681d ago

Sounds interesting. Gotta keep an eye on this what's the story about Sony seem like they keep the best writers. They must be using theirovie resourses to their benefit. On some kinda of scope of QD is a move I want to see more of consoles . Than again I want consoles to do mores genre of PC and bring new thing to the table in vice versa . Forget all the be gfx talk.

GeofferyPeterson3681d ago

Got it. So it's like Heavy Rain, or Beyond: Two Souls. Sweet.

DonMingos3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )


God, I hate the stealth trolling of fanboys who pretend to play multi-consoles. You are the most annoying kind of fanboy.

Just a short look at comment history

"Killzone gameplay is generic",

"games like journey should not outscore games like watchdogs",

"You lost me at QTE and QD",

"David Cage is a bad writer and QD games have bad gameplay"

"The Dualshock 3 and the N64 ones were the worst controlers ever",

"The Vita is dead and sony do not support it's hardware unless it sells a lot".

"Titanfal plays way better on Xbox one Azurre than on PC servers"

"PS3 early games had a lot of problems worst than resolution, the multiplatforms were hardly playable"

"The Wii U is a very flawed console".

"There are a lot of PS4 in stock at wallmart now, but you shouldn't buy them, just wait till there are cheaper ones at Ebay".

"Uncharted is an Indiana Jones Rip Of"

"No Man's Sky won't move consoles"

"RAD are just using the whole " 30fps makes things more cinematic" card to hide the flaws of the system they're developing for"

"Forza Horizon 2 will be hard to top, only The crew is on it's league"

"VR is dead on arrival tech"

You're not fooling anyone, except for maybe yourself, if you believe you're not a fanboy. And let me get you a hint, it's not a Nintendo or Sony one

irepbtown3680d ago

A bit about the game, I'll give you the link from where I got it afterwards.

Russian Developer Dinosaurum Games recently announced the development of a new PS4 exclusive game, Without Memory, set for release in 2016.
The game, currently in the concept phase, will be an “interactive thriller” based on Unreal Engine 4.
The story follows an ordinary girl that wakes up in a forest with no memories left. The player’s decisions will influence the plot, and there will be “tens of endings".

The title will be semi-open world and the point of view will be third person, while the touch pad of the DualShock 4 will be used to select actions. PS4 exclusivity was chosen in order to best use the capabilities of the console and “make a breakthrough in graphics and animation.”

And here's the link: http://www.dualshockers.com...

UltraNova3679d ago

Is it me or Dualshockers is among the few sites left worth visiting lately? I find their pieces pretty interesting and they make a decent effort of avoiding click bait articles.

Keep it up guys nice work.

A fan.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3679d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3681d ago


Do you honestly believe that?

Lawboy23681d ago

U mean what abrial said

sho0ok3681d ago

@Spotie we all know that PlayStation games are full of QTEs.
Last of US
God of War
Heavy Rain
The Order
Shall I keep going? On the other side,
Ryse is the only game with some sort of QTEs. Nothing against qtes ofc the only game I didn't enjoy from the list was God of war.

DonMingos3681d ago

Halo 4
Gears of war
Dead Rising 3

these games also have QTE, so why no mention them?

Don't get this "QTE are bad" ting, it's a game designer choise and is often used to increase immersion in the set pieces and cinematic scenes

sho0ok3680d ago

@DonMingos I played the three games you mentioned and I don't recall any of them have QTEs. Maybe...and maybe couple of scenes but that hardly considered qte game on the level of God of war or uncharted.

kenshiro1003680d ago

You trolls can't help yourselves, can you? I guess Ryse didn't have QTE's as well?

Oh, right, you're bashing Sony. I see now.

sho0ok3679d ago

@kenshiro100 hey dummy can't you read, see my previous comment I mentioned that Ryse has QTE. Also no one is bashing Sony where did you get that stupid!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3679d ago
Wingsfan243681d ago

Didn't know the game was THAT early in development. Will be a good long while before we see it. Cool to see in such early production though.

Abriael3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

It's been in active development for exactly five weeks now. Game's release will be in 2016, so yeah, it's gonna be two years. There's a teaser coming at GDC Europe.

TimeSkipLuffy3681d ago

2016 is just a date. Games can be a development for 10 years... when it will be released we know for sure when we can buy it :D

DigitalRaptor3681d ago

That's lovely to know.

GDC has always been E3 - part 2 for Sony so I'm hyped.

Drunken-Master3680d ago

I don't really understand why you keep getting disagreed...I guess it's because you know what you're talking about. So in going with the information and sense you're talking, you have a bubble from me.

Sevir3681d ago

They'll be at Gamescon and presenting at Sony's Show. So it should interesting to get a first look at the game then.

mmc-0073681d ago

why are so many games using the Unreal engine? is it cheap to license?

Abriael3681d ago

It's mostly because of support AFAIK, due to how widespread it is, it's compatible with basically every middleware. If I'm not wrong it also comes packaged with a few ones for free, like Speedtree.

modesign3681d ago

lol just stick with its cheap and easy to use.

KwietStorm_BLM3681d ago

Games have been licensing the Unreal engine for many years. Epic doesn't eve need to make games, and they're still paid. The engine has a lot of the work already done for you, and it is highly customizable. But Yea it's used like a $2 wh...

LightDiego3681d ago

I thought this game was about dinosaurs with amnesia.

aerisbueller3681d ago

Without Memory : The XBox One GPU Story

Sevir3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

😭 😩 😭 I don't really co-sign trolling but this one made me laugh!

younglj013681d ago

Wow that came from nowhere deadly body shot...

"shots fired out of epicness"

KwietStorm_BLM3681d ago

That was the most unnecessary and hilarious comment this site has ever seen.

Hanuman3680d ago

You made me laugh, funny you!

irepbtown3680d ago

I am done. This is just too funny.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3680d ago
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PlayStation 4 Project Without Memory Development Frozen

Realizing that the project is too ambitious for them, indie studio Dino Games freezes the development of their PS4 game for an unspecified time.

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ApocalypseShadow2035d ago

Definitely Quantic Dreams like. But the script writing is sub par. Voice acting is robotic.

There's potential though but it definitely needs more work.

ClayRules20122035d ago

That’s a bummer. I really liked the ideas behind this games story etc... I’m curious to see what their new game is.

Maybe Without Memory will see the light of day on PS5?

MrSec842035d ago

Shame, the concept seemed interesting, but the game videos they showed didn't look great.

I honestly don't know anything about anything this studio has worked on, they should have worked on something less ambitious to begin with and worked their way up to this.

I'll check out their next game if they release footage, but I don't have any faith in this developer.


PS4 Exclusive Thriller Without Memory Returns from Limbo With New Trailer and Screenshots

Remember Without Memory by the Russian studio Dinosaurum Games? The development team went silent for almost exactly a year, but now they’re back with a new trailer and new screenshots. Apparently, they are currently looking for a publisher, without which the project probably won’t be completed. Incidentally, the studio has also been renamed “Dino Games.”

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S2Killinit2789d ago

Its interesting. And Im a sucker for future utopean society stories.

Abriael2789d ago

Best thing is the tie-shaped collar in the uniforms lol.

S2Killinit2789d ago (Edited 2789d ago )

Haha yeah. The details matter.

On a side note: was watching Equilibrium this weekend.

G20WLY2788d ago

I like the concept too. Seems it plays out a bit like Heavy Rain, which is no bad thing!

I hope they take a look at the lip syncing though, that'll drive me mad if it stays like this. Guessing it's synced to a foreign language as of now.

uth112789d ago

What a difference from the first trailer! Glass this game isn't dead after all

Chris0922788d ago

I hope they find a publisher!


PS4 Exclusive And Psychological Thriller Without Memory Confirmed To Be In Development

It will be interesting to see how much the game has changed since its original announcement.

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2986d ago Replies(1)
kenwonobi2986d ago (Edited 2986d ago )

My type of game. I love Until Dawn, Heavy Rain, Detroit types of games. Idk if this falls into that category. I just love that type of story as well.

gameseveryday2986d ago

Well, not sure how much has changed now but the original vision of the game was to deliver a Quantim Dream games like experience.

politicoreach2986d ago

I agree, the title seems to bleed Beyond Two Souls. It's a new breed of titles duly christened hyper-dream-state-simulators.

Yui_Suzumiya2985d ago

Yeah, I've been following Without Memory since it was first announced years ago. Worried it was likely scrapped after that subpar trailer that was shown a couple years back. Happy I was wrong and hopefully it'll be shown at E3.

Relientk772986d ago

Oh! its this game


I hope they put alot of work into it and it looks better now, because when they showed it off it looked pretty bad

gameseveryday2986d ago

I heard at some point that Sony was publishing this game? I may be wrong though.

Yui_Suzumiya2985d ago

Independent.. they're only interested in publishing it on the PS4 though.

S2Killinit2986d ago

Looking forward to Playstation's E3

gameseveryday2986d ago

I am pretty sure this game won't be at Sony's press conference (with all respect to the game).

SynestheticRoar2986d ago

Another exclusive that looks F-ing sweet.

gangsta_red2986d ago ShowReplies(11)
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